The Cold War Begins
The Allies had worked together in peace throughout WWII but events took a turn for the worst when it ended. Due to poor communication and dissagreements the relationships between Western nations and the Soviet Union went downhill -
Truman Doctrine
The Truman Doctrine was written by President Harry S. Truman himself. It was a pledge to help stop the spread of communism through economic and military contribution. Hundreds of millions of dollars were sent to Greece and Turkey to aid them during the cold war. -
Berlin Arilift
Soviet military blocked any available land, rail, and water routes to West Berlin to prevent a democratic government from being formed. This blockade prevented 2 million citizens from obtaining impoted goods. Western leaders organised the Berlin Airlift to provide supplies to the citizens and eventually forcing the Soviet union to call off the blockade. -
NATO & Warshaw Pact
After the Berlin Airlift the United States, Canada, and most Western European contries organized a military alliance known as NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). Later The Soviet Union, and the communists countries or East Europe formed an alliance names the Warshaw Pact. -
Nuclear Arms Race
The Nuclear Arms Race was a back and forth race between the United States and Soviet Union. One country would invent one weapon then the other country would invent another such as the United States' inventions of the hydrogen bomb, the Soviet Union's invention of the first recorded artificial satellite "Sputnik", and both countries nuclear advances. -
North Korea & South Korea
After the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to temporarily split Korea in half, the Soviet Union created a Communist government in North Korea and The U.S. established a non-communism government. North Korea attacked South Korea in June 1950 to try to convert Korea into one whole communist country and the U.S. aided the South and China aided the North. After the War was over, not much progress was made. -
Cuban Missle Crisis
For two weeks the U.S. and Soviet Union had a standoff regarding Soviet placed missles in Cuba. The Soviet Union agreed to remove their missles from Cuba if the U.S. removed their missles from Turkey and pledged not to attack Cuba. -
Berlin Wall Falls
Near the closing of the Cold War the border between Austria and Hungary resulting in a flow of East Berlin into Weat Berlin. To reduce this flood of people, the gate between East Berlin and West Berlin (the Berlin Wall) were opend, causing exited citizens to tear down the wall that split the country. -
Soviet Break Up
After the Berlin Wall was demolished, the Soviet Union slowley crumbled. Soviet power depleated and the nation as a whole was bound to fail. -
Soviet Union Collapse
Out of all the 15 republics that made up the Soviet Union, one by one each wanted their freedom. Each republic declared their independance until the Soviet Union ceased to exist. It had collapsed and there was no way to revive the government, it's time was over.