Axis Powers
Powers in World War II that opposed the Allies. Axis powers consisted of Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, Facist Italy as the strongest and main members. -
Frisbee was invented and developed into a popular hobby -
Allied Powers
The Allied powers consisted of Britain, Poland, and the Brittish Commenwealth as the main powers. They opposed the Axis and wear the "Anti-Germany" side of world war II. -
Dairy Queen
Very popular fast foods and frozen treats chain. -
Skateboarding is first developed into a popular Friday -
Truman Plan
International policy that stated the U.S. would assist Greece and Turkey to prevent them from falling under soviet rule. Signed by Harry Truman, U.S. president. -
Marshall Plan
American plan to aid Europe and the destruction of their cities and economy after World War II -
Berlin Airlift
Western Allies supplied food and fuel to the citizens of west Berlin during the time of the Berlin Blockade. -
Berlin Blockade
The Soviet Union blocked the western Allies' railway to Berlin. First major national crisis of post World War II and first major act of the Cold War -
Korean War
War between the Republic of Korea and the United Nations. Was a result of the division of Korea. -
Domino Theory
The theory developed by the United States that if one Nation became a communism that the surrounding nations would as well. -
26th Ammendment
Gave 18 year olds the right to vote -
Vietnam War
War fought between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. The United states supported and aided South Vietnam. While the peoples republic of China supported North Vietnam. -
Peace Corp
Established by President Kennedy to promote world peace and help countries that need it. -
OPEC stands for the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. They are the oil cartel of the world. They play a big part in the world's economy. -
Bay of Pigs
American invasion of Cuba in which the mission was to overthrow Fidel Castro. This invasion was unsuccessful. -
Great Leap Forward
The economic and social campaign of the Communist China -
Taco Bell
Taco Bell west mex food chain is established -
Very popular sportswear and equipment. -
Gatorade was invented. Sport drink that replenishes electrolytes lost in sweat. -
First Superbowl
The first superbowl was a held as a championship of the Nation Football League -
Tet Offensive
This was a military campaign that took place during the Vietnam War. Procedure to cease fire during the Tet Lunar New Year celebrations. Communists launched an attack on Jan. 30th, 1968, which was the first day of Tet. -
Apollo 11
Movie starring Tom Hanks is about this historical expedition to the Moon -
Husker Championship
Huskers win their first of five national championships. -
Hacky Sack
Hacky Sack was first developed as a popular hobby -
Scandolus event in which Richard Nixon was caught spying on the Democrat party while they were having a meeting at the Watergate appartment complex. -
1972 Olympics
Olympics held in West Germany. Germany took the opportunity of hosting the games to present a new, and optimistic Germany to the world. Because of it's recent past Germany was frowned upon as a nation and they wanted to rid themselves of the poor reputation. -
Bill gates creates microsoft and in home computers. -
Longboarding is first invented and developed into a popular hobby similar to skateboarding. -
Famous technolgy developing company -
Camp David Accords
These were documents signed by Egyptian Pesident Anwar Es Sadat, Jimmy Carter, and Menachem Begin at the White House in the United States. It led directly to the treaty between Egypt and Israel. -
1980 U.S. Hockey Team
Composed of only college players that beat the undefeated soviet union -
Perestroika Glasnost
Policy for the United States and the Soviet Union to be more open with each other. -
Iran Hostage situation
When Iran took U.S. hostages from the embassy and released them right before Reagan started his term. -
Ayatollah Khomeini
He was an Iranian religous leader and politician. He led the 1979 Iranian Revolution which resulted in the overthrow of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, which also resulted in Khomeini becoming Supreme Leader of Iran. -
Tiananmen Square Masacre
Leaders who ordered military law on unarmed civilians in Tiananmen Square in China. The government attacked defensless people. -
North American Free Trad Agreement. Signed by canada Mexico and the United States -
The desegregation of South Africa. The popular movie "Invictus", starring Matt Damon and Morgan Freeman is based on true events involving the Apartheid. -
My Birth
Sam O'Brien is born in Omaha, Nebraska -
Very popular search engine Google is invented and developed.