
cold war time line by Carson Grego

  • Yalta conference

    Yalta conference
    The conference was held by the united states, united kingdom, and soviet union to discuss the postwar reorganization of Germany and Europe. it also allowed France to join in the postwar reorganization and for Germany to take some of the second world war repercussions.
  • Potsdam conference

    Potsdam conference
    the Potsdam conference was a conference held to negotiate the end of world war 2. it was held by joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill and Harriet Truman was held in Potsdam, Germany.
  • Truman doctrine

    Truman doctrine
    It was a American foreign policy that said to protect democrat's from authoritarian threats. It goal was to counter the growth of the soviet bloc during the cold war.
  • the berlin blockade

    the berlin blockade
    The berlin blockade was a blockade by the soviet union to limit the ability's of the united states, France and great Britain. The soviet union did this so the city of berlin join the soviet union.
  • creation of NATO

    creation of NATO
    the creation of NATO made by the united states, Canada and several European nation to provide each other protection from the soviet union. it was one of the first military alliance outside the western hemisphere.
  • Cuban revolutions

    Cuban revolutions
    It was a armed uprising to overthrow the Cuban government of Fulgencio Batista. it was started by Fidel Castro because he was unhappy with the treatment of the people, corruption and lack of justice in the system.
  • the creation of the Warsaw pact

    the creation of the Warsaw pact
    The Warsaw pact was an alliance between the soviet union and several eastern countries. they created it as a response to the creation of NATO.
  • space race

    space race
    It was a race between the Russian between United states to see who can get in to space first. it was raced because to see which one of the super powers had the superior superior against each other.
  • Vietnam war

    Vietnam war
    it was a conflict fought in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia with the north Vietnam vs the south Vietnam. the north Vietnam was supported by the communist and the south was supported by the united states.
  • Suez crisis

    Suez crisis
    the Suez crisis was a invasion of Egypt by Britain, France and Israeli to control the Suez canal. it highlighted Britain's decline status and showed the world Britain becoming a second world power.
  • bay of pigs invasion

    bay of pigs invasion
    the bay of pigs was an invasion of Cuban exiles into the south coast of Cuba. it became a failed invasion because the exiles only had 1400 while the Cubans had 20,000 soldiers and were better equipped to deal with the invasion against the exiles.
  • berlin crisis of 1961

    berlin crisis of 1961
    it started when the east Germany government supported by soviet union, started sealing any arteries off leading to west berlin. they pulled up train tracks and roads, and erected barriers to prevent the east Germans from escaping to the west.
  • Cuban missile crisis

    Cuban missile crisis
    this was the closest the world got to nuclear war between the two superpowers. it started when the united states put a blockade around Cuba because they found out the soviets were putting nuclear missile on Cuba. the soviet put them their because of the American nuclear missile in Italy and turkey.
  • soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia

    soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia
    The soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia was done by the Russians because to crack done on reformist in Prague. though it halted the reform in Czechoslovakia, it led to the unity in a communist block.
  • fall of the berlin wlll

    fall of the berlin wlll
    the fall of the berlin wall was the first step towards the unifications of Germany. it started because a German spokesman said that they will free travel for the berlin wall. and the spokesman failed to also say that the berlin wall will still have some regulations in place.