cold war time line

  • Red scare

    Red scare
    normal people began to become over paranoid of whom they new as to communism was on the rise in America and if caught guilty or not you would be taken by the government. the impact this had was nobody felt like they could trust anyone. they constantly were looking over their shoulder looking for a communist or the government accusing them of being a communist.
  • Marshall plan

    Marshall plan
    U.S. program providing aid to Western Europe following the devastation of World War II.This was in efforts to boost these destroyed countries to ally with them and prevent other nations from stepping in and enforcing communism.
  • Berlin Blockade and Airlift

    Berlin Blockade and Airlift
    was a circuit of people aiding berlin in their crisis in world war 2 by hosting thousands of flights full of supplies to them as well as crashing over a hundred flights in the process. This is what the people of Berlin needed so desperately. This supports allowed them to live on during these difficult times.
  • The North Atlantic Treaty Organization

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    military alliance between 30 European and North American countries. This created the presence of a real world power. With this alliance no single or small group of countries could stand against a militaristic power like this one.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    was a war between the north and south sides of Korea that started as border clashes till the north invaded the south and unofficially ended in armistice in 1953. This effected the United States immensely, we ended up stepping into the war to try and prevent communism and wasting a lot of military power gaining a lot of pushback from the public.
  • Dien bien phu

    Dien bien phu
    Was War that was fought for a short 5 days between the French Union's French Far East Expeditionary Corps and Viet Minh communist revolutionaries. Historically the first Indochina war to start a conflict between two groups that may have been short but stemmed on in later battles.
  • Geneva Peace Accords

    Geneva Peace Accords
    Took place in Geneva, Switzerland when officials met to settle disputes after Korean and Indochina conflict. Finally settled the conflict between these nations restoring peace to the battle grounds.
  • Bay of pigs

    Bay of pigs
    Cuban exiles who opposed Fidel Castro's Cuban Revolution launched an invasion on the bat of pigs that ended up failing. Had no impacts except shutting down the hopes of this thrown together militia.
  • Berlin wall

    Berlin wall
  • Cuban Missile crisis

    Cuban Missile crisis
    Was a Military standoff between the US and the Soviets for 13 days long with nuclear missiles at the ready. were some of the first real moment of fear of being nuked on US territory.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    in efforts to keep the peace in southeast Asia president Johnson was given permission to take any measures necessary for that to happen with this resolution. Johnson administration went on to use the resolution as a pretext to begin heavy bombing of North Vietnam in early 1965 and to introduce U.S. combat troops in March 1965.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    aggravated north Vietnamese soldiers launched a series of attacks on over a hundred cities and outposts trying to loosen the involvement of the United States in the Vietnamese war. Due to the strong efforts of these soldiers the US lost many soldiers and was forces to draft kids out of high school into the war.
  • my lai massacre

    my lai massacre
    Unarmed South Vietnamese civilians by U.S. troops in Sơn Tịnh District, this conveys a prime example of some of the things U.S soldiers were forced to do. Led to Soldiers good and bad to be rideculed at home after the war when word spread of the murders committed by the US soldier.
  • Kent State University shooting

    Kent State University shooting
    Also known as the May 4th massacre where 4 people were killed and 9 others were injured. was the start to school shooting culture in my opinion because of how publicized it was for being a terrorist attacks and it wasn't a common idea before then to go into a school with a loaded gun.
  • Pentagon Papers

    Pentagon Papers
    contained secrets about the Vietnam War with the bombings of nearby Cambodia and Laos, coastal raids on North Vietnam, and Marine Corps attacks. This lead to a lot of controversy and distrust of the public to the government.
  • Paris peace accords

    Paris peace accords
    Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Viet Nam. Allowed many of scared soldiers to go home to some harsh and some good environments but ultimately allowed peace and the stop to communism in that region
  • War Powers Act

    War Powers Act
    Put a limitation on the presidents power making it illegal to engage in conflict without the U.S congress's consent. This is something that still effects us in this day by limiting the power of a current and president elected in the future. who knows what could have happened or will happen if Biden, Trump, or Obama didn't have limitations on their levels of militaristic power.
  • Fall of Saigon

    Fall of Saigon
    the people rose up with the Viet congs and fought together to take over the capital of Vietnam, Saigon. led to an imbalance of power after the military was finally overcome and their capital was taken. this allowed them to move forward in their march.