The battle of great britain
Hitler wanted to take down his most biggest threat and it was great britain. the Nazi planes droped bombs all night hopeing that britains government would give in but they didnt. later the british invented the code breaker so now they can know where the bombers come from thus the british had the upper hand and pushed the Nazis back this was known as the battle of great britain. -
The Axis Powers
Germany Italy and Japan signed the Tripartite pact and becme the axis powers.moa, HItler, Mussolini three of these men are dictators of their nation. -
Invasion of the Soviet Union
The Axis Powers broke the non aggression pact and invaded the Soviet Union. But as germany`s forces moved in they out of range of their supplie lines and on top of that winter was coming. Hitlers forces were not prepared for the harsh environment that the soviets had lived in. -
Japan attacks pearl Harbor
The Japanese attacked the U.S. naval base near hawii. and wiped out all americans in there luckly there were 2 battle ships intact and left a day before the attack. -
The Battle of Midway
the battle of midway was a battle between the Americans and the Japanese. the Americans made a major advancement to their navy they got code breaking so no aircraft ambushes would be effective. thus the Americans won this battle against the japanese. -
U.S. drops an atomic bomb on the japanese city of hiroshima
The U.S. grew frietend of the japanese mentality of fighting to the death. They knew that the war in the pacific would take another 5 years. So they treid a bomb they have been testing its disturctive power is like no other bomb so they used it on two japanese cities hiroshima and nagasaki. -
The iron curtain
the division of berlin. -
War for Israeli Independence
The United Nations decide to Partition Palistine. The UN told british to withdraw from the region to make a jewish state and a arab state. -
The berlin airlift
the soviets refused to allow american and british officials let Russia have more say in germany`s economy. Thus the soviets holded up west berlin as hostage threating them that the civilians will starve. Then the U.S. president orderd planes to fly over west berlin and drop supplies and so these went on for a whole year. -
NATO is an organization to help one another if being threatend by communism. this organization also aided other counteys and defend against the spread of communism. -
The war saw pact was an organization that rivald NATO. -
The Suez Crisis
Egypts president nesser nationalized the suez canal so that he has full power over the passway and he will block it. britain tryed to stop this by joining up with france and Israeli to attack the egyptions and take over the water way. -
Six Day War
president nesser orders all international troops to leave. Also blocks Israeli ships in the gulf of Aqaba. The UN try but fail to secure peace and reopen the gulf. -
camp david arccords
Egyption and Israeli leaders come to camp david with president carter to dicuss a peace agreement. on which egypt will have full controll on the sinai pensila -
Israeli invades Labonan
israeli invades Labonan comering on PLO and syrain troops.the US intervens and brings the west european troopa to help the evacuation of syrain and PLO.