Led SU throughout WWII
HS-pushed communism -
very populus.
HS-vietnam war -
Iron Curtain
Historic name for the line that seperated Democratic West from Communist East
HS-Created the Nato and Warsaw Pact -
Period: to
The United nations
The Worlds largest international organization that lives on today.
HS-replaced the league of nations -
Truman Doctrine
US would support Greece and Turkey with economic aid
HS-Start of the cold war -
European Economic Community
Chateau de la Muette in Paris, France. Part of the Marshall Plan
HS- economic alliance -
Berlin Airlift
The Berlin Airlift was more that 2.3 million tons of cargo that was dropped by plain into West Berlin.
HS-show SU that US was not backing down -
Marshall plan
gaurenteed economic aid to countries that agreed not to fall to communism -
Peoples Republic of China
The worlds most populated country.
HS-still set up today -
Korean War
War that seperated south Korea (Democratic) from North Korea (Communist) -
Ho Chi Minh
Vietname Communist Revolutionary leader
HS-Led the Viatnamese nationalist movement for 30+ years -
Responsible for the de-stalinization.
HS-Didnt press the button to set of the nuclear bombs. -
Explosion of the first hydogen bomb
HS-Revolutionized war -
acted as internl seurity,inteligence, and secre police. Considered a military servive like the soviet army.
HS- to protect the SU -
Geneva Accords
Conference to Unify Vietnam
HS- Beggining of the Viatnam war -
First artficial Earth satalite
HS-began the race for space -
Warsaw Pact
Alliance between comunist countries
HS=commnist defence system -
Suez Canal
HS-ended britains time as a superpower -
Berlin Wall Erected
Seperated Communist East Germany from West Germany.
HS- Most symbolic European peice of the Cold War -
Cuban Missile Crisis
13 days of american horror that SU had nucs located in Cuba
HS-Could have ruined the US -
Period: to
Tet Offensive
Viet cong and North Vietnam against South Vetnam, The US
HS- suprise attacks -
Russian Invasion of Afghanistan
US aided bilions of dollars to Afghanistan -
Helsinki accords
Finalact of the Conference of on Security and Co-Operation in Europe -
Iranian hostage Crisis
52 Americans held hostage in Iran -
Moscow Olympics
65 countries did not show
HS - no one came -
Los Angelos Olympics
Communist contries did not come -
System of colltive defence
HS- US defence system -
End of the USSR
First big communist nation to fall -
Peresroika and Glasnost
Gorbachev's watchwords for the renovation of the Soviet body politic and society that he pursued -
Mikhail Gorbachev
First and last president of SU
HS-Relaed communism in russia -
Nuclear Powerplant spill in russia
HS-Worst Nuclear Accident of all time -
Tiananmen Square
started with Tiananmen Square Massavre
HS- exposed a weekness in chinas leadership -
Berlin Wall Torn Down
The destruction of the Berlin Wall -
Lech Walesa and the Solidarity Movement in Poland
President of Poland
HS=He co-found Solidarity, the Soviets first indepent trade union -
End of The USSR
Borris Yetsin
First President of the Russian Federation -
Period: to
Has been reelected as Russian president