Period: to
Cold War Era
Potsdam conference begins in Germany
Egypt and Syria warn that the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine will lead to war.
U.S. Military establish government of Syngman Rhee in South Korea.
Georgi Dimitrov and the Fatherland Front win general election in Bulgaria.
General George C. Marshall announces the Marshall Plan.
United Nations General Assembly call for elections in Korea.
Chaim Weizmann becomes president of Israel.
Democratic People's Republic established in North Korea.
North Atlantic Treaty is founded to provide opposition to the Soviet Union.
Communist forces in China capture Nanjing.
Harry Truman orders the development of the hydrogen bomb.
Chinese and North Korean troops capture Seoul.
Winston Churchill announces that Britain has an atomic bomb.
Lavrenti Beria executed in the Soviet Union.
The United States tests a hydrogen bomb in the Marshall Islands.
Civil War breaks out in South Vietnam between supporters of Ngo Dinh Diem and Bo Dai.
74 people are killed during political protests in Poland.
The Soviet Union appeals to the United States and Britain to cease nuclear testing.
The Soviet Union demands that all foreign troops should be withdrawn from Berlin.
The United Nations decide not to intervene in the independence struggle in Algeria.
United states ends all aid to Cuba
Nikita Khrushchev and John F. Kennedy hold summit meeting in Vienna.
John F. Kennedy orders an end to all trade with Cuba.
John F. Kennedy visits West Berlin.
John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Texas.
United States aircraft bomb North Vietnam for the first time.
Australia decides to send troops to South Vietnam.
United States government admit to using chemical weapons in North Vietnam.
The Soviet Union celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Russian Revolution.
Josip Tito condemns Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia.
Richard Nixon promises to remove all US troops from South Vietnam.
Richard Nixon announces withdrawal of a further 150,000 US troops from South Vietnam.
Richard Nixon announces he plans to withdraw 100,000 US troops from South Vietnam.
United States and the Soviet Union sign agreement at the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.
The last of the US troops leave Vietnam.
India becomes the world's sixth nuclear power.
Saigon is captured by North Vietnamese forces.
Jimmy Carter defeats Gerald Ford in presidential elections.
The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization is dissolved.
Vietnam begins a full-scale invasion of Cambodia.
Soviet troops invade Afghanistan.
The dissent physicist Andrey Sakharov is sent into exile.
General Wojciech Jaruzelski becomes prime minister of Poland.
European Community imposes economic sanctions on Argentina.
Ronald Reagan declares his support for the Nicaraguan Contras.
Andrey Sakharov begins a hunger strike.
Mikhail Gorbachev announces a moratorium on Soviet missile deployments in Europe.
Soviet and Israeli leaders hold talks to discuss the treatment of Jews in the Soviet Union.
Mikhail Gorbachev offers to dismantle all short and medium range nuclear missiles.
Mikhail Gorbachev announces the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.
The governments of the United States and the Soviet Union announce the end of the Cold War.
Lithuania becomes independent
Boris Yeltsin elected as President of Russia
Germany reunited
The communist party of the Soviet Union itself lost control and was banned following an abortive coup attempt
The dissolution of the Soviet Union
End of Soviet Union and the Cold War Ends