Joseph Stalin
Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union during World War II and at the beginning of the Cold War. He set the stage for the Cold War and is known for paving the way for future communist leaders and those who fight against communism. -
Period: to
Cold War
The Cold War and all things involved -
Iron Curtain
This was the border or “curtain” separating communist countries that were controlled by Russia from other European countries. This was significant because it kept Europe divided and continued the spread of Communism. -
United Nations
The United Nations is a collection of nations that come together to protect others and help each other in times of crisis. This is significant because it was initially meant to combat Communism all around the world, and reason for Vietnam and Korean War. -
Truman Doctrine
The Truman Doctrine is a foreign deal that said the United States would get take action if any crisis took place in the Mediterranean area. This was significant because it was the first real action the U.S. took to show the world that they would take action against Communist forces if need be. -
Marshall Plan
This was the plan set up by the U.S. in order to help Europe recover from WWII without breaking any treaty. This was significant because itn made the alliances stronger. -
European Economic Cooperation
This was a program that emergered from the Marshall Plan meant to help the nations in Europe recover economically. This was significant because they made individualized governments and appreciate the interdependence of their economies -
Berlin Airlift
This was when the U.S. would fly supplies into West Berlin to keep the people alive. This was required because Stalin kept a blockade on Western Berlin. This is significant because it showed that the U.S. was persistent and would not give up in the war against communism. -
North Atlantic Treaty Organizagtion
This organization is a group of nations that have come together to have peace and help each other and countries in trouble in the fight against injustice and communism. This is important because it unified the Western countries and prevented the spread of communism. -
People's Republic of China
The perople's republic is the communist country of China. It is significant because it gave Communism a large lead in the Domino effect. It also made the Western Countries worry about the spread and condition of the surrounding areas. -
Ho Chi Mihn
He was the leader of the North Vietnamese during the Vietnam War. He was significant because he upheld Communism in his area. He also caused distress by going to war with the U.S. -
Explosion of first hydrogen bomb
This was the test of the first hydrogen bomb. This bomb was significantly more destructive than the nuclear bomb. It was significant because it made the people making weapons aware of the damage that could be done and made people more cautious. -
He was the premier of Russia during the Cold War. He was significant because of the reforms that he put into action to take Rusdsia out of the era of Stalin. -
Geneva Accords
This was a meeting to try and make peace in Vietnam and in all of Indochina. This was significant because it was a step in the mission to stop communism. -
This was the Russian version of the CIA . It was significant because it dealt with Russia's security and spy organization. -
Warsaw Pact
This was the Communist form of Nato. It made the other countries harder to separate from the Soviets. -
Suez Canal/Nasser
Had to do with a conflict between Egypt and other united countries. This was important because the relationships in that area of the country were weakened with Western countries. -
This was the first object launched into space that could orbit the Earth. This was launched by the Soviet Union causing tension and leading to a "Space Race" between the Soviet Union and western countries. -
Berlin Wall is Erected
The Berlin Wall is a wall that divided the communist East Berlin, which was controlled by East Germany, from the Democratic West Berlin that was controlled by the U.S. and other democratic countires. This is significant because it built tensions between the U.S. and communism even more. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
GThis is when tensions were hightened when the Sovietes put missiles in Cuba, very near the United States. This was significant because it made another push for the countries to lower the tension and get things sorted out. -
Korean War
This was a war between communist North Korea and South Korea who was trying to fight against communism, and their allies including the United States. This was significant because it was another fight against communism and push back for the comino affect. -
Brezhnev was the leader of the Central Commitee of the Soviet Union during most of the Cold War. He was significant because he heightened the Soviet Union's military power, and pushed for peace and easing of tension. -
Tet Offensive
This was an attack by the Vietnamese against South Korea and it's allies. This was significant because it was the first real alliance shown by communists, showing that fight against communism may become more difficult. -
Helsinki Accords
This was a conference that was to finalize the EEC and also include some of the Communist satilite countries. This was significant because it was another effort to ease the tensions surrounding communism, and it was yet another failure. -
Irinian Hostage Crisis
This was when a group of students in Iran that were apart of a revolution and attacked the American Embassy in Iran and held the people inside hostage for 444 days. This was significant because there was nothing Americans could do anout it and many rescue attempts failed, showing American weakness, -
Russian Invasion of Afghanistan
This is when Soviets, also known as the Taliban, invaded Afghanistan and fought the Mujahideen and forced their twisted version of Islam on the people of Afghanistan. This is significant because it was another communist movement but it was one that was not helped for many years, and they are back in power today. -
Moscow Olympics
This was when a Summer Olympics was held in Russia, a communist country. It was significant because it was boycotted by America and other democratic countries because of their cruelty in Afghanistan. -
Los Angeles Olymipics
This was when the Olympics were held in Los Angeles. This was sinificant because Russia and other communist countries boycotted and refused to be involved and heightened tensions between communism and democracy. -
End of the USSR
Due to a failing economy, the new leader of the USSR changed the policies, this sparked a revolution that led to the end of the USSR. This is significant because it finally led the way to easing of some tensions and the end of the Cold War. -
This was a nuclear reactor that exploded making the surrounding area unavailable due to high levels of radiation. This event was significant because it led to safety reforms and more caution surrounding nuclear devices. -
Perrstrokia and Glasnot
This was the political platform Gorbachev ran on. It was important because it impacted the organization and the way the country ran for a long period of time. -
Tiananmen Square
This is a large city square in the center of Bejing, China. There were many protests that were held here until the government ruled the protests a "counterrevolutionary riot" which led to a a Massacre by the government on June 4th. Significant because it struck fear into Chinese people, who are still communist. -
Berlin Wall torn down
This was when the Berlin Wall was finally destroyed by people from all over that came with their own tools to knock down the wall as a symbol of freedom. This is significant because it shows an advance in the fight against communism in Russia. -
Gorbachev's made reforms & went to summit conferences with US President Ronald Reagan and his other reorganization techniques contributed to the end of the Cold War, made Russia not a superpower of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union. -
Lech Walesa and the Solidarity Movement in Poland
Lech Walesa was the second president of Poland. The Solidarity Movement was significant because it made Poland one of the first nations to get rid of communism because of the Warsaw Pact. -
Boris Yeltsin was the first president of Russia, made significant reforms. This is significant because is further eased the tensions between the U.S. and Russia after the Cold War. -
Vladimir Putin is the current president of Russia. He is significant because he is credited for Russia's return to political stability.