cold war major events

  • FDR, churchill, and stalin all control eastern europe.

    causes the start of the cold war
  • victory in europe.

    Germany surenders to red army
  • little boy

    the U.S. drops the little boy on Hiroshima
  • russia v japan

    russia declares war on japan
  • fat man

    U.S. drops fat man on Nagasaki
  • surrender

    japan surrenders. end of WWII
  • Stalin hosts a speech

    he clims that communism capitalism are "incompatible"
  • Truman demands Russia leave Iran

  • Operation Crossroads with Test Able

    First demonstration of the US atomic arsenal
  • America's Test Baker - under water explosion

  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman declares active role in Greek Civil War
  • Marshall Plan is announced setting a precedent for helping countries combat poverty, disease and malnutrition

  • communist takeover

    Communist takeover in Czechoslovakia
  • Brussels Pact

    was created to protect europe from comunism
  • Blockade

    berlin Blockade starts and lasts for 11 months.
  • NATO

    NATO ratified
  • Blockade ends

    the berlin blocade ends.
  • atomic bomb

    russia tests atomic bomb
  • Mao Zedong takes china.

    Communist Mao Zedong takes control of China and establishes the People's Republic of China
  • Truman approved H-bomb development

  • Joe McCarthy begins Communist witch hunt and loyalty tests

  • Korean War begins. Stalin supports North Korea who invade South Korea equipped with Soviet weapons

  • Federal Civil Defense Administration established

  • A-bomb

    britin develoups an A-bmb
  • Arms race

    nuclear arms race test 11 explosions
  • H-bomb

    H-bomb testing
  • WarSaw

    WarSaw as formed
  • Controll of Egypt

    Suez Crisis began with Israeli attack led by Moshe Dayan against Egyptian forces in the Sinai. Egypt took control of Suez Canal
  • A-bomb

    A-bomb develouped in france
  • Berlin border

    Berlin border was closed
  • Nuclear ban

    Nuclear Test Ban Treaty ratified
  • A-bomb

    china develoups A-bomb
  • Pueblo captured

    North Korea captured U.S.S. Pueblo
  • Cease fire

    Cease fire in Vietnam between North Vietnam and United States
  • South Vietnam defeated

    North Vietnam defeats South Vietnam which falls to Communist forces
  • Soviet and Cuban forces help to install Communist government in Angola.

  • U.S. and China establish diplomatic relations.

  • Soviet forces invade Afghanistan

  • President Reagan proposes Strategic Defence Initiative

  • U.S. troops invades and overthrows regime in Grenada

  • President Reagan and Gorbachev resolve to remove all intermediate nuclear missiles from Europe

  • Reagan and Gorbachev agree to remove all medium and short-range nuclear missiles

  • Communist governments fall in Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, and Rumania

  • Boris Yeltsin elected as President of Russia

  • End of Soviet Union and the Cold War Ends