FDR, churchill, and stalin all control eastern europe.
causes the start of the cold war -
victory in europe.
Germany surenders to red army -
little boy
the U.S. drops the little boy on Hiroshima -
russia v japan
russia declares war on japan -
fat man
U.S. drops fat man on Nagasaki -
japan surrenders. end of WWII -
Stalin hosts a speech
he clims that communism capitalism are "incompatible" -
Truman demands Russia leave Iran
Operation Crossroads with Test Able
First demonstration of the US atomic arsenal -
America's Test Baker - under water explosion
Truman Doctrine
Truman declares active role in Greek Civil War -
Marshall Plan is announced setting a precedent for helping countries combat poverty, disease and malnutrition
communist takeover
Communist takeover in Czechoslovakia -
Brussels Pact
was created to protect europe from comunism -
berlin Blockade starts and lasts for 11 months. -
NATO ratified -
Blockade ends
the berlin blocade ends. -
atomic bomb
russia tests atomic bomb -
Mao Zedong takes china.
Communist Mao Zedong takes control of China and establishes the People's Republic of China -
Truman approved H-bomb development
Joe McCarthy begins Communist witch hunt and loyalty tests
Korean War begins. Stalin supports North Korea who invade South Korea equipped with Soviet weapons
Federal Civil Defense Administration established
britin develoups an A-bmb -
Arms race
nuclear arms race test 11 explosions -
H-bomb testing -
WarSaw as formed -
Controll of Egypt
Suez Crisis began with Israeli attack led by Moshe Dayan against Egyptian forces in the Sinai. Egypt took control of Suez Canal -
A-bomb develouped in france -
Berlin border
Berlin border was closed -
Nuclear ban
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty ratified -
china develoups A-bomb -
Pueblo captured
North Korea captured U.S.S. Pueblo -
Cease fire
Cease fire in Vietnam between North Vietnam and United States -
South Vietnam defeated
North Vietnam defeats South Vietnam which falls to Communist forces -
Soviet and Cuban forces help to install Communist government in Angola.
U.S. and China establish diplomatic relations.
Soviet forces invade Afghanistan
President Reagan proposes Strategic Defence Initiative
U.S. troops invades and overthrows regime in Grenada
President Reagan and Gorbachev resolve to remove all intermediate nuclear missiles from Europe
Reagan and Gorbachev agree to remove all medium and short-range nuclear missiles
Communist governments fall in Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, and Rumania
Boris Yeltsin elected as President of Russia
End of Soviet Union and the Cold War Ends