Cold War Key Events By Carron and Kellie

  • Period: to

    Cold War

    The Cold War was a political and military tension between the United States and the Soviet Union.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    At the end of the second World War, it was an attempt to end failed West Berlin Blockade.
  • NATO Forms

    NATO Forms
    Following the Marshall Plan, a recovery program for the economic system, Possible communist expansion prompted the formation of NATO, Northi Atlantic Treaty Organization, in western European nations. The Soviet Union and eastern European nations fromed the Warsaw Pact.
  • Korean War Starts

    Korean War Starts
    North Korea poured acroos the 38th parallel and fought the south, however, all the fighting ended up back at the 38th parallel so it wasn't a total loss because communism was contained.
  • US H-Bomb

    US H-Bomb
    US released the first ever hydrogen bomb giving an advantage to the US for war but the following year the Soviet Union had the same bomb.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    Collective defense treaty among Soviet Union and 7 Soviet satellite states in Central and Eastern Europe.
  • Soviets launch Sputnik

    Soviets launch Sputnik
    The Soviets successfully launch Sputnik beginning the Space Race.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was a wall that was put up between East and West Berlin.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    13 day stand off enacting a naval blockade around Cuba to prove the US is perpared to use military force to nuetralized the possible threat of national security.
  • SALT I agreement is signed

    SALT I agreement is signed
    Strategic Arms Limitation Talks was a meeting with the Soviet Union to discuss limiting of offensive and defensive strategic systems. Detente is the easing of hostility or strained relations, especially between countries.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev comes to power

    Mikhail Gorbachev comes to power
    Mikhail Gorbachev was the president of the Soviet Union between 1990-1991. He made efforts to democratize the political system, Perestoika, and decentralize its ecomony which lead to the downfall
  • Major arms control agreement is reached

    Major arms control agreement is reached
    A treaty between the US and the Soviet Union deciding they do not want nuclear weapons used becasuet hey can cause devestation.
  • Iron Curtain begins to crumble n Europe

    Iron Curtain begins to crumble n Europe
    Physical and Ideological barrier put up by the Soviet Union after World War II to seal itself off from noncommunist areas.
  • Soviet Union Collapses

    Soviet Union Collapses
    Christmas Day, the Soviet Union the Soviet Flag flew over the Kremlin for the last time. Eleven Soviet Republics met and announced they would no longer be part of the Soviet Union.
  • European Union Established

    European Union Established
    Eurpoean Union is a politico-Economic Union of 28 states located primarily in Europe. Founded by France, Belgium, Luxanburg, Italy, Netherlands and Germany.
  • Al Qaeda attacked the United States

    Al Qaeda attacked the United States
    Al Qaeda attacks the Twin Towers in New York City leaving the US in perile.
  • United States invaded Iraq

    United States invaded Iraq
    The United States invaded Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein and try to stop the terrorist attacks.