Cold War History

  • End of WW2

    End of WW2
    Germany and Italy surrenderd after the allies liberated europe. Japan surrenderd shortly after the use of the atomic bombs. Ended the bloodiest conflict in human history.
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    A intergovernment organization created to promote international peace and cooperation among nations. The world did not want to see another global conflict after destruction of WW2
  • Iron Curtain Speech

    Iron Curtain Speech
    Winston Churchill gave this speech to address the growing concerns of Soviet influence in east europe. Several "sattelite" countires fell under communist control after the war.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    The United States proclaimed they would help any democracy under threat by communism. They would provide either military, economic, or political help.
  • Berlin Airlift/ Blockade begins

    Berlin Airlift/ Blockade begins
    The Soviet Union closed all access into and out of East Berlin. Leaving thosands of germans starving. The united states responded by dropping supplies by air. Became the first international inccident of the cold war
  • Marshal Plan

    Marshal Plan
    An act passed by congress to provide econmic aid and restoration of post WW2 europe. Rebuilding the european economy was vital to the united states and the rest of the world.
  • NATO

    The north atlantic treaty alliance is a peace keeping organization signed by the United States and it's European allies. It assured that an attack on one nation would result in a response from all. Safe guard against Russian aggresion.
  • Berlin Airlift/ Blockade ends

    Berlin Airlift/ Blockade ends
    After 11 monthes of constant urging by NATO. The Soviet Union lifted the blockade. NATO lifted the embargos on easten block exports but tension remained high.
  • USSR's first atomic bomb test

    USSR's first atomic bomb test
    The Soviet Union created succesfully replicated the United States fatman atomic bomb. This came as a huge supprise to the U.S and struck fear into the heart of many americans. There was now to atomic super powers in the world.
  • Chinese Civil War ends

    Chinese Civil War ends
    The war was between the loyalist government led by Chiang Kai- Sheik and the rebel communist party led by Mao Zedong. The communist won and set up the second largest communist country in the world, The People's Republic of China.
  • Korean War Begins

    Korean War Begins
    North Korea invades South Korea. The United States intervines and sends troops to Korea.
  • Hydrogen Bomb

    Hydrogen Bomb
    The United States created the worlds first thermonuclear weopen based on nuclear fisson. This was 1,000 times more powerful then the original atomic bomb. Considerebly speeding up the arms race.
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower becomes president

    Dwight D. Eisenhower becomes president
    The former five star general of WW2 was elected by a landlside into office and was president until 1961. He was a strong supporter of communist containment and excellent mlitary leader.
  • Death of Joseph Stalin

    Death of Joseph Stalin
    The Soviet Dictator died of a massive hard attack in Dacha Russia. The end of his reign was a sign of relief to many, both inside and out of Russia. He was replaced by Nikita Kruschev who denounced his legacy.
  • Korean War Ends

    Korean War Ends
    The communist led north invaded the democratic south. The United States deployed military force and drove the communist out. China intervenined and pushed the U.S back to the 38 degree paralell. A truce was signed making that new border of North and South Korea.

    The south east asia treaty organization was a defense pact similar to NATO in purpose. Members included United States, France, Great Britain, New Zealand, Phillipines, and Pakistan.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    A politcal and military alliance between the Soviet Union and several east european countries. The alliance included eight communist countries total. Warsaw was
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    North Vietnam and the NVA fight a gurella war against the U.S and non-communist forces in the south. The Viet Cong's goal was to unify Vietnam under communism. The war contined untill U.S troops pulled out in 1975.
  • Eisenhower Doctrine

    Eisenhower Doctrine
    President Eisenhower gave a speech proclaiming that any country in the middle east facing armed agression from another country can ask for economic or military aid from the U.S. The speech was made in response to the USSR's attempt to enter Eygpt.
  • Sputnik

    The first artifical satellite put into obrbit was launched by the USSR. It was a polished metal sphere 58 cm in diameter with four external radio antennas. This was a huge victory for the Soviets in the space race.
  • Fidel Castro comes to power

    Fidel Castro comes to power
    Fidel Castro became prime minister of Cuba after organizing a socialist revolution against the dictator Fulgencio Batista. Castro used gurella warfare to force Batista into exile.
  • U-2 Incident

    U-2 Incident
    Francis Powers, a CIA pilot, was shot down over Russia while flying the U-2 spy plane. The U.S tried to cover up it up but the Russians captured the pilot and seized photos of military bases. This escalated the deterioration of Soviet relations.
  • JFK becomes president

    JFK becomes president
    John F. Kennedy became the youngest man to be elected president in the history of the united states. He narrowly beat the republican canidate RIchard Nixon.
  • Mutually Assured Destruction Plan

    Mutually Assured Destruction Plan
    A doctrine of military strategy and national security policy in which a full-scale use of high-yield weapons of mass destruction by two or more opposing sides would cause the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    The CIA trained a gurella army of Cuban exiles to recapture Cuba from Fidel Castro. The 1,400 man army was trained in Guatemala. The U.S denied any involvement. The invasion failed and was a disaster.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    After the failed bay of pigs invasion. Cuba requested nuclear missiles from the USSR. The U.S quickly found out and began a naval blockade of Cuba and demanded the weopens to be dismantled and returned. Tense negotiations lasted for 13 days.
  • JFK Asasination

    JFK Asasination
    President Kennedy was shot by a sniper while driving through a parade in Dallas, Texas. The assasin was Lee Harvy Oswald, who acted alone. He was shot by a would be "vigilante" before he went to court.
  • Lyndon Johnson Becomes president

    Lyndon Johnson Becomes president
    After JFK was assasinated vice president Johnson assumed the position of the 36th president of the United States. He was known for escalating U.S involvemnt in the Vietnam War. A very contreverial and protested war at the time.
  • NASA's first moon landing

    NASA's first moon landing
    The United States was the first country to put a man on the man, officially winning the space race. Astronauts Neil Armstrong , Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins touched down on the lunar surface.
  • Richard Nixon becomes president

    Richard Nixon becomes president
    Richard Nixon served as president for almost two terms. However, the watergate scandel ruined Nixon's name. On July 17, 1972 the DNC headquarters was broken into and important documents were stolen.
  • SALT

    The United States and Soviet Union arms race had reached a critical point. Both had begun the develpment of missle defence systems (ABMs). The strategic arms limitaton treaty called for the gradual reduction of arms and cease any futher develpments.
  • Gerald Ford

    Gerald Ford
    Vice Presidend Ford assumed the position of 38th president after Richard Nixon resigned. He stated " I assume the presidency under extrordinary circumstances". The watergate scadel certainly was an extrodinary event.
  • James Carter becomes president

    James Carter becomes president
    James Carter was Naval Academy graduate who activiely served for 7 years before enteing politics. He continued the SALT negotiations and helped improve relations with the USSR and China.
  • USSR invades Afghanistan

    USSR invades Afghanistan
    The Soviet Union "interveined" in the Afghan civil war by sending thousands of troops and tanks. The invasion was condemed by nearly all of the world and caused quite a disturbance at the UN. It would take years of resistance for the Soviets to leave.
  • U.S decides to boycott Olympics

    U.S decides to boycott Olympics
    The United States was outraged over the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afhgnistan. In response, president Carter announced there would be a boycott of the Moscow olympics. The Soviets did not withdrawl and the boycott was continued.
  • Miracle on Ice

    Miracle on Ice
    The United States hockey team was made up of collage kids and amatures. Nobody thought they would stand a chance against the hardend profesionals of the USSR national team. They pulled off a miracle and defeated the six time returning champions.
  • Ronald Reagan Becomes President

    Ronald Reagan Becomes President
    The republican canidate won both the nominaion and general election by a landslide against Jimmy Carter. Reagan was best known for "reaganomics". Which included cutting taxs and deregulating the economy. Reagan also survived an attempted asasination.
  • Berlin Wall falls

    Berlin Wall falls
    The wall was built in 1961 and stood for nearly 30 years. It was a defining symbol of the cold war. West and East Berlin was finnally reunited and people from both sides celebrated

    The strategic defence initiative was a research program designed to create a national anti-ballistic missle system. In case of a nuclear attack from another nation, specificly the Soviet Union. A big step up from the original MAD plan. Supposely the U.S had sattelites that could fire lasers to destroy incoming ICBMs.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev

    Mikhail Gorbachev
    Gorbachev succeded Konstantin Chernenko after his death. Gorbachev was the first Soviet leader to actively pursue better relations with the U.S. He implemented democratic practices to the Russian political system.
  • USSR leaves Afghanistan

    USSR leaves Afghanistan
    After eight years of bloody Soviet occupation neither side won control of the region. Gorbachev saw the war as a drain to the ecomomy and knew the russsian people was tired of war. The event marked the start to the end of the cold war.
  • George Bush Sr Becomes President

    George Bush Sr Becomes President
    George Bush Sr was the republican canidate who became the 41st president of the United States. Bush was a former directer of the CIA and senator from Texas. Bush was head of the military operations in Panama and the Persian Gulf.
  • Tiananmen Square Massacre

    Tiananmen Square Massacre
    A large demostration of protesters gathered in Bejing ,China. Most of the protesters consisted of young students fighting for democracy. The protest was brutally put down by troops armed with assault rifles and tanks. The total casualties are unknown, some estamate in the thousands.
  • Boris Yeltsin comes to power

    Boris Yeltsin comes to power
    After the collapse of the Soviet Union Boris Yeltsin became Mikhail Gorbachevs biggest polical opposition. Boris was elected in the first truely democratic election in Russia. As the leader of the new Russian Federation, Boris ceased all tensions with the west and ended the cold war.
  • Fall of Soviet Union

    Fall of Soviet Union
    After years of ecomonic and politcal instability the USSR began to disolve. Many of the eastern sattelite countries demanded autonomy and a majority of the population demaded a more democratic government. It all began when Mikhail Gorbachev established a minor freedom of speech. Effectlively unleashing tension that had been suppresed for decades.
  • Citations

    Website Title: Wikipedia
    Publisher: Wikimedia Foundation
    Date Accessed: April 22, 2015 Website Title:
    Article Title:
    Publisher: A&E Television Networks
    Date Accessed: April 22, 2015 Website Title: American Heroes Channel Homepage Comments
    Article Title: Homepage
    Electronically Published: April 07, 2014
    Date Accessed: April 22, 2015