Cold War Final Timetoast

  • End of WW2

    End of WW2
    The Axis powers eventually surrendured. This happened May 8th 1945. Allies decided to accept the surrender of Germany. After this all took place, Hitler commited sucicide. VE (Victory in Europe day) was the day that everyone celebrated the end of the World War.
  • Communist coup in Czechoslovakia

    Communist coup in Czechoslovakia
    This event took place February 21-25. On this day Communists took power in Czechoslovakia. They took control of the government.
  • Civil Rights Movement

    Civil Rights Movement
    People wanted Civil Rights durring the Cold War. This occured in 1950. African Amerian peole wanted equal rights.
  • West Germany joins NATO

    West Germany joins NATO
    This was a group for Soviet expansion in Europe. This was the Final step in integrating that nation into the defense system of Western Europe.
  • The Soviet Union Launches Sputnik

    The Soviet Union Launches Sputnik
    This event happened on October 4, 1957. It was one of the worlds first satelites. This satelite orbited the Earth. The Soviet Union won this race.
  • Einshowever, The Lebanon Crisis

    Einshowever, The Lebanon Crisis
    The Lebanon Crisis. July 15, 1958 – October 25, 1958. This was caused by religious and political tensions. This soon had to include the US military.
  • Cuban Revolution & Batista falls from power

    Cuban Revolution & Batista falls from power
    Fulgencio Batista flees the nation. Soon Castros revolution started happening. The United States supported it.

    This event occured on the first of May 1960. During the presidency of Eisenhower. This eneded up being a spy incident. The plane was American, and the Soviet Union shot it down.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    Basically it was a political and military stand off. This event lasted 13 days. The Soviet Union was comming close to the United States with missiles.
  • Washington-Moscow Hot Line established

    Washington-Moscow Hot Line established
    This hotline as established because it would let the president communicate to the prime minister of the Soviet Union.
  • “Six-Day War” in Middle East

    “Six-Day War” in Middle East
    This event occured on June 5, 1967 – June 10, 1967. This war could have been also known as the June war. It was between the Arab and Isreal. They were fighting over terrirory.
  • Détente

    Détente was a treat and Arms Control.This was signed in Europe. It basically said that the two countries would be in peace with one another.
  • The Fall of the Saigon

    The Fall of the Saigon
    This was the end of the Vietnam started a transition period leading to the formal reunification of Vietnam under communist rule.war.This happened on April 30th 1975.
  • Death of Mao;

    Death of Mao;
    Chinese Communist revolutionary and the founding father of the People's Republic of China. He died September 9, 1976, in Beijing, China
  • Carter administration

    Carter administration
    This was when Carter became president. Carter substantial changes in the conduct of U.S. foreign policy
  • U.S. troops sent to Lebanon

    U.S. troops sent to Lebanon
    14,000 American soldiers were sent to Lebanon to fight, by Eisenhower.The US foreign policy was in perspective.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev becomes leader of the Soviet Union

    Mikhail Gorbachev becomes leader of the Soviet Union
    Mikhail Gorbachev becomes leader of the Soviet Union, and continues to do all of the things the Soviet Union was doing before.
  • North Atlantic Peace Treaty

    North Atlantic Peace Treaty
    the United States and Russia both signed this peace treaty so they would not go in to war with one another they wanted to remain neutral.
  • End of Cold War

    End of Cold War
    the Iron curtain was soon lifted and then the nations came to a truce, and everything was fine.
  • Fall of the Soviet Union

    Fall of the Soviet Union
    h event happened in December of 1991.This happened because of totalitarinism and disagreeement within the nation. It was soon to be seperated into 15 parts.
  • Communist leaders elected in Poland and Hungary

     Communist leaders elected in Poland and Hungary
    This resulted in the end of communist rule in the Communist states of Central and Eastern Europe
  • Poland and Hungary apply for membership in European Union

    Poland and Hungary apply for membership in European Union
    This caused an enlargement in the European nation, and caused all of the nations to become one.