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Cold War

  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    Potsdam Conference started July 17 to August 2, 1945, it was intended by Truman, Churchill and Stalin, but where was France. The leaders discussed the peace settlement for Europe, but no treaty. The main Issue was the control of Germany and Battle against Japan. While in Potsdam The U.S. told Soviet about the Atom bomb.On July 26, 1945 an ultimatum was issued from the conference demanding Japan to surrender,
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    Potsdam Conference 2

    but after Japan reject the ultimatum, United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This all happen because the war was ending and they needed a plan. Germany had four occupied zones, allied countries could take reparations from the zone they occupied. Poland was given a part of Germany and the last conference where everyone was able to work together division between Soviet and United States(“Potsdam Conference.")
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan was between Western and Southern European, this occurred because the U.S. sponsoned a program designed to rehabilitate the economics of 17 western or southern European countries in order to create stable conditions in which democratic institutions could survive. Marshall advanced the idea of European self-help program to be financed by the U.S. The United States congress authorized the establishment of the European recovery program Later on Soviet Union
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    withdrew followed by other Eastern European nations. The program was very successful, western european countries involved experienced a rise in their gross national products. The plan contributed greatly to the rapid renewal of the western European chemical, engineering, and steel industries. Truman extended the Marshall Plan to less-developed countries throughout the world under the Point Four Program, initiated in 1949 (“The Marshall Plan”).
  • The Berlin Airlift

    The Berlin Airlift
    The Berlin Airlift started on June 24, 1948, when Soviet forces blockaded rail, road, and water access to Allied-controlled areas of Berlin. The United States and United Kingdom responded by airlifting food and fuel to Berlin from allied airbase in Western Germany. The Berlin Crisis of 1948–1949 solidified the division of Europe. Shortly before the end of the blockade, the Western Allies created the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
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    The incident solidified the demarcation between East and West in Europe; it was one of the few places on earth that U.S. and Soviet armed forces stood face-to-face. It also transformed Berlin, once equated with Prussian militarism and Nazism, into a symbol of democracy and freedom in the fight against Communism (“The Berlin Airlift”).
  • The North Atlantic Treaty Organization

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    The North Atlantic Treaty organization is a political and military alliance between the United States, Canada, and numerous European. Established in 1949 as a defense against Soviet Union and its Eastern European allies, NATO changed its membership and its goals following the breakup of Soviet Union in 1991. In 1955 the most populous nation of Western Europe admitted to NATO, which Soviet Union was alarmed by and created the Warsaw Pact. The United States were
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    withdrawal from NATO’s integrated military force. The United States and the Soviet Union sent large amounts of military aid to opposing forces in Central America, Africa, and other regions to fund civil wars. The Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev allowed for greater economic and political freedom in the Soviet bloc, and anti-Soviet independence movements gained strength. The Berlin Wall fell in 1989, and a reunited Germany joined NATO in 1990.
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    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization 3

    .The governments of several Warsaw Pact countries fell or reorganized along non-Communist principles, changing the political and military balance between eastern and western Europe. In July 1990, at the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, NATO and Warsaw Pact leaders signed a major arms-control treaty and declared that they were no longer adversaries (“North Atlantic Treaty Organization”).
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    North Korea, South Korea, United States and China battled over Communism from July 1950 to July 1953. North Korea attacked South Ward across 38th Par attacked Southward across 38th parallel which calls the United States to call for an immediate ceasefire and the withdrawal of North Korea from South Korea. Security council urged U.S. members to assist South Korea
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    resolutions to passed because Soviet Union was boycotting, this happened because they wanted to know if it would become Communist or not. South Korea it is allies advanced into the North Korean, Chinese troops entered war with South Korea and began second invasion. The war took lives of about 1,300,000 South Koreans, 1,000,000 Chinese, 500,000 North Koreans, and 37,000 Americans (“Korean War”).
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam war was between United States, South Vietnam and North Vietnam. Diem imprisoned and killed hundreds of Buddhists. In August 1964 the North Vietnamese attacked a U.S. warship in a waterway called the Gulf of Tonkin. Afterward the U.S. Congress gave President Lyndon B. Johnson the power to expand the U.S. role in the war.In February 1968, during a Vietnamese holiday called Tet, the Communists attacked about 30 cities in South Vietnam. U.S. and South Vietnamese troops attacked
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    North Vietnamese and Viet Cong hiding places in Cambodia and Laos. In January 1973 North and South Vietnam, the Viet Cong, and the United States signed an agreement to stop fighting. The Vietnam war occur because North Vietnam wanted to reunite the country under communism. More than 1.3 million Vietnamese soldiers and about 58,000 U.S. troops were killed.
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    More than 2 million civilians also died. South Vietnamese army fall apart quickly after that, communists had won. In 1976 they combined North and South Vietnam into one country, called Vietnam. They made Hanoi the capital (“Vietnam War”).
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    The North Atlantic Treaty was signed May 14, 1955 by Soviet Union, Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania. The Treaty was Renewed for 10 years in 1975 and for 20 more in 1985. It was dissolved on July 1, 1991. The leader need to strengthen the hold of the soviet union over its Eastern European satellites.
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    This happen because Soviet Union wanted to establish a strong defense alliance against and potential military or economic threats from the West. In November 1990 Warsaw Pact and NATO leaders declared that they were no longer adversaries,” ending the cold war(“Warsaw Pact.”).
  • Hungarian Revolution

    Hungarian Revolution
    The Hungarian Revolution started basics on a speech by Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev in which he attacked the period of Joseph Stalin’s rule. Hungary broke out into active fighting and the rebels won the first revolution.
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    Imre Nagy became premier agreed to establish a multiparty system declared Hungarian neutrality and appeals to the United Nation Soviet Union later on invaded Hungary to stop the revolution. Nagy was executed for treason and Stalinist-type domination and exploitation and did not return. Hungary experienced a slow evolution toward some internal autonomy (“Hungarian Revolution”).
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
    The Suez Crisis provoked by American and British decision not to finance Egypt’s construction of the Aswan High Dam, for Egypt's growing ties with communist Czechoslovakia and Soviet Union.Nasser reacted to the Americans and British decision by declaring martial laws in canal zone and seizing control of the Suez Canal Company.
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    On October 29, 1956, 10 Israeli brigades invaded Egypt.The Suez Crisis started because Nasser nationalized the Suez canal, this cause regain shipping rights in the Straits of Tīrān and Britain and France lost most of their influence in the Middle East.("Suez Crisis.").
  • Space Race/Sputnik

    Space Race/Sputnik
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    Space Race/Sputnik

    Soviet Union launched earth’s first artificial satellites. United States and Soviet Union working to develop new technology. Eisenhower put additional funds in resources into space program. This happen because of new technology. United States work simultaneously to develop its ICBMs and U.S. successfully exploited the fear of a “missile gap” developing between U.S. and Soviet Union(“Sputnik”).
  • Cuban Missile

    Cuban Missile
    President Kennedy notified Americans about the preserve of the missiles and explained he'd decision.The disaster was avoided when the United States agreed to the Soviet leader Khrushchev’s offer to remove the Cuban missiles in exchange for the The US promising not to invade Cuba.
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    This happened because Khrushchev go was to increase his national nuclear strike capability. Americans and Soviets a had exchanged letters in other communication than everyone withdraw their missiles (“Cuban Missile Crisis”).
  • Perestroika

    The word perestroika translates “ restructuring”. It is associated with the program instituted in the Soviet Union by Mikhail Gorbachev. He intended it to be a program of moderate and controlled reform that would revitalize the stagnant.This Happen because he was seeking to bring the Soviet Union up to economic par with capitalist countries (perestroika").
  • Glasnost

    The word glasnost translates as “openness” refers to the Soviet Policy of open discussion of political and social issues. The policy was instituted by Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. Gorbachev launched glasnost, a program aimed at restructuring Soviet economic and political policy. The glasnost occurred because Soviet leader believe in believed that the opening up of the political system was the only way to overcome inertia in the
  • Glasnost 2

    Glasnost 2
    Soviet political and bureaucratic apparatus and he believed that the path to economic recovery for the Soviet Union required the inclusion of ordinary citizens in the political process.Glasnost dramatically enlarged individual freedom of expression in the country and the media had greater freedom to publish and editorials complaining of depressed conditions and of the Soviet government inability to correct them began to appear("glasnost").