Cold War

  • Separation of Germany

    Germany´s territories were split into 4 parts "allied occupation zones"
    Soviets took the eastern half and the other allies took the western half.
  • Arms race begins

    On July 16, 1945, the creation of the first atomic bomb came to fruition in the United States and was tested at Alamogordo, New Mexico at a site called "Trinity".

    In 1947 President Harry S. Truman authorized U.S. aid (The Truman Doctrine) to anti-Communist forces in Greece and Turkey.

    in January 1954, when U.S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles announced the policy that came to be known as "massive retaliation
  • Korean war

    Conflict among North (communist - USSR) and South (non-communist -US) Korea caused by the invasion from the North (advised and supplied by the Soviet Union) to the South given when the Korean communist army crossed the 38th parallel that separated the territories. The United Nations joined the war alongside South Korea ( The United States as a principal participant and Colombia as the only Latin American country involved (allies with the US) meanwhile China Joined in aid of North Korea.
  • End of Korean War

    The armed conflict ended with the signing of an armistice and the war resulted in the separation of Korea into 2 different countries.
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

    It was a war to prevent the unification of Vietnam under a communist government where the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North of Vietnam)participated against the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) with the support of the United States. In the United States, there was the Vietnam syndrome, for which the country lost it's the spirit of the united and winning nation ( Counter cultural movement)
  • First satelite

    Sputnik 1 is sent to space
  • First animal in space

    Laika the dog is sent to space
  • Berlin wall rose

    the communist government of the German Democratic Republic
    began to build a barbed wire and concrete "antifascist bulwark " between east and west Berlin.
    The purpose was to keep western "fascist" from entering East Germany and undermining the socialist state
  • end of arms race

    As a result of the challenge of "massive retaliation" came the most significant by-product of the Cold War, the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM).
    In October 1961, The Soviet Union detonated a nuclear device, estimated at 58 megatons, the equivalent of more than 50 million tons of TNT, or more than all the explosives used during World War II.
    The Tsar Bomba (King of the Bombs) is detonated after US and USSR agree to limit nuclear testing. the largest nuclear device ever exploded.
  • First human in space

    Yuri Gagarin, Russian cosmonaut
  • Period: to

    Cuban Misile Crisis

    The United States and the Soviet Union fought a hard fight due to the installation of nuclear-capable missiles in Cuba. It was one of the biggest crises between both powers during the Cold War. As a result, the enmity between the United States and the Soviet Union increases
  • First woman in space

    Valentina Tereshkova, Russian cosmonaut
  • Prague Spring

    (1968) Brief period (4 months) of liberalization given when Czechoslovakia ( under Alexander Dubček (first secretary of the Czechoslovak Communist Party on January 5th) ) broke free from the Soviet rule and allowed freedom of speech and expression, removed some state controls, rehabilitated victims of political purges during the Joseph Stalin era, etc. It ended when the Soviet armed forces invaded the country and hard-line communists retook power.
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    First human in the moon

    Neil Armstrong
    United States of America
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    End of space race

    Apollo - Soyuz mission
    USSR and USA astronauts meet in the space when both ships were assembled to do scientific research
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    Afganistan Invasion

    (December 1979) invasion from the Soviet Union troops to Afghanistan until mid-February 1989, given when the USSR intervened in a conflict (Afghan war) between the Afghan Communist government and the anti-communist Muslim Guerrillas.
  • Poland solidarity movement

    Solidarity was founded in September 1980, was forcibly suppressed by the Polish government in December 1981, and reemerged in 1989 to become the first opposition movement to participate in free elections in a Soviet-bloc nation since the 1940s.
  • Glasnost and Perestroika

    Perestroika refers to the reconstruction of the political and economic system established by the Communist Party. Politically, contested elections were introduced to reflect the democratic practices of Western society and allow citizens to have a slight say in government
    .The term “Glasnost” means “openness. Its goals were to include more people in the political process through freedom of expression. This led to a decreased censoring of the media
  • Berlin wall falls

    On November 9, 1989, as the Cold War began to thaw across Eastern Europe, the spokesman for East Berlin’s Communist Party announced a change in his city’s relations with the West. The wall came down
  • End of cold war

    USSR is disbanded, only one global power remains, Russia accepts capitalism