Cold War

By TeresaP
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    [Source](' ></a>) Yalta Conference foreshadows the Cold War-:U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin made an important decisions regarding the future progress of the war and the postwar world. The Allied leaders discussed the future of Germany, Eastern Europe and the United Nations.
  • Berlin Declaration

    Berlin Declaration
    [Source](<a></a>)At Berlin-Wendenschloss the 4 commanders, behalf their government, signed 3 documents referring to future dealings with vanquished and occupied Germany. First document, Berlin Declaration, the unconditional surrender of Germany and the assumption of supreme authority by the 4 victorious powers. Second, establishment of the Allied Control Council. Third, based on the territory of the German Reich.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    [](<a href=') ' >Source</a> The Potsdam Conference lasted until Aug. 2 1945. Stain, Clement Atlee (who had replaced Churchill as British Prime Minister), and Truman met to decide the fate of Germany and other occupied territories in Europe. All sides agreed to divide Germany and Austria into occupation zones and to dismantle most German industry, but disagreed over making Germany pay war reparations to the Soviets.
  • North Vietnam

    North Vietnam
    [Source](<a href='') ' >Source</a>Ho Chi Minh, independent of the (North Vietnam) Democratic Republic of Vietnam, on September 2, 1945, It give them the right to be FREE, achieve HAPPINESS and the right to LIFE. North Vietnam would of have become a new Republic with Western ties, and would have put tremendous pressure of the rest of the West to do the same thats only if Truman had agreed to do.
  • Iron Curtain Speech

    Iron Curtain Speech
    [Source](<a href='' )Churchill, was invited to Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri where he gave his speech. He primary purpose to between the United States and Great Britain for a even closer special relationship. Churchill advised was dealing with the Soviets "nothing they admire so muvh as strength, there is nothing for which they have less respect than for military weakness."
  • First Indochina War

    First Indochina War
    <ahref='' >Source</a> The First Indochina War was a really major conflict in the Asian region it was known as Indochina. General Vo Nguyen Giap was the Viet Minh's military leader during the First Indochina War. Other nations, felt that it wasn't a significant step towards Vietnamese independence thats why Vietnam was to remain as "puppet nation." Viet Minh, support the heavily on the ideas of nationalism in their fight for freedom,France.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    [Soucre](' ></a>) Generated a resurgence of European industrialization and brought extensive investment into the region. Argued that the export of dollars that was to Europe that kept United States to baclsliding into the depression of providing a market for the U.S. capital goods. From this the reorganization of European economy provided a more congenial for the evironment of American investment.
  • Containment Policy

    Containment Policy
    <ahref='' >Source</a>The issue of Foreign Affairs magazine, signed an X, it was proposed that the West was adopt a policy of "containment" at the Soviet Union.George Kennan was convinced that if the Soviet Union failed to expand then the social system will eventually break down. Because he set up the US embassy in Moscow which called the US to take steps to prevent Soviet. The Containment Policy had adopt 2 approaches: military & the other was economic.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    [' >Soucre](<a href='</a> The Berlin Blockade was called the wall which blocked another place. This blockade was the first major clash of the Cold War and it foreshadowed the future of Berlin. For at leadt 30 years thsi Blockade was a symbol of the Cold War.Which divide the Germany and Berlin to occupation zones.People who tried to get over the other side got killed and shot. About 5,000 escaped to freedoom.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    [Soucre](' ></a>) There part to do was to control and rebuild the city of Berlin. June the Soviets wasnt inform about the United States and British of the policymakers introduced the new Deutschmark to Bizonia and West Berlin. Most of the Western Allies were being in fear that the airlift and cede West Berlin.Gathered at the Reichstag to show their opposition to Soviet domination. The Berlin Airlift was proved successful in spring 1949.
  • NATO (North Atlantic Treaty)

    NATO (North Atlantic Treaty)
    <a href='' ></a> When it was signed the new Allies agreed to “an armed attack against one or more of them… shall be considered an attack against them all”. The Treaty was an important purpose but not just immediately germane to the threat for the attack. "While the signing of the North Atlantic Treatychad created Allies" but it didn't have a military structure that could of coordinate with the actions.
  • Soviet Union tests A-Bomb

    Soviet Union tests A-Bomb
    [Source](<a href='' )The first test boomb was at the Semipalationsk in Kazahstan in the USSR tha was successfully detonates code name "First Lightning." If the bomb had failed to detonate were honored which was "Heroes of Socialist Labor" & "The Order of Lenin" which was those who wuld been merely imprisoned were given. A German-born physiscist who was helping the US build the First Atomic Bombs, got arrested for passing nuclear secrects to the Soviets his name was Klaus Fuchs.
  • People’s Republic of China founded

    People’s Republic of China founded
    Source The leader Mao Zedong form Chinese Communist, declared the creation of the PRC. An announcement that ended the costly full-scale civil war between the Nationalist, CCP, & Kuomintang which were broken immediately was following. To the establishment of the new Chinese state was hampered by both domestic politics & the global tensions. To admimistration published the "China White Paper" of the Truman.
  • Korean War - American Involvement

    Korean War - American Involvement
    <a href='' ></a> The conflict stared by when the United Nations joined to support South Korea and the People Republic of China. But, this didn't really mean that it was only a ceasefire agreement, not a formal peace treaty for ending the war. Though the Korean War was a long-lasting consequences for entire region, it failed to unify the country, and the US achieved their larger goals. Was promoting NATO interest also defending Japan.
  • Second Red Scare

    Second Red Scare
    [Source](<a href='')The Red Scare was a over perceived threat posed by Communists in the US. This was a led to the range of actions that a profound & during effect on US govern. & society. The Americans also felt that the effects was personal level on the Red Scare & of alleged communist sympathizers saw their lives as a disrupted. It was a climate of fear & repression it began to ease, maenwhike the Red Scare had conutied to influenvce political debate in the decades since is an often cited.
  • Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
    [Socure](<a href='' ) Julius joined the Army Signal Corps and became a leader in the Young Communist League. Ethel became involved in labor disputes and joined the Young Communist League. "Probationer," had type notes containing US nuclear secrets these were soon turned over to Harry Gold. Which was turned over to Anatoly A. Yakovlev, that the Soviet vice consul in New York City. Both of them dead under the Section 2 of the Espionage Act.
  • Eisenhower Presidency

    Eisenhower Presidency
    <ahref='' >Soucre</a>Eisenhower pursued the moderate policies of "Modern Repulicanism," pointing out that "America is today the strongest, most influential, and most productive nation in the world." By the 1953 the siging of the truce brought an armed peace alnog the border of South Korea. The death of the Stalin caused shofts in relations with Russia which the new Russuan leaders consented to a peace treaty neutralizing Austria.
  • Nikita Khrushchev

    Nikita Khrushchev
    <ahref='' >Source</a>Khrushchev, first secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and in 1958 he was the premier of the Soviet Union who is the policy of de-Stalinization. His first wartime assessment was to industry as possible to the east as much of Ukraine's. Khrushchev fought to restore grain production and to distribute food supplies, against Stalins insistence because it was one of the worst in Ukraine's history.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    <a href='' ></a> Warsaw Treaty Organization was a political and military alliance established between the Soviet Union and several Eastern European countries. Was beset by problems related to the economic that slowdown in all Eastern European countries. Officially disbanded by the following dissolution of the Soviet Union in March and July of 1991.
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
    [Source](<a href='') There were 9 members of the UN Security Council sugnify support the resolution of the endorsing operation. Nasser the Egyptian President announced the nationalization of the Suez Canal Company about the following months of mounting political tensions between Egypt, France, & Britain. What the leader of Eglyptian resented to saw was the European efforts to perpetuate their colonial domination.
  • Sputnik

    [](<a href=')' What the Soviet Union did was successfully because they launched the first Sutinik 1. Fear, with new invesntion but the Soviets had gained the upper hand of the arms race. The technological powers was the only thing that could help the USSR, achieve closer economic and political relations with the third, Africa and Asia. By Jan. 31, 1958 the "space race" had begun.
  • Cuban Revolution

    Cuban Revolution
    [Source](<a href='' )Finally the ousted of Batista was replacing his regime with Castro's of revolutionary government. Later on the government, reformed along communist lines for becoming the present Communist Party of Cuba during Oct. 1965. In Jan. 2 the city of the military commander, Colonel Rubido ordered his soldiers not to fight. Fidel Castro was part of the large-scale attempt to cleanse teh security forces of Batista "loyalists & potential" opponents to the new revolutionary regime.
  • U2 Incident

    U2 Incident
    [Soucre]('' ) People thought that the Cold war was over, but what was left was an international diplomatic crisis erupted in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics that shot down an American U-2 spy plan. U-2 spy plane incident raised tensions between teh US & the Soviet. Eisenhower need to publicly admit that it was indeed a U.S. spy plane. Later, on the American U-2 spy plane has been shot down.
  • Kennedy Presidency

    Kennedy Presidency
    <ahref='' >Soucre</a>Kennedy set out a redeem to the campaign pledge to get America moving on again. The programs of economic launched to country on its longest sustained expansion during World War 2. For responding on more urgent demands he took action for the cause of equal rights which was called new civil rights legislation. By 1963, he contended both sides had a vital interest in stopping the spread of nuclear weapons & slowing the arm.
  • First Man in Space

    First Man in Space
    [Source](<a href=' first man in space was Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin who was aboard the Vostok 1. Not only that but, he became the first man to orbit the planet it was an accomplished. He got an awarded of the Order of Lenin & given the name Hero of the Soviet Union. Gagarin, a feat that eluded the US space program till Feb. 1962. Soviet Union had made another leap ahead "space race" thats were the flight of cosmonaut Gherman Titov was Vostok 2. During 1968, Gagarin was killed in a jet-aircraft test flight.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    [Source](<a href='<a href='')Kennedy didn't originally Bay of Pigs because it wasn't his idea. Around 1,200 exiles, armed with American weapons and using there landing craft which ashore at the Bay of Pigs at Cuba. This was a hope for them that the exile force would serve as a rallying point for the Cuban citisenry which rise up, at that time it overthrow Castro's government. "Yankee imperialists" used the attack to soliddity his power in Cuba and he requested assitional soviet military aid. He accept blame for the attacks.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    [Source](<a href='') For the next 28 years, the Berlin War was stood as the most tangible symbol that was literal "iron curtain" diving Eupore during the Cold War. By that time at leat 2,000 East Germans was crossing into the West every day. Most of all ws the loss of having a devastating effect on the East German economy. About thousands of East Germans that were captured got about 191 got killed. 1990, West & East were reunited.
  • SALT I

    SALT I
    <ahref='' ' >Source</a> The Cold War was a series of treatoes that issued under the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty that was to curtail & the build up of the nuclear weapons. It was known as the "talks between the U.S.S.R & the US Communist leader Leonid Brezhnev. He was the general of the secretary of Soviet Communist Party. On May 26 the same year of the treaty was finalized, know the 2 treaties signed were the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty.
  • JFK Assassination

    JFK Assassination
    [Source](<a href='')Kenneday was assassination while he was traveling through Dallas, Texas in a open-top convertible. On the next day of Nov. 23, President Johnson issued his first proclamation by declaring on the 25 of Nov. To be the day of national mourning for the slain president. Jack Ruby, features prominently in Kenndey-assassination theories, & many believe he killed Oswald to keep him from revealing a larger conspiracy.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    [Source](<a href='' )It was gave broad congressional approval for the expansion of the Vietnam War. In Aug. 4 he, response to one confirmed & one alleged incident between North Vietnames & US Naval vessels. Later on it passed as a joint resolution text that had beem prepared by admiistration. When the Tonkin information was incident then it available, many concluded that Johnson and his advisers had misled Congress.
  • Nixon Presidency

    Nixon Presidency
    <ahref='' >Source</a>His first goal was reconciliation that was set by Nixon. This was the Nation of painfully divided with the turbulence in the cities & war overseas. Nixon was a succeed because he ended the American fighting in Viet Nam. Another thing he did was that he improved the relations with the USSR & China. Accomplishments he did in the office was revenue sharing, end of the draft, broad environmental program & new anticrime laws. The justices of conservative philososphy to the Supreme Court,
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    <ahref='' >Source</a>On July 16, Neil A., Buzz A., & Michael C. was the three choice one to be on the moon. On Apollo 11 it was a go for the mission which was called Translunar Injection. While the first human foot on the moon he said,"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." Meanwhile saying it he had a flag of American and place it down on the moon. "We leace as we came &, God willing. as we shall return, with peace, & hope for all mankind" it was the last words of the Apollo mission.
  • Détente

    [Source](<a href='' )It means "release from tension" in French it was name given to a period of improved relation between the US & Soivet. Nixon’s trip to China was also heightened the Soviets’ interest in détente which was; given the growing antagonism between Russia and China, also Brezhnev had no wish to see his most potent rivals close ranks against him. The first United State president to visit Moscow was Nixon on May 22. Salt treaty was approved nt Congress after 3-years of agreement on the sale of grain.

    <ahref=''' >Source</a>In Vienna, Brezhnev & Presifent Jimmy finally signed the SALT II treaty in Jun. 18 1979. The SALT II was set more specific regualtions on the different missiles & limits were set by the number of strategic launchers. In each sides they couldn't have more than 2400 weapons. It was sent to the Senate to be ratified & also boluntarily being observed by the two sides, but was never ratified. After, it took place in Geneva that were known as START (Strategic Arms Reduction Talks).
  • Paris Peace Accords

    Paris Peace Accords
    SourceThey signed a "Agreement Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Viet" at Paris. It was part of the Saigon's of long-time refusal to recognize the Viet Cong a legitimate participant in the discussions to end the war. The US agreed to withdrawal of all US troops also advisors and dimantling of all US bases. Meanwhile the North Vietnamese also agreed to release all the US and other prisoners of war. So, both sides agrees to withdrawal all foreign troops from Laos & Cambodia.
  • Vietnam War - American Involvement

    Vietnam War - American Involvement
    [Source](<a href='') US government was the communism must be contained in Europe & Asia. If it didn't. accord to the Domino Theory then the communism would have jump from one nation to others. It was poorly controlled borders, low capacity for resisting communist, & weak govern which was the Domino Theory that relevant to Asia. The Americans had believed that their plans of the communism would spread further south to Vietnam, Laos or Malaya. They now hinged on 2 things: Diem-effective leader & Ho Chi Minh.
  • Fall of Saigon

    Fall of Saigon
    [Source](<a href='' ) Because the fall of the Saigon it maked the end of the Vietnam War. After Nixon, the US forces of South Vietnam had been reduced by leaving the military of South Vietnam to defend their country against the Noth. The city of Saigon didn't have no defence against the other country. The North Vietnamese tanks was smashed down to the gates at the Presidential Palace so it could accept the surrender of General Minh.
  • Korean Air Lines Flight 007

    Korean Air Lines Flight 007
    [Source](<a href='')The KAL was the last leg of a flight from New Yorky City from Seoul, with a stopover at Anchorage, Alaska. The plane flew off to a diffenet area & crossed into a Russian airspance which was over the Kamchatka Peninsula. The plane KAL 007 was hit and plummeted, found into the Sea o f Japan over 269 were killed.The KAL flight had been involved in activities with high ranking of Soviet military, The flight of KAL has been into a course that was close to one of the being by a US spy plane.
  • Reagan and Gorbachev meet

    Reagan and Gorbachev meet
    [Source](<a href='' )For the first time the United States and the Soviet Union was holdiong a summit conference. President Reagan and Soviet leader Gorbacev met at Geneva for produced no earth-shattering agreements. Soviet Union was to keep in with the president's often stated desire to bring the nuclear arms race under control. Meanwhile United States was often attack or the effective concerning communism. In order for both sides they made concessions to achieve agreement on a wide range of arms control issues.
  • “Tear Down This Wall” Speech

    “Tear Down This Wall” Speech
    <ahref='' >Source</a>Ronald Reagan was the one who wrote the speech at the Brandenburg Gate. In his speech he says,"Behind me stands a wall that encircles the free sectors of this city, part of a vast system of barriers that divides the entire continent of Europe.." It was time to see the other side of the world this wall couldn't be here for a lot of years. Another thing he said,"if you seek peace, if you seek liberalization." Come and open this gate and tear down this wall! So Mr.Gorbachev did so he did.
  • Tiananmen Square Massacre

    Tiananmen Square Massacre
    [Source](<a href='')During this the Chinese troops & the security police stormed through Tiananmen Square, by firing indiscriminately into the crowds of the protesters. Over the tens of thousands of young students tried to escape the rampaging Chinese forces, meanwhile others were fought back. By attacking troops & overturning also by settin g fire to the military vehicles. After the 3 weeks, the US Congress the impose economic sanctions against the PROC in respone to the brutal violation of human rights.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    [Source](<a href='' )Right when the Cold War began to thaw across Eastern Eurpoe, spokesman for East Berlin's Communist Party change his city's relations with the West. At midnight, the people who crossed the borders went to East & West Berlins saying "Tor auf!" meaning to "Open the gate". One of the greatest of the journalist wrote,"the grestest street party in the history of the world." East and West Germany was official made on Oct. 3 1990, of almost one year after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
  • Gulf War

    Gulf War
    <ahref='' >Source</a>The leader of Iraqi is Saddam Hussenin he accused that Kuwait & the United Arab Emirates of flooding the world of oil market. Kuwait was accsed for stealing oil, meanwhile the Rumaila oil field was ran beneath both countries & "economic war". The Iraq ignored all demands, but in response the coalition of UN forces began to builed immediately in Saudi Arabia. The American people & military, were helping to mend the wounds from the Vietnam War it was the Gulf who did the reunited for them.
  • Dissolution of the Soviet Union

    Dissolution of the Soviet Union
    [Source](<a href='') The collapse changed the world's geopolitical balance because it ended the tenure of the superpower. This meant that the end of the Cold War was between the Soviet Union and the United States. 11 Soviet republics met in the Kazakh city of Alma-Ata knowing that the would no longer be part of the Soviet Union. At a point they declared they would establish a Commonwealth of Independent States.