Cold War

  • [O] Iron curtain descends across Europe

    [O] Iron curtain descends across Europe
    In 1945 an "iron curtain" descended across Europe, diving the capitalism West and communism East. No communication or item exchange was allowed between the divided Europe.
  • [O] Berlin Airlift

    [O] Berlin Airlift
    To drive US away from Europe, Soviet Union landlocked West Germany to stop US from delivering aids to them. However, US found a way around by using planes and going by air.
  • Czechoslovakia becomes the last European country to become communist

    Czechoslovakia becomes the last European country to become communist
  • Creation of East and West Germany

    Creation of East and West Germany
  • China aids North Korea and force UN troops to retreat

    China aids North Korea and force UN troops to retreat
  • [O] North Korea invades South Korea

    [O] North Korea invades South Korea
    In 1945 Korea was divided into a communist North and capitalist South. There was great tension, and a war finally started in 1950. China and Soviet Union supported North Korea, while United Nations supported South Korea.
  • [O] Korean War ends with cease fire

    [O] Korean War ends with cease fire
    In 1953 the war between North and South Korea ended with a cease fire. The country still remain divided as a communist North and a capitalist South.
  • Stalin dies

    Stalin dies
  • Soviets crush a revolt in Hungary

    Soviets crush a revolt in Hungary
  • France lose the Battle of Bien Bien Phu and pull out of Indochina

    France lose the Battle of Bien Bien Phu and pull out of Indochina
  • Nikita Khrushchev becomes Soviet Premier

    Nikita Khrushchev becomes Soviet Premier
  • [O] Tet Offensive occurs

    [O] Tet Offensive occurs
    Tet Offensive was an important part of the Vietnam War. It happened during the Vietnam New Year, which is how it got its name. It was a raid by the US to Vietnam and continued for a month.
  • [O] Sputnik I was launched

    [O] Sputnik I was launched
    Sputnik I was the first artificial Earth satellite, launched by Soviet Union. At that time, US always considered itself the country with the most advanced technology, so they panicked when Soviet Union became the first one to launch a satellite. Many countries thought Sputnik I was a weapon and it almost turned into a hot war.
  • American spy plane shot down by Soviet Union

    American spy plane shot down by Soviet Union
  • [O] Construction of Berlin Wall

    [O] Construction of Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was built by East Germany in 1961. It was used to physically divide West and East Germany. It was built without warning, so a lot of people were suddenly stuck on one side of the country.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis and US increase military in South Vietnam

    Cuban Missile Crisis and US increase military in South Vietnam
  • Gulf of Tonkin Incident occurs and US Congress passes Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Incident occurs and US Congress passes Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
  • President Lyndon B. Johnson first send troops to Vietnam

    President Lyndon B. Johnson first send troops to Vietnam
  • Détente begins

    Détente begins
  • US and North Vietnam agree to cease fire

    US and North Vietnam agree to cease fire
  • Vietnam becomes full communist

    Vietnam becomes full communist
  • Soviet-Afghan War starts

    Soviet-Afghan War starts
  • Josip Broz Tito dies

    Josip Broz Tito dies
  • Mikhail Gorbachev becomes leader of Soviet Union

    Mikhail Gorbachev becomes leader of Soviet Union
  • Soviet Union withdraw troops from Afghanistan

    Soviet Union withdraw troops from Afghanistan
  • [O] Romanian uprising and Nicholae Ceausescu and his wife killed

    [O] Romanian uprising and Nicholae Ceausescu and his wife killed
    Nicholae Ceausescu was a communist leader in Romania. He was a dictator that killed thousands of Romanians and disrupted the country's economy. After Soviet Union quitted Europe, people started rioting for Nicholae to step down. Soon afterwards he and his wife were captured and convicted. The army executed them, and sarcastically, immediately afterwards the new government abolished death penalty in Romania.
  • [O] Fall of Berlin Wall

    [O] Fall of Berlin Wall
    After Soviet Union broke apart due to multiple independence movements, they quitted Eastern Europe politics. Civil unrest in Germany finally made the government allow dismantling the Berlin Wall. This was a great step to Germany reunification.
  • [O] Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania declare independence, and Germany reunites

    [O] Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania declare independence, and Germany reunites
    In 1990 Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania declared their independence from Soviet Union. It was finally recognized in 1994. On the other hand, after Berlin Wall fell, East and West Germany reunited.
  • 11 republics in Soviet Union such as Ukraine and Georgia declare independence

    11 republics in Soviet Union such as Ukraine and Georgia declare independence
  • Boris Yeltsin becomes first president of Russia

    Boris Yeltsin becomes first president of Russia
  • Czechoslovakia becomes Czech Republic and Slovakia

    Czechoslovakia becomes Czech Republic and Slovakia