Pollo vaccine by Dr Jonas Salk
In 1955.it was announced that the pollo vaccine was effective and safe and nationwide inoculation campaign began salk conducted the same human traits on former pollo patients and on himself and his family,and by 1952 two million Americans school children were given the new pollo vaccine and cases dropped under 6000 in 1957 the first year the vaccine was widely available -
On July of 1958 president Dwight D Eisenhower signs an act that creates the national aeronautics and space administration (NASA) he called the singing a historic step further equipped the United States for leadership on the space age -
Moon speach
On may 25 1961,president Kennedy announced they were sending and American safety to the moon Kennedy felt great pleasure to have the u.s catch up to and overtake the solvit union in the space race four years after spunik shock of 1957 yuri Gagarin had became the first human in space in April 12 1961 greatly embarrassing for the u.s -
Friendship 7
NASA astronauts john Glenn crane the first American to orbit he earth in his memory capsule friendship 7 glenns accomplishment brought a sense of pride and relief to Americans and instantly made the 31 year old Glenn a national hero -
Air conditioning
the 1st conditioning system was designed in 1902 by inventor willis carries. The first air conditioning were to bulky