Yalta Conference
The Allies of WWII (USA, France, Britain, and Soviet Union) come together to decide on Germany's fate. They divide Berlin between the four of them. This is significant because down the road Soviet Union would attempt to push the other three out of Berlin in order to gain power. -
VE Day
Germans were defeated in WWII. This is significant because it sets the stage for the Cold War. By the end of WWII, Soviet Union is a rival superpower of the US. They occupy areas of Eastern Europe, claiming that they need this space as a buffer zone from Germany. -
Iron Curtain
The line of the Iron Curtain was created. This is important because it divided Europe between the NATO countries from the Warsaw Pact countries. -
Soviet Union Blockades Berlin
Soviet leader, Stalin, wanted to gain supremacy and take over Berlin. Therefore, he ordered a blockade hoping to starve the French, British, and Americans out of the city. In response, France, Britain, and America airlifts food to their people. This is refered to as the "Berlin Airlift". -
Formation of NATO
NATO, meaning North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was formed based off of the North Atlantic Treaty signed on April 4, 1949. The countries in this pact included the United States, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxemborg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, and the UK. It is significant because they were formed in order to promote democracy and keep communism from spreading. -
Peak of the Red Scare
The United States feared communsim. People were weary of each other, fearing that anyone could be a communist in their society. Some even pointed fingers at celebrities. This was significant because it showed how fearful people were of communism. -
Joe 1
The Soviet Union succeeds in creating their first atomic bomb. This is significant because it further instills fear in American society of the Soviet Union and the rise of communism. -
Korean War
North Korea, which is communist, invades South Korea. This is significant because it is alarming to the United States that communism is spreading and the UN decides to get involved. -
Mutual Security Act
President Truman signs the Mutual Security Act stating that the United States would provide military help to "free peoples". This is significant because it shows the extent of how much America is willing to help in the fight against communism. -
Operation Hurricane
Britain successfully tests their first atomic bomb. This is significant because they become the third nuclear power of the world. -
Formation of Warsaw Pact
The Soviet Union and seven other Eastern European communist nations banded together in defense of communism. -
Baghdad Pact
A pact was formed by Middle Eastern countries to resist communism. This pact included Iran, Iraq, Turkey, United Kingdom, and Pakistan. It is significant because more countries are binding together to fight against communism. -
Vietnam War
Vietnam was split into two and the two world superpowers took sides. The United States sided and fought for South Vietnam and the USSR sided and fought for North Vietnam. It was significant because the US was fighting to contain communism. They feared that if North Vietnam and USSR were successful, communism would spread. -
Eisenhower Doctrine
Eisenhower stated that he would send any economic or military aid to help countries in the Middle East fight off communism. This is significant because it shows how far the United States is willing to go to aid in the struggle against communism. It also is significant because it shows that the United States is willing to back the Baghdad Pact. -
Soviet Union launched the first artifician Earth satelite. This is significant because although it was harmless, it rattled American society immensely. -
U-2 Incident
An American surveilance plane was shot down over Soviet Union air space. While the United States government originally denied the plane's purpose, they later had to admit to it because the Soviet Union produced the living pilot and some equipment. This is significant because it was an embarassment to the United States government and particularly Eisenhower. -
Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall was built in order to keep Germans from the East from fleeing to Western Germany. This is significant because the Soviet Unions were still trying to control Germany. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The Soviet Union had been quietly setting up nuclear arms on Cuba which was fairly close to the United States. President Kennedy orders a naval blockade of the island. The two sides compromise and Soviet Union pulls the nuclear arms out of Cuba. This is significant because it was the closest time the world hadn't been to having a nuclear war. -
Soviet Union and the United States begin speaking about limiting arms through SALT (Strategic Arms Limitations Talk). This is significant because it shows the beginning of the end of the war. -
Berlin Wall Falls
The Berlin Wall fell which allowd people to move freely between the East and West side of Berlin. This is significant because it shows the weakening of the Soviet Union and communism. -
Malta Summit Meeting
Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and President Bush meet together and decide on peace. This is significant because it is considered the end of the Cold War.