Cold War

By vinhhhh
  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • Cold War Starts

    Cold War Starts
    After World War 2 was over and the restructuring of Europe began, a power struggle developed between the Soviet Union (who wanted Germany to be Communist) and the United States and Britain (who wanted democratic rule.)
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    The Soviets cut of all roads, rail, and canal links between West Germany and West Berlin. The U.S. and British planes supplied West Berlin with 1.5 million tons of supplies, a plane landing every three minutes, day and night for eleven months.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    After World War 2, Korea was divided at the 38th parallel. This is where the U.S. wins its first battle of containment against the Soviet Union and was the U.S.’s first chance to fight communism backed by the Soviets without starting a nuclear war.
  • Tuyet is born.

    Born as Tuyet Tran in Lamdong, Vietnam.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    The launching of satellite Sputnik 1 by the Soviet Union called into question American technology superiority. The U.S. and the Soviet Union were in competition to develop technology to successfully land on the moon.
  • Starts primary school.

    Enters the first grade.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    Ho Chi Minh begins to form a communist party in the North and the government of the south asked the Allied countries for assistance, they only agree because they wanted to get rid of all communisms.
  • Soviet Union shoots down U-2 plane

    Soviet Union shoots down U-2 plane
    The Soviet Union shot down a U.S. U-2 reconnaissance plane and called the flight an aggressive act.
  • Signing of the Non-Proliferation Treaty

    Signing of the Non-Proliferation Treaty
    Goal was to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and to further the goal of achieving nuclear disarmament and general and complete disarmament.
  • Tuyet graduates high school

    Graduates from Trung Hoc Le Loi. Students had to pass the Intermediate Graduation Examination (IGE) presented by the local Department of Education and Training to graduate.
  • FIrst Job

    Worked as a preschool teacher/principle in Vietnam.
  • Soviets invade Afghanistan

    Soviets invade Afghanistan
    Fight between Soviet-led Afghan forces against multi-national rebel groups called the mujahideens.
  • First Child

    A girl named Gam Nguyen is born.
  • Gets Married

    Marries Thach Ngyuen.
  • Berlin Wall Falls

    Berlin Wall Falls
    Guards reopened the borders with the rest of Germany, allowing people to cross freely. The wall ceased to function from that day forward, and people eventually knocked it down. The East German government withered away.
  • Cold War ends.

    Cold War ends.
    Supporters of Communism stage an unsuccessful coup. Soviet Union is then abolished and Boris Yeltsin becomes President of Russia.
  • Comes to America

    After the Vietnam War, Tuyet's Family comes to America
  • Second Job

    Tuyet gets second job working as a preschool teacher, after settling in America.
  • Second Child

    A girl named Thi Ngyuen is born.
  • Buys a house

    Buys first house after settling in America and working long hours.