cold war

By cmavin
  • yalta conference

    what:started the cold war
    where: yalta
    what it did for the cold war: started the power surge
    what it did for freedoms: touch away germans freedom to make decisions
    what did it do for freedoms: it made turkey and greece choose to be capitalist if they wanted protection
  • potsdam conference

    what: is was a meeting with the three heads the USSR, USA, and the UK to discuss what was going to happen to germany and its army.
    where: Cecilienhof, germany
    what did it do for the cold war: it showed how they could control them and increased the tension between the Soviet Union and the United States. It was clear that Truman with the atomic bomb in his pocket
    what did it do to freedoms: it made germany un able to defend or attack anyone
  • truman doctrine

    what: this was a promise the USA made to protect any capitalist countries like turkey and greece
    where: greece
    what did it do for the cold war: it separated countries from communism and capitalism
  • marshell plan

    what: the USA gave western europe 12 billion dollars to rebuild their economy
    where: USA
    what did it do for the cold war: this made on side have more friends also made them in det to the USA
    what did it do to there freedoms: made them indet to the USA
  • nato

    what: nato what a group of capitalist countries that would step in if anyone was attacked.
    where: north america
    what did it do for the cold war: made too side one capitalist and one communist and had one side protected and together
    what did it to for people's freedoms: made them safe but also scared because if one side decided to attack or talked a big game everyone had to fight.
  • warsaw pact

    what: was a pact of communist countries
    where: russia
    what did it do for the the cold war: made a communist group that stuck to geater
    what did it do for freedoms: made people scared that if one attacked they would all have to.
  • norad

    what: whas a deterrent for north america to protect them from bombs
    where: north america
    what did it do for the cold war: made a deterrent to protect people from nuclear weapons
    what did it do for peoples freedom: people were scared or big weapons and this gave them a sense of security but also made them aware of what could happen and made them scared as well.
  • brussels treaty

    what: unified european coal and sleet industry.
    where: europe
    what did it do for the cold war: made europe industry only european
    what did it do for people's freedoms: made europe more unified