Cold War

  • Yala conference

    The yalta conference was a meeting of the three world war allies. They met on the remote city of yalta, located along the black sea of the crimean peninsula. U.S. president Roosevelt, british prime minister winston church hill, Soviet premier Stalin. They agreed that after Germany's unconditional surrender, it would be divided into four post-war occupational zones.
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    Potsdam conference

    The potsdam conference was held in potsdam germany. The participants were Soviet Union, United Kingdom, United states. Apon settling matters related to Germany and Poland, the negotiations approved the formation of a Council of Foreign Ministers that agreed to draft peace treaties with Germany's former allies.
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    Hiroshima bombing

    where: Two Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    who: The United States bombed Japan
    what happened: The United States detonated two nuclear weapons over the two japanese cities
    how did it effect liberalism: The development nuclear weapons propelled history to an atomic era of fear
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    Bombing of Nagasaki

    where: The Japanese city Nagasaki
    who: Untied States and Nagasaki
    what happened: The United States detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese city Nagasaki killing between 129,000 and 226,000 people
    how did it effect liberalism: With the development in nuclear weapons propelled a nuclear era of fear
  • Molotov plan

    who: Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
    what happened: It was a system created by the Soviet Union in order to aid and rebuild the eastern european countries
    how did it effect liberalism: The plan created COMECON it allowed European countries to stop relying on American aid and focus more on USSR
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    Truman doctrine

    where: Greece and Turkey
    who: President Harry S. Truman
    what happened: President Harry S. Truman pledged to contain communist uprising in Greece and Turkey. It more implied American support for other nations who thought to be under threat by Soviet communism

    how did it effect liberalism: The effect was to end the Greek revolt, both Greece and Turkey joined NATO to guarantee their stability
  • Brussels treaty

    where: Western European countries
    who: Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and United Kingdom
    what happened: It was the founding treaty of the Western Union, it created a collective defense alliance, encouraging the United States to play a role in the security of Western Europe
    how did it effect liberalism: They established a collective security
  • Marshal plan

    where: America
    who: United States and Western European countries
    what happened: The Unites States transferred 13 billion dollar plan to help the European countries recover from the war
    how did it effect liberalism: If Europe became prosperous again the expansion of communism would be less likely because the middle and upper class generally don't support communism
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    Berlin blockade

    what happened:
    how did it effect liberalism:
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    Soviet creation of nuclear weapons

    what happened:
    how did it effect liberalism:
  • NATO

    Alliance of countries from Europe and North America, its a link between these two continents enabling them to cooperate in a field of security.
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    Korean war

    where: Korea
    who: Japan and Korea, US, USSR
    what happened: At the end of WW2 Japan had occupied Korea and the USSR had advanced to the 38th parallel which was the peace line between the US and USSR, they agreed to split Korea into two zones
    how did it effect liberalism: Free election were supposed to happen.
  • Stalin's death

    where: Soviet Union (Russia)
    who: Stalin
    what happened: Stalin died.
    how did it effect liberalism: There was a collective leadership that started after his death
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    Warsaw pact

    where: Moscow Soviet Union
    who: Eastern Europe
    what happened: It was a collective defense treaty signed in Warsaw

    how did it effect liberalism: The end of the Warsaw pact also ended the post world war 2 soviet hegemony
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    Vietnam war

    where: Vietnam
    who: Cambodia, north Vietnam, south Vietnam
    what happened: There was a conflict of Vietnam, Loas, and Cambodia. It was the second of the indochina wars and was officially fought between north Vietnam and south Vietnam.
    how did it effect liberalism: It severely damaged the U.S. economy
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    Hungarian revolution

    where: Hungary
    who: Hungary and USSR
    what happened: Countrywide revolution against the stalinist government

    how did it effect liberalism: It had effects on the Eastern Bloc and Soviet affairs

    where: U.S.
    who: U.S.
    what happened: NORAD's mission also expanded into maritime warnings
  • Fidel Castro taking over

    where: Cuba
    who: Castro
    what happened: He assumed military and political power as Cuba's prime minister
    how did it effect liberalism: other countries started to stop helping cuba because of the take over so they couldn't get any good imports like food
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    Bay of Pigs

    where: Cuba at the Bahia de Cochinos
    who: U.S. government, Cuba
    what happened: U.S. government directed the invasion on the bay of pigs in Cuba, it landed on the beaches along bay of pigs and immediately came under heavy fire.
    how did it effect liberalism: It strengthened Castro's administration, which opened door to adopt socialism and pursue closer ties with soviet union.
  • Creation of the Berlin wall

    where: East Germany, Berlin
    who: Berlin
    what happened: German soldiers laid down barbed wire barrier through Berlin, east Berlin was not allowed to cross over to west Berlin and vice versa.

    how did it effect liberalism: The wall divided families who are no longer able to visit each other. East Berlins were often cut from jobs.
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    End of the Cuban missile crisis

    where: Cuba
    who: United States, Soviet Union
    what happened: It was a 1 month, 4 day confrontation between U.S. and Soviet Union which escalated into an international crisis.
    how did it effect liberalism: Kennedy announced a naval blockade to prevent the arrival of missiles and demanded that the Soviets dismantled and remove the weapons already in Cuba.
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    Nuclear arms treaties

    where: NPT
    who: NPT
    what happened: they were made to try and prevent the spread of nuclear weapons
    how did it effect liberalism: help limit treaties nuclear weapon resource
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    Afghanistan/Soviet war

    where: Afghanistan and Soviet Union
    who: Afghanistan and Soviet Union
    what happened: The war was a conflict wherein the insurgent groups known collectively as the Mujaheddin
    how did it effect liberalism: The Soviets never recovered from the public relations and the financial loss, which contributed to the fall of the soviet empire.
  • Solidarity in Poland

    where: Poland
    who: Poland
    what happened: the government attempted to destroy the union with the martial law of 1981 and several years of repression, but in the end it had to start negotiating with the union

    how did it effect liberalism: Lead to the spread of anti-communists ideals and movements throughout the country.
  • Berlin wall falling

    where: Germany Berlin
    who: Berlin
    what happened: It was a pivotal event in world history that marked the fall of the iron curtain and start of the fall of communism.

    how did it effect liberalism:
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    Czechoslovakia revolution

    where: Czechoslovakia
    who: Czechoslovakia
    what happened: Students gathered to protest the communist regime
    how did it effect liberalism: the government declared that they could not make any negative remarks towards the Soviet invaders
  • End of the Cold War

    where: Europe
    who: United States and Soviet Union
    what happened: It was a geopolitical tension between U.S. and the Soviet Union and their allies
    how did it effect liberalism: The end of the cold war symbolised a victory of democracy and capitalism