Cold War

  • Apollo 11

    the apollo 11 mission was argurably the most significant event during the space race between the US soviet it was significant because buzz Aldrin and neil armsrtong
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    Rock and roll

    the popularity of rock and roll resulted in a powered impact on society when jazz blues and country was combined it created rock and roll Elvis Presley was a big influence on it
  • Air conditioner

    many after the central changes in our society after ww2 wouldn't have been possible if AC was not keeping homes & work places cool
  • polio vaccine by Dr Jones Salk

    Jones Salk developed the first effective polio vaccine in 1952 his vaccine was tested in the Francis field trial when it began it involved approximately 4000 children but would to 1 million across 44 states april 1955 it was licensed for distribution
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    Baby room

    baby boom happened for older Americans who had postponed marriage and child birth during the great depression and ww2 were joined in the the nations mater nity awards by young adults who were eager to start families after ww2
  • creation of N.A.S.A

    on this day in 1958 president dwight d eisenhower singed a act creates this national
  • Friendship 7

    the friendship 7 is a capsule that John Glenn went to space in and he was the first american to orbit the earth it led to it led to mercury
  • pres Kennedy ''moon speech''

    was delivered by JFK it was one was of kennedys earlier speeches meant to persuade the american people to support the national effort to land a man to the moon & return them back safely to the earth.
  • G.I. Bill

    it gave servicemen chances to go to colleges and trade shools or buy houses or businesses it helped advance technology
  • 2ND Great Migration