Cold War

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    Czechoslovakia Revolution

    Began to stress heavy industry and consumer goods over agriculture and services
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    Soviet Creation of Nuclear weapons

    Stalin enforced the Soviet Union to develop nuclear weapons during World War II. After Stalin learned about the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the program was used aggressively and accelerated through effective intelligence
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    Yalta Conference

    Second wartime conference. 3 leaders agreed with each other to request Britains surrender followed by a plan to start a post-war. Stalin approved of free elections in Eastern Europe and to enter the Asian war against Japan, he was promised the return of lost land from the previous war. agreements were kept secrets until American wartime corrupted into Coldwar
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    Potsdam Conference

    Came together because of WWII. The conference was to negotiate terms for the wars ending
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    Hiroshima bombing

    The United States donated 2 nuclear weapons to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, with consent by the United Kingdom. The two bombs killed between 129,000 and 226,000 civilians.
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    Bombing of Nagasaki

    The United States donated 2 nuclear weapons to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, with consent by the United Kingdom. The two bombs killed between 129,000 and 226,000 civilians.
  • Molotov Plan

    System created by the Soviet Union to provide aid to rebuild countries in Eastern Europe. it was the Soviet Unions version of the Marshall Plan
  • Marshall Plan

    Revival of European industrialization and brought throughout investment into the region. The united states economy established markets for American goods. Soviet promised US economic domination of its European satellites. Stalin opened his secret society to westerners. U.S congress would have been willing to fund the plan if aid also went to Soviet bloc communist nations
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    Berlin Blockade

    Attempt by the Soviet union to limit the performance by France, great Britain and the United States to travel to their sectors. The western powers created an airlift that almost lasted a year, and delivered supplies and relief to western Britain. The blockade was the first major clash of the cold war and indicated a future fight over the city of Berlin
  • Truman Doctrine

    Reconstructed the United States foreign policy. a speech announcing the British government would no longer be supporting military and economic assistance to the Greek government. Truman asked Congress to support the Greek government against the communist and provide assistance to Turkey, due to they were dependent on British aid.
  • Brussels Treaty

    Founded by western union. The treaty provided for the organization of military, economic, social and cultural cooperation among member states, as well as a defence
  • NATO

    Anti-Soviet military alliance that explained the threat of nuclear weapons to cover western Europe. created by the united states, Canada and several western Europe nations to provide security against the soviet union.
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    Korean War

    The conflict between communist and non-communist. Civil war between north and South Korea caused the United States to be involved. U.S sided with South Korea while the north supported by the Soviet Union and China. many soldiers died by the fight against communism
  • Stalin's Death

    Stalin died on 5 March 1953 at the Kuntsevo Dacha aged 74 after suffering a stroke.
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    Fidel Castro taking over

    He tried to take over Cuba. By deciding to fight for overthrow of Fulgencio Batista's military
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    Warsaw Pact

    military alliance to communist countries. it is created to support and create defence when one nation is attacked
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    Vietnam War

    Wars were fought by communist North Vietnam and capitalist South Vietnam. North was helped by soviet union troops, the south was helped by troops from the USA, Australia, and South Korea. Soviet lead America to invade Vietnam to prevent the spread of communism to other countries.
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    Hungarian Revolution

    The government fell and many pro-communist were executed. the new government was made from the warsaw pact. Soviet changed mind and crushed new government.

    North America aerospace defence command. system that inquires aerospace warning, air sovereignty. also protects North America from missiles that are launched by the Soviet Union.
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    Bay of Pigs

    Failed military invasion of Cuba. involved Soviet Union, United states, and Cuba
  • Creation of the Berlin Wall

    German democratic republic built a wall of barbed wire, but later on, built with concrete. it separated the east and west of Berlin. purpose was to keep authoritarians from the eastern side. separated Soviet communist and democratic capitalist because of their differences in ideologies.
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    Berlin Wall Falling

    The falling of the wall caused the government no choice but to allow them to be united again.
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    End of the Cuban Missile Crisis

    Was very close to being a nuclear war but both leaders were taken very seriously and secretly agreed by both nations and it was peacefully arranged
  • Nuclear Arms Treaties

    Treaties eliminated nuclear and conventional ground launched missiles. Each nation was allowed to watch others nations destroy their missiles.
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    Afghanistan/Soviet war

    The United States supported Afghanistan in order to try and overthrow the communist government and to prevent the spread of communism.
  • Solidarity in Poland

    Trade union. Method of civil resistance to better the causes of workers' rights and social change.
  • End of the Cold War

    When the Berlin wall fell is when the cold war ended. It caused people to become civil