• Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    The conference failed to settle most of the important issues at hand and thus helped set the stage for the Cold War that would begin shortly after World War II came to an end. This was Truman's first Big Three meeting.
  • WWll ends

    WWll ends
    In efforts to end WWll the U.S. drops two atomic bombs on the Japanease, which caused the Soviet Union´s decleration of war on Japan; finally convincing Emporer Hirohito to surender to his allies. The bombing showed Americas tehchnological dominance but also escalated the tension between the Soviet Union, setting the stage for the cold war.
  • The Truman Doctorine

    The Truman Doctorine
    Aimed at stopping the the spread of communism, the doctorine was positioned the U.S. as the defenders of the free world in the face of the Soviet aggression. The doctorine provided a basis for the United States activism during the cold war.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    It was the first time that the two, United States and the Soviet Union, had fought a proxy war, in a third coutry.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    A blood battling conflict with the United States and the Sovietrt Union in efforts to grapple for world domination. North and South Korea would be reunited but at a great cost.
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
    The gathering around Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser of the hostile states of Israel meant a real danger to the existence of the Jewish state. The Suez crisis caused a shift in the Cold War in the Middle East .
  • Sputnik

    the soviets were successful people had feared hat the United States had fallen beind on new technology. The launch of Sputnik was to intesify the arms race and raise cold war tensions
  • Russians Invade Alfghanistan

    Russians Invade Alfghanistan
    Afghanistan attempted to maintain a non-aligned status, receiving aid from both the Soviet Union and the United States, but ended up relying heavily on assistance from the Soviets.
  • Tianamen Square Massacre

    Tianamen Square Massacre
    The military killed and wounded hundreds of protesters during a protest meant to for greater democracy and the resignation of Chinease communist leaders. Many Asian countries remained silent throught the process of the protests, India responded to the massacre by ordering the state television to bring coverage to the barest minimum. To not jeoperadize relations with China and to offer empathy.
  • Collapse of The Soviet Union

    Collapse of The Soviet Union
    process of internal political, economical and ethnic disintergration within the USSR, as an unintended resunt of General Secretary in efforts of reform of the Soiet political and economic sysytem in attempt to end the Era Stagnation