berlin blockade
berlin blockade
the soviet was blocking off west berlin from the east. many businesses were on the east that were helping NATO -
korean war
korean war
North Korea was told be the Soviets that they had to invade South Korea in return of valiable resources. The U.S. got involed because South Korea was a part of NATO -
Vietnam war
North Vietnam was a part of the communist part and South was allied with the U.S. so when North invaded South the U.S. helped out. -
space race
it was to see out of the 2 major superpower of the world who could get to the moon first and to see who could put satellites into earths orbit -
suez canal crisis
suez canal crisis
Egypt wanted financal support from France and British but they were not going to help so Egypt in responce closed the canal. It is how the French and British got oil. -
u-2 incidennt
The Soviets shot down one of the U.S. U-2 planes because it flew to close to the Soviets airspace. The U.S. said that it wasn't becuse it was close and they seen it as an agressive act.
rank: 10 -
cuban missile crisis
The Soviets built missile silos in Cuba becasue the U.S. couldn't get to it and it was able to fire misslie directly to the U.S. -
yom kippur war
Egypt lost land to Israel in a previous war but they wanted it back and Israel was not going to give it so they fought. they fought on their sacred days -
soviet war in afghan
The Soviets invaded Afgan because they had a lot of people to spread communism and they had a lot of recources -
soviets drowning korean air lines flight 007
The Soviets shot down a plane because they thought it was a U.S. plane collecting intel on them but it was a Korean plane that flew off of its path
rank: 11 -
able archer military exercise
It was the highest point of nuclear tension in the Cold war. This is when the Soviets would attack them with all they had.