• Period: to

    Cold war

  • Atomic bomb on Hiroshima

    Atomic bomb on Hiroshima
    Untied states was the only nation to drop a atomic bomb during war time. Their had been two atomic bomb drooped on Japan. after killing 400,000 people Japan surrendered.
  • NATO

    Communist prompted the Untied Sates and 11 other Western states will form the norther Altaic treaty. Communist in the Eastern Europe founded a rival alliance. It provide farm work for the military standoff.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    The battle had pitted to two great powers against each other. The space race became another dramatic area. Each side wanted to prove superiority of technology.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The American official were consider. In July the American troops entered the war. There were 5 million soldiers and civilian's that died during the war.
  • KGB established

    KGB established
    was designed to be a security system and was attached to the counsel of Ministers. Was designed to gather intelligence and to maintain the secret policy. made sure certain information was released to the public.
  • U-2 spy plane

    U-2 spy plane
    Soviet's had shot down an American U-2 spy plane. The U-2 spy plane has been doing spy missions on the USSR for many years. When the soviet's had shot down the U-2 spy plane it had caused the tension to rise between the Soviet's and U.S..
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The German Democrat republic the communist government began to build a barber weir and concrete wall. It went between East and West Berlin. The main purpose of the Berlin wall was to keep the westerns from entering east Germany.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

     Cuban Missile Crisis
    Leaders of U.S. and the Soviet Union had engaged into a 13-day political/ military standoff. The U.S. and the soviet union were engaged into an ongoing battle called the cold war. The cold war was politically and economic crashes.
  • non-proliferation treaty

    non-proliferation treaty
    Was to a treaty to prevent nuclear weapons and the weapons technology. There were 191 states that had joined the treaty and five nuclear states. It was a 3 paragraph treaty that's reviewed every five years.
  • Sputnik

    The Soviet's launched the Sputnik I successfully. The Sputnik had took 98 minutes to orbit the Earth. It had got the worlds attention and had caught America off-guard.
  • Soviet Afghan War

    Soviet Afghan War
    There were thousands of troops that got sent in by the Soviet Union. The Soviet's had combat vehicles. Daoud's soldiers had ended the conflict in April.
  • Berlin Airliff

    Berlin Airliff
    The German capital was located in the Soviet Union. The German y border was 100 miles away. It was impossible for people to get food or supplies.
  • perestroika and glasnost

    perestroika and glasnost
    Was engulfed by a multitude problem. There was economic system established. The war was Social and Political reforms to give more rights.
  • Berlin wall falls

    Berlin  wall falls
    The East Berlin communist party had announced a changed i relationship with the west. There were East and West Berlin people who went to the wall and drank and yelled things all night. There were over 2 million people that had visited the West and Eastern Berlin.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The war had pitted the communist government of North Vietnam against the South Vietnam. The Untied States brutally had divided Americans, there were over 58,000 Americans were killed. The conflict had ended when the communist had sized the South Vietnam.