Russian Communist Revolution
On November 7,1917,The Leader of the Bolshevik Vladimir Lenin led his radical rebels in a revolt against the ineffective dependent Government. The Russian dismantled the Tsarists autocracy and led to the eventual rise of the Soviet Union. This connects to the cold war because the rise of the Soviet Union led to the Arms Race and both super powers held nuclear weapons but wouldn't attack each other because of M.A.D ( Mutually Assured Destruction ) . This was the Cold War. -
Treaty of Versailles
This was the treaty that brought a peaceful end to World War 1 -
League of Nations
The League of Nations was created after World War 1 so that a war of this size would never happen again -
Yalta Confrence
The Yalta Conference was meeting between the big three allies to decide what to do after the war is over -
General Assembly
The General Assembly is the main policymaking and representative organ of the UN. Decisions on important questions like peace and security require a two-thirds majority -
United Nations
After World War II in order to prevent another such conflict. Though the United Nations decree was peacekeeping, the tension between the U.S. and Soviet Union often caused friction in the organization, making them to only intervene in conflicts unrelated with the Cold War with the exception of when Soviet Union was absent ultimately allowing a U.S. led alliance to repel the North Korean invasion of South Korea.. -
Nuremberg Trials
The Nuremberg trials were a series of trials held after World War II, which were most notable for the prosecution of members of Nazi Germany who planned carried out, or participated in the Holocaust and or any crimes against humanity. Insisting on a fair trial for even the Nazi leaders as the American way and disputing the demands of the Soviet Union. The trials were held in the city of Nuremberg, Germany giving it the name. -
Iron Curtain Speech
In one of the most famous speeches by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill is when he slanders the Soviet Union and its policies in Europe and says, “From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the continent.” -
Truman Doctrine
The Truman Doctrine says that the U.S. would provide political and military help to any country in Europe that was affected by WWII -
Marshall Plan
The U.S. gave Western Europe over 13 billion in economic support to help rebuild west Europe -
Berlin Airlift
As a response to stalins blockaid the U.S. air dropped foodand supplies into East Germany -
NATO Created
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an international military alliance between North American and European nations. It was created to provide security against the Soviet Union and communism. -
Chines Communist Revoulution
On October 1, 1949, Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong declared the creation of the People's Republic of China. This lasted until the White Terror of 1927, when the Nationalists turned on the Communists, killing them from the party. -
Joseph McCarthy Speech
Joseph McCarthy claims that he has a list with the names of at least 200 members of the Department of State that are communists. This speech put McCarthy into a position of national fame and made American citizens worry about American government officials. -
Korean War
The war started when 75,000 communist North Koreans crossed the 38th parallel into pro western South Korea -
Warsaw Pact
In a effort to rival the U.S. the Soviet union and it's allies formed the Warsaw Pact -
Sputnik Launched
Sputnik was the first satellite sent into space. The Soviet Union launched it and put it into Earths orbit. It had four external radio antennas to broadcast radio pulses. It sent the Soviets into a great lead in the space race against the United States. -
Bay of Pigs Invasion
This was a failed attempt to invade Cuba and kill Castro -
Building of the Berlin Wall begins
The Berlin wall was built to separate West Germany and East Germany -
Fidel Castro proclaims communist Cuba
On December 2nd 1961 Fidel Castro say's "I am a Marxist-Leninist and shall be one until the end of my life.” -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Leaders of the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. engaged in a 13 day military standoff over the placement of nuclear missiles in Cuba, just 90 miles from U.S. with capabilities of reaching a large portion of the U.S. -
U.S. Sends cbat troops into Vietnam
After WWII many countries ere falling to the spread of communism in a effort to stop the spread we sent troops into south Vietnam -
Non-Proliferation Ageement
A treaty signed to limit the spread of nuclar weapons -
Apollo 11
Apollo 11 launched from Cape Kennedy, taking Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to the moon making them the first humans to reach the moon. 530 million people watched Armstrong's steps on the moon on television as he said his iconic quote "one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind". This essentially ended the space race with the Soviet Union. -
Kent State Shootings
The U.S. entered the Vietnam war as an attempt to keep communism from spreading in Korea.The Kent State shootings were the shootings of unarmed college students protesting the Vietnam War at Kent State University by members of the Ohio National Guard. 29 guardsmen fired approximately 67 rounds in a matter of 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others, one of which sadly was paralyzed from the incident. -
Fall of Saigon
North Vietnamese forces, under attacked Saigon and by the afternoon of the next day North Vietnamese troops had raised their flag over the South Vietnamese presidential palace. They reunited as one communist nation. This marked the end of the Vietnam war. -
Soviets invade Afghanistan
The Soviet Union sent thousands of troops into Afghanistan and took military and political control of large portions of the Afghanistan. This event began a brutal as the Afghanistan citizens, understandably, retaliated. The attempted to create a communistic government there but the failed. -
Fall of Berlin Wall
As the Soviet Union fell so did the Berlin Wall