Cold War

By jocie02
  • Period: to

    Cold war

  • Hiroshima

    The united states dropped an atomic bomb on a place called Hiroshima.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman promised to help anyone who was being taken over by Communist.
  • NATO

    The united states tried to avoid Communists expansion. They created the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
  • Korean War

    This occurred when 75,000 soldiers invaded the Western Republic of Korea. This was also known as the first military action of the cold war. It was also known as the war against international Communism.
  • Suez Crisis

    Israeli pushed into Egypt after the Suez Canal. The Israelis were joined by the British and the French. Everyone withdrew their troops in 1956.
  • Space Race

    It was a race between the Soviet Union and United states. It was after WWII. This race occurred in space.
  • Sputnik

    First Satellites of the Soviet Union to be put in orbit.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Castro moved his army into Havana and took over Batista. Us tried to push Castro from power. When US fought they were badly out numbered ad had to surrender after less than 24 hours.
  • U-2 Incident

    This is when a USA spy plane was shot down by the Soviet Union. It occurred in 1960 while Eisenhower was in office.
  • Berlin Wall

    Also known as the Iron Curtain. It was originally built to stop East Germans from harming the west. Over 100 miles in all directions. The Soviet Union added a whole bunch of wired machine guns to prevent people from the east escaping.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    US and Soviet union had a military face-off. Nuclear armed missiles in Cuba roughly 90 miles from US coasts. President John Kennedy warned Americans about the presence . It was avoided when US agreed to not invade Cuba and remove U.S missiles from Turkey.
  • Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

    The United States, Great Britain and Soviet Union all signed a treaty which stated that testing in nuclear weapon in outer space, underwater, or anywhere in the atmosphere was illegal.