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Cold War

  • Period: to

    Russian (Bolshevik) Revolution

    Russia abolished its monarchy in favour of socialism.
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    Chinese Civil War

    Resulted in communist control of China
    Paused during WW2
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  • Soviet Occupation of Manchuria

    This is what forced the Japanese to surrender, not the A-bombs.
  • Yatla Conference

    Where US and SU disagreed over the future of Poland. SU opted to create a full communist state in Poland
  • Death of Roosevelt

    Roosevelt had been US president since 1933
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    Postdam Conference

    Discussing the new order of Europe, and specifically Germany
  • Hiroshima

    US dropped atomic bomb on Japan
  • Nagasaki

    US dropped atomic bomb on Japan
  • Orwell's "Cold War"

    George Orwell first uses the term "cold war" to refer to the threat of nuclear war
  • Creation of UN

    The UN was Churchill's idea for the maintenance of peace after WW2. The US agreed to the collaboration, and the SU wanted to control it.
  • Long Telegram

    Kennan advises the US to block SU expansion
  • Baruch's "Cold War"

    Bernard Baruch first uses the term "cold war" to refer to an ideological conflict.
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    Berlin Crisis

  • People's Republic of China

    The PRC is established as a result of CCP victory in Chinese Civil War
  • NSC-68

    Formulated by Paul Nitze to replace Kennan's ideas
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    Korean War