VE Day
VE Day is a well known day all around the world. This celebration was held in Times Square and it explained the victory of the United States, Soviet Union, and the soldiers that fought in WWII , and the defeat of Germany and the suicide of Hitler. Also, on this day a famous picture was taken and it portrayed a Sailor that was in the war and him kissing the nurse because of his excitement and joy. -
Arms Race (Militaristic Action/Policy)
The Arms race was a competition between United States, Soviet Union, and other allies and the purpose of this competition was to see who had better nuclear warfare.But, the Arms Race didn't end until 1990. -
Red Scare( Political Action/Policy)
The Red Scare was about Communists that made a threat that had everyone scared. And the United States had to do a protocol action on the people that worked for the U.S. government to make sure the employees were not backstabbing the United Sates but eventually in the 1950s the incident was dwelling down. -
Marshall Plan (Economic Action/Policy)
The Marshall Plan was started after Europe went through all of that catastrophic damage to its land. This plan is that United States gave aid to Europe as in food and economic help. And all of United States money helped to also rebuild Europe. Also, United States asked the Soviet Union if they need assistance and it was declined by Stalin and his own place was going to help. -
Sputnik 1 ( Science/Technology)
The Sputnik was the first satellite and it was placed in space by the Soviet Union. The measure of the satellite was the size of a beach ball and and it was orbiting earth. Eventually, it fell and it got burned as it was reaching closer to Earth's atmosphere. -
Paranoid Style (Cultural )
Paranoid Style was when books, literature, films and other types of art was based on insecurity about a communist invasion or the baddest holocaust that would ever happen in history. Richard Hofstadter that has researched and written a book about it too. -
The Berlin Wall Toppled
The Berlin Wall was put up to push West Berlin out of Berlin because they were trying to avoid a legal burden that would end up not being open in the wording of the contract and they all ran to the democratic west. But the West of Berlin continued to get food and supplies and they ended up tearing down the wall and the people ended up feeling free.