Cold War (Seriousness of event| Red-Serious, Yellow-Medium, Green-Not as impactful)

  • Berlin Blockade (Red)

    Berlin Blockade (Red)
    Russia withdrew from the allied council. The helping of those in Berlin caused for Russia to place 40 divisions of soldiers and almost start another war in Germany.
  • The Korean War (Green)

    The first time the U.S and Soviet Union fought a proxy war in a third country.
  • Vietnam war (Green)

    A proxy war between the U.S and Soviet Union, each supporting one side, with the U.S trying to prevent communist domination in south-east asia.
  • Hungarian revolution (Yellow)

    Exposed the weakness of eastern europe communisum.
  • Sputnik (Yellow)

    Sputnik (Yellow)
    With the succesful launch of the sattelite by the Soviet Union, this began the space race with the Soviets having a leg up.
  • U-2 (Green)

    U-2 (Green)
    A U.S spy plane being shot down in the U.S.S.R resulting in anger from the Soviets. After the Soviets asked for an apology in a summit meeting, the apology failed to hit their standards and resulted in the Soviet Union walking out. This overall raised tension between the U.S and Soviet Union with the U.S acting so aggressively.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion (Red)

    Cubans didn't revolt against Castro as expected and this resulted in the failure of the invasion. This helped the U.S.S.R with propaganda and they also pledged to help defend Cuba in the uprising of communism.
  • Cuban missle crisis (Red)

    Cuban missle crisis (Red)
    Closest we've ever been to nuclear warfare.
  • Tiananmen Square (Yellow)

    Protesters were murdered and arrested resulting in a pro democracy movement.
  • Collapse of the soviet union (Red)

    Collapse of the soviet union (Red)
    After the failed coup Yetslin was propelled to the forefront along with his democratic forces resulting in the end of communism.