Events of the Cold War

  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    This was a meeting where leaders from the Us, the United Kingdom , and Soviet Union discussed Europe's post-war reorganization .
  • second red scare

    second red scare
    This was a period in the USA , it was personalized by heightened political repression against communist , as well as a campaign spreading fear of their influence on America institutions and espionage by soviet agents .
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    This was a policy where the US pledged to support nations that are threatened by communism , marking the start of containment strategy during the cold war .
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    This was when the Soviet Union blocked access to west berlin , cutting off their supplies and all .
  • Creation of NATO

    Creation of NATO
    There was a signing of a treaty , NATO is an alliance of countries from Europe and north America to form freedom and protection .
  • Korean war

    Korean war
    was a conflict between the democratic people's republic of Korea ( north ) and republic of Korea ( south ) in which at least 2.5 million people died .
  • Cuban Revolution

    Cuban Revolution
    There were series of events that led up to Fidel Castro coming to power in Cuba .
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    This war was a long , costly, hostile conflict that pitted the communist government of North Vietnam against South Vietnam and its ally , the U.S .
  • Space race

    Space race
    This particularly about both the united states and the soviet union started building rockets then it had turned into a race to build missiles .
  • Suez crisis

    Suez crisis
    This was a conflict involving Europe , Israel ,France , and the UK .Egypt nationalized the Suez canal leading to military action by the other countries.
  • 1960 U2 Incident

    1960 U2 Incident
    This date was when the USSR shot down a US spy plane and captured the pilot , Gary Powers .
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    This was a failed attempt by Cuban exiles , backed by the USA to overthrow Fidel Castro .
  • Cuban Missile crisis

    Cuban Missile crisis
    This was a direct and dangerous confrontation between the united states and soviet union during the cold war and was the moment two superpowers came closest to nuclear conflict .
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The wall was a divider for east berlin and the German democratic republic & German democratic started breaking it down to stop its citizens from fleeing soviet controlled land .
  • Fall of the soviet union

    Fall of the soviet union
    This ended the Cold War Era , it was a mix of economic issues , political reforms ,and independence movements in soviet states that led to its collapse .