cold war

  • yalta conference

    yalta conference
    a meeting between Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt
  • communist coup in czechoslovakia

    communist coup in czechoslovakia
    Western observers decried the virtually bloodless communist coup as an example of Soviet expansion into Eastern Europe.
  • u.s. and u.n. fight korean forces

    u.s. and u.n. fight korean forces
    President Truman announced to the nation and the world that America would intervene in the Korean conflict in order to prevent the conquest of an independent nation by communism.
  • West Germany joins NATO.

    West Germany joins NATO.
    West Germany joins the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. a mutual defense group aimed at containing Soviet expansion in Europe.
  • Soviets launch first man made satellite

    Soviets launch first man made satellite
    Sputnik 1 was a 58 cm diameter polished metal sphere, with four external radio antennae to broadcast radio pulses.
  • eisenhower lebanon crisis

    eisenhower lebanon crisis
    Lebanon crisis was a Lebanese political crisis caused by political and religious tensions in the country that included a U.S. military intervention.
  • cuba

    On February 16, 1959, Fidel Castro is sworn in as prime minister of Cuba after leading a guerrilla campaign that forced right-wing dictator Fulgencio Batista into exile.
  • U2 incident

    U2 incident
    during the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower and the premiership of Nikita Khrushchev, when a United States U-2 spy plane was shot down from Soviet airspace.
  • cuban missile crisis

    cuban missile crisis
    a 13-day confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union over Soviet ballistic missiles deployed in Cuba.
  • washington moscow hotline

    washington moscow hotline
    John F. Kennedy becomes the first U.S. president to have a direct phone line to the Kremlin in Moscow.
  • six day war in middle east

    six day war in middle east
    fought between June 5 and 10, 1967 by Israel and the neighboring states of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria.
  • the fall of south vietnam

    the fall of south vietnam
    The fall of South Vietnam came in 1975, almost three years after the withdrawal of most US combat troops.
  • detente

    a period of improved relations between the United States and the Soviet Union that began tentatively in 1971 and took decisive form when President Richard M. Nixon visited the secretary-general of the Soviet Communist party, Leonid I. Brezhnev, in Moscow, May 1972.
  • the death of mao

    the death of mao
    Chinese Communist revolutionary and the founding father of the People's Republic of China, which he governed
  • carter administration

    carter administration
    When President Jimmy Carter took office in January 1977, he inherited a unique relationship with the shah of Iran, who had been returned to his throne by a U.S.-British covert action and who had accepted the role of protecting U.S. interests in the Persian Gulf.
  • u.s. troops sent to lebanon

    u.s. troops sent to lebanon
    occurred during the Lebanese Civil War when two truck bombs struck separate buildings housing United States and French military forces
  • Gorbachev becomes leader of soviet union

    Gorbachev becomes leader of soviet union
    Capping his rapid rise through the Communist Party hierarchy, Mikhail Gorbachev is selected as the new general secretary and leader of the Soviet Union,
  • nuclear weapons treaty

    nuclear weapons treaty
    Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev indicates that his nation is ready to sign “without delay” a treaty designed to eliminate U.S. and Soviet medium-range nuclear missiles from Europe.
  • berlin wall demolished

    berlin wall demolished
    head of the East German Communist Party announced that citizens of the GDR could cross the border whenever they pleased. That night, ecstatic crowds swarmed the wall.
  • soviet union is abolished

    soviet union is abolished
    the first Russian President, surrounded by defenders of the Russian government headquarters during the failed hard-line Communist coup attempt
  • communist leaders elected in poland and hungary

    communist leaders elected in poland and hungary
    Even the reformed "Socialist" leaders who have come back to power in recent elections in Poland and Hungary
  • poland and hungary apply for membership in european union

    poland and hungary apply for membership in european union
    the Commission recommended to close negotiations with Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia.