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Cold War

  • Yalta Conference “Alignment”

    Yalta Conference “Alignment”
    Feb 4- 11, 1945
    What- Major conference of the three Allied leaders to plan the final defeat of Nazi Germany.
    Where- Yalta, Crimea
    Effect on the Cold War- Gave the Soviet Union control over Eastern Europe and it was the first meeting of the Cold War.
    Effect on Liberalism- Germany was not invited so they didn't have any say in their rights.
  • Potsdam Conference “Alignment”

    Potsdam Conference “Alignment”
    July 17- Aug 7, 1945
    What- To decide the postwar status of Germany
    Where- Cecilinhof, Potsdam
    What effect on the Cold War- It failed to settle most of the important issues and helped set stage for the Cold War.
    What effect on Liberalism- It was the last conference between the three because it set the stage of tension between the capitalists and the communists, which in turn created the "bubble" that continued to grow and take away peoples freedoms.
  • Hiroshima Bombing “Deterrence”

    Aug 6, 1945
    What-The US dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima to get Japan to surrender and end WW2
    Where-Hiroshima, Japan
    Effect on Cold War-It created more tension between the Western countries and the Soviet Union, especially when Stalin didn't trust them in the first place. It helped drive the making of atomic bombs and the fear felt throughout the world
    Effect on Liberalism-The bomb took away millions of innocent lives and created more fear throughout the world due to the making of more bombs
  • Nagasaki Bombing “Deterrence”

    Aug 9, 1945
    What- The US bombed Nagasaki to get Japan to surrender and end WW2
    Where-Nagasaki, Japan
    Effect on Cold War- It created more tension between the Soviet Union and Western countries and helped move the countries to make more nuclear weapons
    Effect on Liberalism- It killed millions of people and created more fear in people around the world
  • Molotov Plan “Alignment”

    What- Created by the Soviet Union to provide aide and rebuild the communist Eastern European countries
    Where- Communist countries
    Effect on Cold War- Symbolic of the Soviet Union's refusal to accept aide from the Marshall Plan and it helped the countries to rely on the Soviet Union instead of the US
    Effect on Liberalism- The satellite countries were not allowed to participate in the Marshall plan and helped them realize they do not need to rely on the US and can do things without their help
  • Truman Doctrine “Alignment”

    Truman Doctrine “Alignment”
    March 12, 1947
    What- A principle by the US to support countries threatened by communists
    Where- America
    Effect on Cold war- It was a power struggle between the Communists and the capitalists to gain control over the Mediterranean area and the U.S.A donated a bunch of money to the cause when Britain couldn't anymore.
    Effect on Liberalism- The U.S didn't give those countries a chance to choose what they wanted, but it helped protect their liberalism from the growing communism bubble
  • Brussels Treaty “Alignment”

    March 17, 1948
    What- Agreement signed by some European countries, creating a collective defense alliance. It led to the creation of NATO and the Western UN.
    Where- Europe
    Effect on Cold War- It provided protection and solidified an alignment between these European countries.
    Effect on Liberalism- It provided military, economic, social and cultural cooperation between the members so it helped reassure the citizens that they are safe and their liberalism is protected.
  • Marshall Plan “Alignment”

    Marshall Plan “Alignment”
    April 3, 1948
    What- US program to help aid Western Europe after WW2
    Where- US
    Effect on Cold War- The implementation of the Marshall Plan is known as the beginning of the Cold War between the US and its allies against the Soviet Union.
    Effects on Liberalism- It improved liberalism in Europe WIth the help of the US, they gained security and an ability to fight off the communist influence that was growing.
  • Berlin Blockade “Expansionism”

    June 24 1948- May 12, 1949
    What- The first major international crisis of the Cold War. The Soviet Union blocked access to the capitalist parts of Berlin and refused to move unless the Western Allies withdrew.
    Where- Berlin
    Effect on Cold War- It impacted relations between countries. Berlin and Germany being one of them.
    Liberalism-Supplies for the Berliners were being withheld from them and they could not do anything about it. Their right to food and supplies were being taken away by the USSR
  • Soviet Creation of Nuclear Weapons “Deterrence”

    What- A classified research and development program made by Stalin to make nuclear weapons during WW2
    Where- Soviet Union
    Effect on Cold War- It created an arms race between the countries and it created a lot of fear within countries because they did not know if they would get blown up.
    Effect on Liberalism- People's safety and security was threatened because they did not know if they would have a bomb dropped on them.
  • NATO “Alignment”

    NATO “Alignment”
    April 4, 1949
    What- NATO was an alliance between North America and Europe. Its purpose is to ensure security from the Soviet Union.
    Where- US
    Effect on Cold War- It strengthened the allies from a possible domination from the Soviet Union.
    Effect on Liberalism- Used to contain the Soviet Union and stop communism from spreading. Their goal was to keep the "Russians out, America in and Germany down". The Soviet Union was not a part of NATO so they did not have a say in any of the meetings.
  • Korean War “Containment + Spheres of Influence”

    Jun 25, 1950-Jul 27, 1953
    What-It was the first military action of the Cold War. A war between two ideologies in Korea. capitalism vs communism
    Effect on Cold War-The aftermath set the tone for tension between the US and Soviet Union and it showed that they could fight a limited war
    Effect on Liberalism-It ended with the North Koreans becoming communist and losing their liberalism while South Korea did not and they got to keep their liberalism
  • Stalin’s Death

    What- Stalin suffered from a stroke and died
    Where- Kuntseco, Dacha
    Cold War- The Soviet Union immediately tried to reconcile and get on people’s good sides but they were still mistrusted by the West
    Liberalism- The Russian citizens did not have to live in fear of being on Stalins list anymore. But the gulags were still going and it was still pretty tense. The Russians did not receive any freedoms just because their communist leader died
  • Warsaw Pact “Alignment + Expansionism”

    May 14, 1955
    What- A collective defense treaty signed between the Soviet Union and 7 Eastern satellite states of Central/Eastern Europe
    Where- Warsaw, Poland
    Effect on Cold War- Was created due to West Germany joining NATO, and motivated by Soviet desires to maintain control over the military in parts of Europe
    Effect on Liberalism- No direct confrontation between NATO and the Warsaw Pact, but this conflict was fought through proxy wars causing some areas to lose their liberalism (North Korea)
  • Vietnam War “Containment + Spheres of Influence”

    Nov 1, 1955-Apr 30, 1975
    What-Conflict between North and allies in the South against the South Vietnam gov't
    Effect on Cold War-It divided a lot of people, even people living in the States, and because it lasted so long and the US side lost, they lost a lot of respect in the eyes of the world
    Effect on Liberalism-The proxy war lasted a long time and many civilians died. Not everybody was a supporter of the war and did not want the US to participate, but they were not listened to
  • Hungarian Revolution “Expansionism”

    Oct 23, 1956- Nov 10, 1956
    What-Hungarians were under the control of the USSR and after the death of Stalin they hoped they wouldn't be under the control of the USSR anymore. Protests happened resulting in lots of deaths, but the USSR regained control
    Cold War-The USSR almost lost some of their sphere and it resulted in thousands of deaths
    Liberalism-Those protesting were killed/captured. They didn't have liberalism and were not allowed to protest without the fear of consequence
  • NORAD “Alignment”

    Sept. 12, 1957
    What- The US and Canadian organization that provided aerospace warning and protection.
    Where- Colorado Springs
    Effect on Cold War- Both Canada and the US had a fear of long range missiles so they decided to work together to ensure continental protection.

    Effect on Liberalism- It provides people with a sense of security.
  • Fidel Castro taking over “Alignment”

    What-Castro got control of Cuba by overthrowing/executing the supporters of his opposition, it ended with Cuba officially becoming communist
    Effect on Cold War-Cuba was aligned with the US so it worried the US when they became communist. And it also served as communist influence to other Latin American countries
    Effect on Liberalism-Many Cubans chose to flee their country because it was now communist. And it worried the US because the communist sphere was growing and was close
  • Bay of Pigs

    April 17, 1961
    What-Cuban exiles trained by the US launched an invasion on the South Coast of Cuba to overthrow Castro, but it failed
    Where- Cuba
    Effect on Cold War-It was supposed to end with Cuba being allies with the US, but it was a fail and they were still aligned with the Soviet Union
    Effect on Liberalism-Many exiles that participated were either killed or captured, so they lost their liberalism that they gained when they fled to the US
  • Creation of the Berlin Wall “Containment”

    Aug 13, 1961
    What- A wall that physically and ideologically divided Berlin
    Where- Berlin
    Effect on Cold War- Was an "Iron Curtain" that separated the capitalists and the communists
    Effect on Liberalism- It separated families, people from their jobs and did not allow anyone from East Germany travelling to West Berlin.
  • End of Cuban Missile Crisis “Deterrence + Brinkmanship + Containment”

    Oct 16-28, 1962
    What-Ends when Soviet leader agrees to remove Russian missiles if the US agree to respect Cuba's territorial sovereignty
    Effect on Cold War-Ended a few weeks of fear/tension between the US and Soviet Union. European countries weren't happy because the US kept them in the dark about everything
    Effect on Liberalism-Took away some countries aligned with the US liberalism because they were not informed and couldn't contribute in something that could have ended with death.
  • Czechoslovakia Revolution “Spheres of influence”

    Jan 5, 1968-Aug 21, 1968
    -Reforms were put in by the gov't to give the citizens more freedoms, the USSR brought in troops and it was not received well. There was mass protests to try to get them to leave
    -It caused the USSR to invade to make sure they stayed within the bubble. It was chaos and resulted with sacrificial suicide to protest the freedoms that were taken from them
    -It ended with the reforms being reversed and the freedoms the citizens protested for were taken away
  • Nuclear Arms Treaty “Détente”

    What- International treaty that’s as used to stop the spread of nuclear weapons
    Cold War-It stopped the nuclear arms race between countries and stopped the threat of an atomic war
    Liberalism- It relieved tension across the globe because people were not spending their time worried that they were going to blow up. They felt more free because they did not have to worry
  • Solidarity in Poland “Non-Alignment”

    What-Independent trade union movement that developed into a mass campaign for political change
    Cold War-It made a movement that was anti-communist. It is said have contributed a lot to the fall of communism because it inspired other countries to protest communism/USSR
    Liberalism-Those participating got to exercise their freedom to protest against something they did not want. Liberalism increases as they got more rights
  • Afghanistan/Soviet War “Containment + Expansionism”

    Dec 24, 1979-Feb 15, 1989
    What-A conflict between Afghan communist gov't + the Soviet Union and anti-communist Muslim guerrillas
    Cold War-The war embarrassed the Soviet Union because they were losing and it made them look weak to the rest of the world
    Liberalism-Many of the casualties were civilians and the war destroyed most of Afghanistan's infrastructure, causing them to become one of the poorest countries, and the communists lost, so Afghanistan got to keep their liberalism
  • End of Cold War

    Late 1991
    What- The Soviet Union was in a tough time, they spent lots of money in Afghanistan, lots of dissent in Russia and satellite countries were increasingly moving away from communism. The Berlin Wall fell and communism ended
    Cold War- it ended and people were not scared for their lives
    Liberalism- Many people regained their freedoms that were taken away at the beginning and during the Cold War and were not living under communist control
  • Berlin Wall falling

    Nov 9, 1991
    The Cold War was slowing down and the spokesperson for the communist party decided to mend relationships they had with the west and he started with letting the people travel freely past the wall. The fall represents the freedom that communism doesn’t have
    -Brought the conclusion that the “Iron curtain” that separated the west and east was not more
    Liberalism-Families were free to reunite and communism eventually fell, so many people regained their freedom