Cold War

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    The Cold War

    The Cold War was a period of tension between the Soviet Union and the United States. It started after the II World War, and it ended after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
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    The Space Race

    The Space Race was a Race that each contry tried to how to had better technology and scientist
  • The fist satellite in the space

    The fist satellite in the space
    The Russians placed the fist satellite in the orbit, it was called Sputnik I
  • America's first attempt to launch a satellite

    America's first attempt to launch a satellite
    Americans failed the fist attempt to launch the satellite, it was crashed after 2 seconds when it took off, ending in an was called Vanguard TV3.
  • Americans’ first satellite

    Americans’ first satellite
    The Americans successfully placed the fist satellite, it was called Explorer I
  • The first man in orbit

    The first man in orbit
    The Soviets put the first man to orbit Earth, Yuri Gagarin
  • The United States put the first American in orbit

    The United States put the first American in orbit
    Alan Shepard became the first American in Space
  • Americans announced that they will be the first country to land on the moon

    President Kenned announced that he wanted to put the first man on the moon.
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    The Apollo Moon program and the Gemini Program were launched

    The mission of the Apollo Moon program was to land on the moon, while the Gemini Program was to develop technology for the Apollo spacecraft
  • The first American to orbit in the space

    The first American to orbit in the space
    The first American, John Glenn orbited the Earth on Friendship 7
  • The First Woman in the space

    The First Woman in the space
    cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, the 1st woman in the space
  • The first man to walk in the space

    The first man to walk in the space
    Alexi Leonov, the first man to walk in the space for 12 minutes and 9 seconds
  • The first American to walk in the space

    The first American to walk in the space
    Edward White became the first American to walk in the space
  • First docking of two spacecraft

    First docking of two spacecraft
    Gemini 8, the first Gemini’s docking of 2 spacecrafts
  • The first country to land on Moon

    The first country to land on Moon
    The United states launch Apollo 11, with three astronauts. After 3 days, the eagle landed on the Moon
  • Apollo-Soyuz mission

    Apollo-Soyuz mission
    By 70’, the Soviet Union and the United States relations improved and on 1975 a program between the two country. The Apollo spacecraft would dock the Soviet Soyuz vehicle