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Cold war

  • Russian Revolution

    Russian  Revolution
    The Bolsheviks wanted a new work wages and they wanted Sir Nicholas the 2nd to be dethroned and the royal family gone. The leaders of the revolution were Joseph Stalin and Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky.
  • The Potsdam Conference

    The Potsdam Conference
    The Potsdam Conference , The participants were the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States. They got together to decide how to administer the defeated the Nazi Germany.
  • The Atomic Bombing - Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    The Atomic Bombing - Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    In the final stages of WW2. The Japanese got 2 nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki it lated only for two whole days until japan agreed to the U.S. terms.
  • The Iron Curtain

    The Iron Curtain
    At the end of WW2 in 1945. The Soviet Union wanted to put an boundary diving Germany. The terms symbolizes the efforts from the Soviet Union. and the Iron Cutain fell at the end of the cold war in 1991.
  • Hollywood 10

    Hollywood 10
    In October 1947 the Hollywood 10 film idustry publicly denouced the tactics empolyed by the House Un-American Activies Committe(HUAC). The Hollywood 10 got a arrested for Obstruction Of Juntice
  • Molotov Plan

    Molotov Plan
    The Molotov Plan was the system that the Soviet Union created to provide aid to rebuild the coutries in the Eastern Europe. It was the USSR's own version of the Marshall Plan.
  • The Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine
    The Truman Doctrine is an American Foreign Policy Created to counter Soviet geopolitical expansion during the Cold War.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan is an European Recovery Program wanted to send aid to the Western Europe. The United States gave over 13 billion and nearly 140 billion in current dollar value.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    After WW2 germany was divied between the Allies and the Soviet Union into East and West Germany. The United States, United Kingdom, and France Controlled western section of Germany. and The Sovitet Union controlled the eastern section of Germany.
  • The Berlin Airlift

    The Berlin Airlift
    The U.S. And the Allies come up with a plan to deliver supplies to West Berlin. They Dropped the supplies from planes .
  • Alger Hiss Case

    Alger Hiss Case
    Hiss was a American government official is accused of being a Soviet spy in the 1948 and was convicted of perjury in connection with charge in 1950.
  • NATO

    The North Atlantic Treaty Orangization is an intergovernmental military alliance. The North American and European states based on the North Atlanic Treaty.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    The Korean War began when North Korea INVADED South Korea. The U.S. sent aid to South Korea.
  • Rosenberg Trial

    Rosenberg Trial
    The Rosenberg were United States citizens, but the Rosenbergs were also Soviet spys and was executed on june 19, 1953.
  • The Soviet Bomb Test

    The Soviet Bomb Test
    The Soviet Union had its first Nuclear air-dropped bomb test .
  • The Battle of Dien Bien Phu

    The Battle of Dien Bien Phu
    The climactic cofrontation of the First Indochina War between the Freanch Union's. The French Far East Expeditionary Corps and The Viet Minh communist-nationalist revolutionaries.
  • The Army-McCarthy Hearings

    The Army-McCarthy Hearings
    The McCarthy hearings were a series of hearings held by the United States Senate's Subcommittee on Invetigations to investigate Conflicting accusations between the United States Army and U.S. Senator Josesph McCarthy.
  • The Geneva Conference

    The Geneva Conference
    The Conference was held in Geneva, Switzerland. The intended to settle outstanding issuse resunting from korean war and the First Indochina War.
  • The Warsaw Pact

    The Warsaw Pact
    The Warsaw Pact was a Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mututual Assistance. This was created not long after United States crerated NATO with our Allies.
  • Hungarian Revolution

    Hungarian Revolution
    This was a nationwide revoltion against the government of the Hungarian People's Republic and its Soviet-imposed policies,lasting from October 23, 1956 - November 10, 1956.
  • U2 Incident

    U2 Incident
    In the 1960s the U2 Incident happened during the Cold War and during the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower and the premiership of Nikita Khrushchev, when a United States U-2 spy plane was shot down while in Sovet airspace.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    The Bay of Pigs Invasion was a failed military invation of cuba undertaken by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)- sponsored paramilitary group Brigade 2506.
  • The Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was concrete barrier that physically and ideologically divided Berlin from 1961-1989. constructed by the German Democratic Republic.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cuban Missile Crisis was also known as the October Crisis. It a confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union concerning American ballistic missile depolyment in Italy and Turkey with consequest Soviet ballistic missile deployment in Cuba.
  • Assassination of Diem

    Assassination of Diem
    The president of South Vietnam, marked the culmination of a successful CIA-backed coup D'etat led by Duoung Van Minh.
  • Assination of JFK

    Assination of JFK
    JFK was in Dallas, Texas preparing for the next presitantial campaign, but JFK had not formally announcd his candidacy. JFK was confident at his chances for re-elecution.
  • Tokin Gulf Revsolution

    Tokin Gulf Revsolution
    The Gulf of Tokin Resolution that Congress passed, authorizing President Johnson to take any measures he believed was to necessary to retaliate and to promote the mainenance of internaioal peace and security in Southeast Asia.
  • The Operastion Rolling Thunder

    The Operastion Rolling Thunder
    The Operation Rolling Thunder was the title of a gradual and sustained aerial bombardment campaign conducted by the U.S. the 2nd Air Division.
  • The Tet Offienive

    The Tet Offienive
    This was on of the largest miliarary campaigns of the Vietnam War, launched on January 30, 1968 by forces of the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese People's Army of Vietnam against South Vietnamese Army.
  • The Assassination of MLK

    The Assassination of MLK
    MLK was fatally shot at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee.Dr.King was rushed to St. Joesph's Hospital. at 7:05 pm he was pronouced dead.
  • The Assassintion of RFK

    The Assassintion of RFK
    The Assassintion of RFK was suppose to be killed on June 5, 1968. but they want the date to be significant it was the Six Day War between Israel and its Arab neighbors.
  • The Invasion of Czecholovakia

    The Invasion of Czecholovakia
    The Invasion of Cecholovakia was known as Operation Danube was a Joint invasion of Czecholovakia by five Warsaw Pact nation on the night of the 20th.
  • Riots of Democratic National Convention

    Riots of Democratic National Convention
    The Democratic National Convention was held in Chicago, tens of thousads Vietnam War Protesters battle the police in the streets, while the Democratic Party falls apart.
  • Election of Nixon

    Election of Nixon
    This was the 46th quadrennial presidential election. Nixton a former Vice President for the United States.
  • The Kent State

    The Kent State
    Unarmed collage student by members of the Ohio Natioal Guard during the protest against the Vietnam War at Kent State. Only 4 sstudents were killed,
  • Nixon Visits China

    Nixon Visits China
    When Nixon went to visit China it was an important strategic and diplomatic overture that marked the culmination of the Nixon administrion's rapprochement between the United States and China.
  • The Ceasefire In Vietnam

    The Ceasefire In Vietnam
    Nixon ordered a ceasefire of the aerial bombing in North Vietnam. The decision came after Dr. Henry Kissinger the National Security Affairs.
  • Fall of Saigon

    Fall of Saigon
    The Fall of Saigaon was the capture of Saigon, the capital of the South Vietnam from the People's Army of Vietnam and the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam.
  • Reagan Elected

    Reagan Elected
    Ronald Reagan was an American politican and actor who served as the 40th President of the United States from 1981 to 1989.
  • SDI annouced

    SDI annouced
    The Strategic Defense Initiative was a proposed missile defense system intended to protect the United States from attack by ballistic strategic nuclear wepons.
  • Geneva Conference with Gorbachev

    Geneva Conference with Gorbachev
    The leaders from United States and Soviet Union met for the first time in Geneva, Switzerland. Reagan and Gorbachev had talked in Privite and built up a friendship but left with no arrangement.
  • Tear Down This Wall Speech

    Tear Down This Wall Speech
    Reagan was calling for the leader of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin wall that was been standing since 1961 that divied West and East Berlin.
  • Fall of Berlin Wall

    Fall of Berlin Wall
    The Cold War began to thaw across Eastern Europe, the spokesman for Berlin's Communist Party annouced a change in his city's relations with the west. Starting midnight that day.