Cold War

  • Kent State

    Kent State
    Kent State University was institution for training public school teachers. in 1910. May 4, 1970, when an Ohio Army National Guard unit fired at students during an anti-war protest on campus, killing four and wounding nine.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    The Russian Revolution was lead by Valdimir Lenin by a group called the Bolsheviks. The new communist government created the country of the Soviet Union.
  • Postdam Conference

    Postdam Conference
    The conference failed to settle most of the important issues at hand and thus helped set the stage for the Cold War that would begin shortly after World War II came to an end.
  • Atomic Bomb

    Atomic Bomb
    On August 6 and 9,American bombers dropped the world’s first atomic bomb over the city of Hiroshima. The explosion wiped out 90 percent of the city and immediately killed 80,000 people
  • Chinese Communist Revolution

    Chinese Communist Revolution
    The Chinese Communist Revolution, led by Chairman Mao Zedong, Second part of the Chinese civil war.
  • Iron Curtain

    Iron Curtain
    the Iron Curtain, the political, military, and ideological barrerected by the Soviet Union after World War II to seal off itself and its dependent eastern and central European allies from open contact with the West and other noncommunist areas.
  • Battle of Dien Bien Phu

    Battle of Dien Bien Phu
    The Battle of Dien Bien Phu was a decisive altercatoin in the First Indochina war between the French and Vietnamese Communist and nationalist.
  • Molotov Plan

    Molotov Plan
    The Molotov Plan was the system created by the Soviet Union in to provide aid to rebuild the countries in Eastern Europe that were politically and economically aligned to the Soviet Union.
  • The Long Telegram

    The Long Telegram
    The Long Telegram was Russia's way of seeing how the world works. The article took the information in the two prior reports and made a map for the Cold War. Gorge Kennin
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    President Harry Truman established that the United States would provide political, military and economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat from external or internal authoritarian forces.
  • Hollywood 10

    Hollywood 10
    The Hollywood 10 where famous acters, singers and such who where brought up for questoining about being a comunist and refused so speak, breaking there rights.
  • Alger Hiss case

    Alger Hiss case
    Alger Hiss was an American government official who was accused of being a Soviet spy in 1948 and convicted of perjury in connection with this charge in 1950. Before he was tried and convicted, he was involved in the establishment of the United Nations both as a U.S. State Department official and as a U.N. official.
  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan was an American law in 1948 to help Western Europe. The United States gave over $12 billion in economic assistance to help rebuild Western European economies after the end of World War II.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    The Berlin Blockade was one of the first major international crises of the Cold War. During the multinational occupation of post world War II Germany, the Soviet Union blocked the Western Allies' railway, road, and canal access to the sectors of Berlin under Western control.
  • Berlin Aircraft

    Berlin Aircraft
    Berlin Airlift begins. In response to the Soviet blockade of land routes into West Berlin, the United States begins a massive airlift of food, water, and medicine to the citizens of the besieged city. For nearly a year, supplies from American planes sustained the over 2 million people in West Berlin.
  • NATO

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization also called the North Atlantic Alliance, is an intergovernmental military alliance between 29 North American and European countries.
  • Rosenberg trial

    Rosenberg trial
    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, a married couple convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage in 1951, were put to death in the electric chair on June 19, 1953. Their dual execution marked the dramatic finale of the most controversial espionage case of the Cold War.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The Korean War began when the North Korean Communist army crossed the 38th Parallel and invaded non-Communist South Korea. As Kim Il-sung's North Korean army, armed with Soviet tanks, quickly overran South Korea, the United States came to South Korea's aid.
  • Army-McCarthy hearings

    Army-McCarthy hearings
    a series of court days held by the United States, to investigate conflicting accusations between the United States Army and U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy. he was accuesed of being a communist
  • The Geneva Conference

    The Geneva Conference
    The Geneva Conference was a meeting among many nations that took place in Geneva, Switzerland. It was suppose to settle outstanding issues resulting from the Korean War and the First Indochina War
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    The Warsaw Pact, formally known as the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual agreement, was a collective defence treaty signed in Warsaw
  • Soviet bomb test

    Soviet bomb test
    On November 22, 1955, the Soviet Union exploded its first true hydrogen bomb at the Semipalatinsk test site. It had a yield of 1.6 megatons. This began a series of Soviet hydrogen bomb tests culminating on October 23, 1961, with an explosion of about 58 megatons.
  • Hungarian Revolution

    Hungarian Revolution
    The Hungarian Revolution was a nationwide revolution against Hungarian People's Republic and its Soviet-imposed policies,
  • U2 Incident

    U2 Incident
    United States U-2 spy plane was shot down by russia while taking pictures of sovoit defences, deep into Soviet territory.
  • Riots of Democratic convention

    Riots of Democratic convention
    The convention was held during a year of violence, political turbulence, and civil unrest, particularly riots in more than 100 cities following the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr in Chicago.
  • Bay of Pigs invasion

    Bay of Pigs invasion
    The Bay of Pigs invasion was a failed attempt by US to try and eliminate Fidel Castro's Cuban Revolution in Cuba.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was a barrier that surrounded West Berlin and prevented access to it from East Berlin and adjacent areas of East Germany
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cuban Missile Crisis was a major confrontation that brought the United States and the Soviet Union close to war over the presence of Soviet nuclear-armed missiles in Cuba.
  • Assassination of Diem

    Assassination of Diem
    He was a Vietnamese politician who was a supporter of the US, he became Vietnamese politician, later becomiung the President of South Vietnam from 1955 untill he was allegedly killed by suicide, Vietnam Radio had announced their deaths by poison.
  • Assassination of JFK

    Assassination of JFK
    the 35th President of the United States was fatally shot by former U.S. Marine Lee Harvey Oswald firing in ambush from a nearby building
  • Tonkin Gulf Resolution

    Tonkin Gulf Resolution
    Congress voted to pass a bill that President Johnson can take measures believed were necessary to keep and to promote the international peace and security in southeast Asia.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    Operation Rolling Thunder was started in an effort to demoralise the North Vietnamese people and to destroy the government in North Vietnam. Operation Rolling Thunder was a failed attempt at both.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    The Tet Offensive was an invatoin from Vietcong in the North, about 85,000 people launched a major invatoin throughout South Vietnam. it tooks weeks for the US to gain back controll of the area
  • Assassination of MLK

    Assassination of MLK
    Martin Luther King was shot dead while standing on a balcony outside his second-floor room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. His death caused major racial outbreaks causing more than 40 deaths and damage in over 100 citys.
  • Assassination of RFK

    Assassination of RFK
    Robert F. Kennedy was badly wounded shortly after midnight at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.
  • Invasion of Czechoslovakia

    Invasion of Czechoslovakia
    Soviet Union led Warsaw Pact troops in an invasion of Czechoslovakia lead by five Warsaw Pact countries – the Soviet Union, Poland, Bulgaria, East Germany and Hungary
  • Riots of Democratic convention

    Riots of Democratic convention
    The convention was held during a year of violence, political turbulence, and civil unrest, particularly riots in more than 100 cities following the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr in Chicago.
  • Election of Nixon

    Election of Nixon
    Nixon was the former Vice President, defeated by the Democratic nominee, Vice President Hubert Humphrey.
  • Nixon visits China

    Nixon visits China
    It was an importnt stratigic move that allowed the American public to view images of China for the first time in over two decades. And good realatoins for years to come.
  • Ceasefire in Vietnam

    Ceasefire in Vietnam
    President Richard Nixon ordered a ceasefire of the aerial bombings in North Vietnam and all parties of the Vietnam War signed a ceasefire as a prelude to the Paris Peace Accord.
  • Fall of Saigon

    Fall of Saigon
    End of the Vietnam War, Evacuation of all US diplomatic, military and civilian personnel. US lost positoin in Saigon Veitnom
  • Reagan elected

    Reagan elected
    Prior to his presidency, he was a Hollywood actor. The 49th Republican nominee Ronald Reagan defeated Democrat Jimmy Carter in 1980
  • SDI announced

    SDI announced
    The Strategic Defense Initiative also known as "Star Wars' was a plan created by Regan to scare the Soviot Union by useing a missile defense system to destroy any incoming bombs/ missles.
  • Geneva Conference with Gorbachev

    Geneva Conference with Gorbachev
    It was a Cold War-era meeting in Geneva, Switzerland to talk about international diplomatic relations and the weopons race.
  • ‘Tear down this wall’ speech

    ‘Tear down this wall’ speech
    The Berlin Wall Speech, is a speech delivered by U.S. President Ronald Reagan in West Berlin telling Gorbtrov to tear is down, and succsusfully worked. There was fear from the US that Regan could be killed while standing in the open or fear he would make the Soviots mad.
  • Fall of Berlin Wall

    Fall of Berlin Wall
    Succsesfully destroyed in 1991