Cold war


  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    Was the promotion of fear of a potential rise of communism or radical leftism, used by anti-leftist proponents. In the United States, the First Red Scare was about worker (socialist) revolution and political radicalism
  • USS Maddox

    USS Maddox
    Target of a fake S. Vietnamese naval attack. Information obatianed after the fact indicated that there as no attack on the USS Maddox, Congress would still prove the act of war in Vietnam. Planes from the USS Ticonderoga were immediatley sent to attack N. Vietnamese naval bases.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    -Surrender of Germany
    -Partioning of Germany
    -Reorganize Memebership in U.S.
    -Russia helps with Japan
    This conference took place in Russian resort, U.S. President FDR, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soveit Preimer Joseph Stalin made descisions about the war and postwar business. Stalin agreed to permit free election in Eastern Europe and enter the Asian war with japan. But Stalin broke his promise and installed goverments dominated by the Soviet Union.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    FDR died, Truman, Churchill and Stalin discuss Europe, joining the U.S. and working together to defeat Japan (Soviet Union). They all came to an agreement about the German Economy to emphansis on development of war punishments for crimianls, land boundraies and reperations. Also unconditonal surrender of Japan.
  • Truman doctrine

    Truman doctrine
    Aid would be given to both Greece and Turkey, to help cool the long-standing rivalry between them. ( around the world to maintain their freedoms, and give them back hope).
  • Trumans Containment

    Trumans Containment
    Containment was a United States policy to prevent the spread of communism abroad. A component of the Cold War, this policy was a response to a series of moves by the Soviet Union to enlarge communist influence in Eastern Europe, China, Korea, Africa, and Vietnam.
  • Russian Sputnik I is launched

    Russian Sputnik I is launched
    During the Cold War, Russia and America began serious competition on this day known as the Space Race. This competition consisted of seeing which super power could find the technology to send the first Earth-orbiting satellite into space. On October 4 this challenge was accomplished by the USSR with the launch of the Sputnik I. America returned the feel of defeat a decade later when American Neil Armstrong became the first man to set foot on the moon.
  • Marhall PLan

    Marhall PLan
    America initiated to aid Europe which gave 17 million dollars in economic support to help rebuild Europe. Stop the spread of communism, and also increase american influneces.
  • NATO (North Altantic Treaty Organization)

    NATO (North Altantic Treaty Organization)
    an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty, agree to a mutal defense in response to any attacks by an external party.
  • McCarthyism

    U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy begins his communist witch hunt in the United States.During his second term as senator, McCarthy was put in charge of the Committee on Government Operations, which allowed him to launch even more expansive investigations of the alleged communist infiltration of the federal government. In hearing after hearing, he aggressively interrogated witnesses in what many came to perceive as a blatant violation of their civil rights. McCarthy’s accusations were so intimidating.
  • Sino Soviet Treaty

    Sino Soviet Treaty
    The treaty of alliance was between the People's Republic of China and the Soviet Union. It was based to on the prior Treaty of the same name that was arranged between the Soviet Union and the Nationalist government of China in 1945 and it was the product of extended negotiations between Liu Shaoqi and Stalin. By its terms the Soviet Union recognized the People's Republic of China and recalled recognition of the Republic of China.
  • 17th Parallel

    17th Parallel
    Seventeenth parallel, the provisional military demarcation line established in Vietnamby the Geneva Accords.
  • Domino theory

    Domino theory
    Proposed by Eisenhower
    foundation of the war in Vietnam
    countries that practice communism will fall if all falls to communism
  • Geneva Accord

    Geneva Accord
    separated Vietnam into two zones, a northern zone to be governed by the Việt Minh, and a southern zone to be governed by the State of Vietnam, then headed by former emperor Bảo Đại.
  • Geneva Accords is signed

    Geneva Accords is signed
    the Geneva Accords was signed, dividing Vietnam at the 17th Parallel for 2 years until elections could be held to unify the nation. The north became communist while the South was supported by the US in democracy and capitalism.

    Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) is formed to prevent the spread of communism in Southeast Asia. Beyond its activities, the SEATO charter was also vitally important to the American rationale for the Vietnam War. The United States used the organization as its justification for refusing to go forward with the 1956 elections intended to reunify Vietnam, instead maintaining the divide between communist North Vietnam and South Vietnam at the 17th parallel.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    formed by the USSR to counter NATO in Europe
    Treaty of friendship, Co-operation and mutal assistance
  • The Suez Canal

    The Suez Canal
    Gamalabdul Nasser, Egypt's National leader nationalied the Suez canal, after the US refused to fun the Aswan Dam Project. Britian, France and Israel attacked Egypt and seized the Suez Canal.
  • Berlin Wall/Blockade

    Berlin Wall/Blockade
    Communist government of the German Democratic Republic began to build a barbed wire and concrete “antifascist bulwark,” between East and West Berlin. The purpose of this was to keep Western “fascists” from entering East Germany and undermining the socialist state, but it primarily served the objective of stemming mass defections from East to West.
    The Soviet Union blocked the Western Allies' railway, road, and canal access to parts of Berlin under allied control.
  • Defoliation

    it was called Operation Ranch Hand, which was the use of chemical herbicides to kill vegetation and thereby deny cover to enemy forces. It was sprayed everywhhere like inland forests and demilitarized zone soliders and cilivians that would be harmed.
  • Operation Sunrise

    Operation Sunrise
    Vietnamese peasants were forced to build and move into fortified villages to prevent contact with communism influnces
  • Cuban missile crisis

    Cuban missile crisis
    n response to Ballistic missles of the U.S being in range of Moscow, the leader of the Soviet Union at the time have large amounts of nuclear missle sites built and loaded into Cuba to deter future harassment of Cuba. This 14 day long time period nearly resulted in full nuclear war between the two parties.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    there was a tense 13 day political and military standoff between US and the Soviet Union over the installation of nuclear- armed Soviet missile in Cuba
    t\he closet US came to a nuclear war
    our spyies confirmed the pressance of air misslies in Cuba from Russia
    JFK had 2 choices
    order airstikes on missle sites and risk a nuclear war with USSR
    naval blackade amd stop soviet ships from bringing in missiles and other equipment
  • Naval Blockade

    Naval Blockade
    the Soviet Union ship Grozny crossess the quarantine line but the US navy ships fire star shells acriss the bow. Krushchev gave in to US pressure and removed Soviet misslies from Cuba for a US promise not to invade Cuba.
  • JFK goes to Berlin

    JFK goes to Berlin
    JFK went to Berlin and delivered his famous "Ich bin ein Berliner" to show U.S. determination to keep Berlin free from Communism.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    approved by congress on August 7th and authorized Lyndon Johnson to take all necessary measures to repel an armed attack against the forces of the US and to prevent further aggression. The resolution was passed unanimously in the House, by a margin of 8-2 in the Senate.
  • Vietnamization

    this was the bloodiest fights of the war, this led to massive anti-war demonstration and the announcement of a new policy. During this time the Civial War and social unrest were present in the US, hurting the public perception of the nation. Nixon launched a Vietnamization of the war which meant most of the fighting would be done by the S.Vietnamese forces with the US providing support. The major elements of vitenamization was improvement and modernization.
  • Nixon Doctrine

    Nixon Doctrine
    an attempt to set guidelines for dealing with nonaligned third world nations, goal to avoid another Vietnam type of war.
    negotiaiting with enemies, reguardless of their philosophy of governemnt to find some common ground for a mutal beneift
    working for a greater paretnership w/ US allies which each nation is encouraged to make a greater contribution
    strength for sercuity, uS maintians arms and everyone tones their down Bargaining chip.
  • Helsinki arms control talks and SALT treaty I

    Helsinki arms control talks and SALT treaty I
    to cool the arms race between USSR and US, a series of strategic arms limititations talks were held from Nov. 1969- May 1972, this was the first agreement to place limitiations on the arms race.
  • Cambodian Invasion April 29 - July 22, 1970

    Cambodian Invasion April 29 - July 22, 1970
    the invasion of Cambodia by the US and S.vietnames troops. this was the first real test of Nixon's vitenamization. The overall performance was disappointing. Negative reactions came from the invasion, included the killings of 4 students of Kent State, Ohio. In May 1970 Kent State anti-war protest turned deadly; national guardsmen opened fired on protesting students.
  • Detente

    period of improved relations between the United States and the Soviet Union that began tentatively in 1971 and took decisive form when President Richard M. Nixon visited the secretary-general of the Soviet Communist party
  • Nixon and China

    Nixon and China
    Communist armies defaeted Nationalist governemnt and established People's Republic of China; the US refused to accept this. Nixon reversed the policy of non-recogintion of a new goverment of China in a 2 step process, first china invited US ping pong team to play in China; this was followed by an invitation for Nixon himself to visit China.
  • Summit Meetings

    Summit Meetings
    Ford and his aides discussed negotiatong stragety outdoors in 20 degree weather, for fear of being spied on, on that the rooms were bugged. at the meetings, both nations agreed to work on SALT II agreement limiting nuclear warheards and accept the post WWII borders in Eurpoe; the USSR pledged to improve its human right.
  • End of Vietnam

    End of Vietnam
    Nixon had been talking and bombing led to results in the paris peace tals, which was going on since 1968. With pressure placed on N.Vietnam by both the Soviet Union and China a final agreement was reached in January 1973; the treaty allowed the US to withdraw all troops. S. Vietnam would fall to communism during the massive invasion, it was over April 1975 when communist forces entered Saigon and renamed it Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Henry Kissinger and realpolitik

    Henry Kissinger and realpolitik
    Both him and Nixon wanted a stable nation. They believed in a global balance of power, who were responsible for world peace; these nats hadiaons had the obligation to be superpowers and police the rest of the world to keep peace. US, USSR, NATO Allies, People's Republic Of China, and Japan.