Berlin Blockade, 5
- June 24, 1948 - may, 1949
- Joseph Stalin imposed a blockade on west berlin to force western troops and supplies out and demoralize their forces. 2.5 million civilians were cut off from much needed aid to help them survive. In a show of power the allies used planes to drop off supplies to west berlin carrying around 2.5 million tons of aid on more than 270,000 flights over 11 months. the victory of the allies led to the supported idea of a united west germany.
Korean War, 3
- June 25, 1950 - July 27, 1953
- After world war 2 korea was split into two, a communist north, and a capitalist democratic south. After getting approval from the USSR the north invades the south and nearly wins until the US and UN step in and beat the north back. China gets scared that when allied forces reach chinese borders they won't stop and enter china, so they help the north. the war becomes a stand still so they call a truce to pause it. the war led to a lose of 2.5 million people.
Vietnam War, 8
- 1954 - 1975
- after world war 2 vietnam was split into 2, a communist north and a capitalist south. The southern leader feared the popularity of the northern leader so he didn't hold the election that could have united the two. The north got angry and invaded the south, using guerilla warfare tactics to attack american troops stationed in the south. the war eventually spread into Laos and Cambodia. after years of fighting the US left the south and the north won. 3 million were killed.
Space Race, 2
- August 2, 1955 - July 17, 1975
- Space became an arena for the cold war, each side wanted to improve their technology to show they were superior. The US created NASA to assist in their space missions. the soviets won some of the first victories by making Lunar, the first space probe to hit the moon, and sending Yuri Gagarin into orbit. The US followed suit and claimed it will send a man to the moon. On july 16, 1969. Neil Armstrong became the first man on the moon, winning the race for US.
Suez Canal Crisis, 9
- July 26, 1956 - March, 1957
- Egypt, wanting money to build a dam after the US and UK refused to help pay, nationalized the suez canal in hopes fees from it would help construction. The UK and France feared egypt would cut off western europe's petroleum supplies, after failing to end it diplomatically they secretly raised an armed force and allied up with israel. After israel invaded egypt, france and britain entered the canal area under a UN cease fire case, the two were kicked out by the UN.
U-2 incident, 11
- May 1, 1960
- The US feared that they had a huge missile gap with the soviet union so sent some spy plans to go check. Before an important meeting about limiting each other's arms one of these spy plans were shot down and found out about. this angered the soviet union because they didn't like america spying on them. the two made a deal and all was good again.
Cuban Missile Crisis, 1
- October 22, 1962 - November, 1962
- Cuba became a communist nation after its revolution allying itself with the soviet union. the soviet union decided to build nuclear bases there. the decision was made because they didn't like the US having nukes in western allies especially Turkey. In response to cuba housing nuclear weapons the US forced an embargo onto the country, which nearly caused a war between the US and USSR. after talking it out nukes were removed and the world became safe again.
Yom Kippur War, 10
- October 6, 1973 to November 1973
- Egypt and Syria invaded Israel after Israel refused to return land that they took from a previous war with the two, invading on the day of the jewish holiday of yom kippur. After the Soviet Union started to fund Egypt and Syria, the US started to fund Israel. The UN called for a cease fire and eventually egypt and syria made peace with israel after getting their land back.
Soviet War in Afghanistan, 6
- December, 1979 - February, 1989
- The Soviet Union interfered with the Afghan war in order to support the communist governmental forces there against the anti- communist muslim forces. After Years of Fighting the Soviet Union failed to install a sympathetic communist regime in the country. After signing a treaty with Pakistan, The US, and Afghanistan the Soviet union eventually withdrew their troops and Afghanistan returned to being a nonaligned nation.
Soviets Downing Korean Air Lines Flight 007, 7
- September 1, 1983
- A korean airliner flying from Seoul, South korea to Anchorage, Alaska was shot down by soviet forces thinking it was an american spy plane on an intelligence gathering mission. The soviet jets fired warning shots but the pilots of the airplane did not see, in order to stop them from entering international waters the soviet jets shot down the innocent airliner. the plane continued to fly for around 90 seconds to 12 minutes before crashing into the sea of japan.
"Able Archer" military exercise, 4
- September 26, 1983 - October 7, 1983
- NATO forces were doing their average exercise of simulating a potential nuclear attack by the soviet union, but this time they decided to add the tactic of confusing the enemy giving it the code name of "able archer". The soviets freaked out believing this was a genuine attack and sent their military to their border with NATO, after waiting a while the soviets realized it was just an exercise and backed down afterwards .