2nd Great MIgration
African Americans were affected by this move. They moved because of economic concerns as the men worked in unskilled jobs and woman were placed in domestic services. Education opportunities political disfranchisement and racial violence also drove migration. They worked in shipyards and aircraft plants. They moved from southern areas like Mississippi and Alabama to western areas like Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle. -
G.I. Bills
Benefits to veterans included cash payment, living expenses for collage, and one year unemployment compensation. Exposure to combat was not required, but needed 90 days of active duty. -
Baby Boom
Population started growing rapidly. Men who came back from war wanted someone who would carry out their legacy so they started fornicating. The total births per year during this period grew from 2.3 million to 4.3 million. this boom and the G.I Bill service men readjustment act of 1944's helped veterans lead developers into building cheaper mass produced heading. Home ownership increased by 50% the movement of the middle income families to the suburbs led to a declining urban tax. -
Polio Vaccine By Dr Jonas Salk
Jonas Salk developed the 1st effective polio vaccine in 1952. His vaccine was tested in the Francis field trial when it involved approximately 4.000 children but would grow to eventually involved around 1.8 million children across 44 sates. it was the largest medical experiment at the time. April of 1955 the vaccine was licensed for distribution he never patented the vaccine so he didn't make any money but instead made it easily and distributed nation wide. -
On March 26,1953 American medical Dr.johas Salk announces on a national radio show that he has successfully teased a vaccine against poliomyelitis the virus that causes the crippling disease of polio (FDR has polio) in 1954 clinical mistrial the Salk vaccine and place began on a nearly 2 million American school children. -
Air Condition
During the post war period that AC arrived in American homes with more than 1 million units sold in 1953. AC served the needs of home builders eager to build huge numbers of cheap houses utilities were only too happy to keep ramping up electricity sales to the burgeoning suburbs. Ac for cars became a status symbol too. Many of the central changes in society since world war 2 would not have been possible were AC not keeping our homes and workplaces cool. Business start Booming. -
Creation Of N.A.S.A
On this day in 1958, president Dwight Eisenhower signed an act creates this national aeronautics and space administration. He called the signify an historical event for this United States pale age. Since the end of WW2 the united states had work to make breakouts in rocket science. -
On Feb 20,1962 John Glenn launched from cape Canaveral lames complex 14 to become the first American to orbit the Earth an atlas launch vehicle propelled a mercury spacecraft into Earth orbit and enabler John Glenn to circle Earth 3 times. The success of friendship 7 mission enables N.A.S.A to accelerate further into its efforts with project mercury. -
Moon Speech
President Kennedy's Moon speech declared powerfully that the us would go to the moon bet orc the feds was dust. Which means the speech kicks started the us to be involved in the space race this meant that the average american would have to race in order for space mo rations. -
Apollo 11
Apollo ll launched from cape Kennedy carrying commander Neil Armstrong commanded middle pilots Micheal Collins and Lunar middle pilot ending "Buzz" Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon dolling him was Buzz. Realizing the format quote by Armstrong "That's one small step for man. -
Rock And Roll
The popularity of rock and roll resulted in powerful impact on society when jazz blues and country was combined it created rock in roll.