Cold War

By mswan13
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    Korean War

    United Nations sent armed forces to prevent North Korean soldiers from entering/fighting in South Korea. Security council set up a force under Mac Arthur.
    Leaders: MacAurthur, and President Truman
    Naions Involved: Rusia, China, Asia, and U.S.
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    Communist take control of China

    Mao Zedong led communist forces into Chiang and drove chineese forces out.
    Leaders: Chaing Kai-shek, and Mao Zedon
    Nations Involved: Asia, China, and the Soviet Union.
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    Red scare/ Mccarthyism

    Americans were worried that communist might take over the government. Some were accused of being soviet spies. Joesph Mccarthy viewed lots of people as a communist party member.
    Leaders: Joesph McCarthy, President Truman, Ethel and Julis Rosenburg.
    Nations Involved: U.S., and Soviet Union
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    Cold War

  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    President Truman tried to stop the expansion of communism using a program called the truman Doctrine. Leaders: President Truman

    Nations involved: Greece, U.S., and Turkey.
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    Marshall Plan

    George Marshall used his plan to take homeless in Europe and use them to support communism, Stalin did not agree.
    Leaders: George Marshall
    Nations involved: Europe, and Soviet Union
  • NATO

    The U.S. and western Europe joined to fight off Soviet agression by using the NATO pact.
    Leaders: Western Europe leader
    Nations involved: Western Europe
  • Berlin Blockade/ Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Blockade/ Berlin Airlift
    President Truman created the Berlin Airlift to carry supplies into the West Berlin from the U.S. because the Soviet Union set up a blockade. Leaders: President Truman, Joesph Stalin
    Nations involved: West Berlin, Soviet Union, and U.S.
  • Warsaw pact

    Warsaw pact
    The Soviet Union formed a military alliance and demanded complete loyalty from the Warsaw pact.
    Leaders: Leaders of Eastern European Nations.
    Nations involved: Eastern Europe (Communist)
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    Fall of Communism

    In 1989 peaceful protests were in major cities. The communist government was replaced with democratic changes. East and West Berlin demolished the wall in 1961. Germany reunited with democratic government.
    Leaders: Mikhail Gorbachev, Lech Walsea
    Nations Involved: Eastern Europe, Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Albania, West and East Berlin.
  • Sputnik

    Soviet Union created many rockets in factories and launched the first one (sputnik). The U.S. raced a missel gap. Both "teams" spent more and more money and continued this "space race."
    Leaders: Nikita Khrushev
    Nations Involved; Soviet Union, and U.S.
  • NASA

    N.A.S.A. or National Aeronautics and Space Administration was created in 1958 to compete with the Soviet's in the "space race."
    Leaders: U.S. Government
    Nations Involved: Soviet Union, and U.S.
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    Bay of pigs

    The Soviet union provided economic aid to the new socialist state. Eisenhower set up a plan to train Cuban exiles. Cuban exiles landed at the Bay of pigs after JFK became President.
    Leaders:Fidel Casdtro, JFK, President Esienhower
    Nations Involved: Cuba, U.S., Soviet Union,
  • U-2 Spy Planes

    U-2 Spy Planes
    Gary Powers (piolot) flying a U-2 Spy Plane was shot down while flying secretly accrossed the Sovet Unions border to take pictures of stratic sites. Powers parachuted to safety-arested,tried, sentenced to 10 years. Early 1962 traded American spy for Soviet Spy. Leaders: Kennedy, Khrushchev
    Nations Involved: Soviet Union, U.S.
  • Berlin Wall Built

    Berlin Wall Built
    The people of East Germany wanted to go into West Germany to escape communism, so they built a wall divideing both. East german soldiers wanted to stop people from going into the west. Leaders: East and West Germans

    Nations involved: Germany, and Berlin.
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    Vietnam War

    Civil belif in domino theory, U.S., became advisor's, 1964 America involved in War, 1968 war escaladed, 500,000 troops sent, many protested the war 1/68, Tet offensive, 1973 U.S. lost.
    Leaders: Ho Chi Minh, Ngo Dinh Diem, J.F.K.
    Nation's Involved: Vietnam, Soviet Union, U.S.
  • Cuban missel crisis

    Cuban missel crisis
    Soviet Union gave Cuba more weapons. Soviets secretly built missel bases on the Island. Navy would begin "strict quarantine" of Cuba. Khrushchev agreed to take missels out of Cuba, U.S. agreed not to invade.
    Leaders: JFK, Robert Kennedy, and Nikita Khrushchev
    Nations Involved:Soviet Union, Cuba, U.S.
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    U.S. and the Soviet Union signed a treaty agreeing to limit the number of nuclear weapons and missels built.(Salt) trade increased. Astronauts conducted a joint space mission before SALT II treaty was ratified in hope for defended faded.
    Leaders: President Nixon, General Ford, Gimm, Carter, Leonid Brechev
    Nations Involved: U.S., Soviet Union, China.
  • Star Wars

    Star Wars
    Reagan pursauded Congress to increase military. His defense program included research of weapons to use to shoot down Soviet missels from space, this was called Star Wars.
    Leaders: Ronald Reagan
    Nations Involved: Soviet Union
  • Glasnost

    Gorbachev called for a policy called glasnost, speaking out honestly and openly, newspapers could now write about economic problems, hoping the public would help the nation solve theese problems.
    Leaders: Mikhail Gorbachev
    Nations Involved: Soviet Union