Cold War 1950-54

  • Konrad Adenauer

    Konrad Adenauer
    Konrad Adenauer advocated economic union between West Germany and France. 21st March. In his proposals, Konrad Adenauer raised the possibility of other European countries joining this Franco-German core to form the cornerstone of a united states of Europe.
  • National Security Council Report (NSC-68) Published

    National Security Council Report (NSC-68) Published
    This report called for the use of force in order to “contain” Soviet expansionism anywhere it seemed to be spreading and increase defensive forces. This set the basis of policies for the Cold War. It shows how the US saw the Soviets as a hostile threat, and the nation was willing to be aggressive in order to protect itself.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The Soviets backed North Korea as they invaded South Korea, so America sent their military into Korea to suppress a possible communist campaign. This was the first military action of the Cold War, and it shows that the Soviets and the US did fight each other, even if it was through other countries. It further proves how the Cold War had a very violent makeup.
  • Winston Churchill

    Winston Churchill
    Winston Churchill calls for the creation of the European Army 1st July. He advocated a ‘United States of Europe’, urging Europeans to turn their backs on the horrors of the past and look to the future. He declared that Europe could not afford to drag forward the hatred and revenge which sprung from the injuries of the past, and that the first step to recreate the ‘European family’ of justice, mercy and freedom. He gave the speech to the common people.
  • United States gives military and economic aid to communist Yugoslavia

    United States gives military and economic aid to communist Yugoslavia
    This event represents how far the US was willing to go in order to take power away from the Soviets. Yugoslavia was also a communist nation, but the US wanted their favor because they had separated from the Soviet Union. It shows that the Cold War had evolved from more than a difference of ideologies, but a fight between power and money.
  • US announces that it successfully exploded a hydrogen bomb

    US announces that it successfully exploded a hydrogen bomb
    This event represents the general pattern of the Cold War. Although there were no active battles between the Soviet Union and the United States, the nations still managed to show aggressiveness towards each other with military threats.
  • Joseph Stalin dies

    Joseph Stalin dies
    Previously, Stalin was a major contributor to the Cold War. Although he was responsible for making the Soviet Union allies with the US during WWII, Stalin enforced a communist nation, which America saw as wrong and an intent to world domination. He was then succeeded by Nikita Khrushchev, who reciprocated the United States’ distrust of the Soviets.
  • Soviet Union announces that it can use hydrogen bombs

    Soviet Union announces that it can use hydrogen bombs
    This event further represents the general pattern of the Cold War. The Soviet Union and the US managed to continue hostile threats toward each other with a competition of weaponry. When one nation built a weapon, the other nation would try to one-up the first nation with a stronger weapon.
  • USS Nautilus is launched by the US Navy

    USS Nautilus is launched by the US Navy
    Along with hydrogen bombs, the Soviet Union and United States did their best to one-up each other with groundbreaking, new weapons. This was the first nuclear submarine built, and it was much more efficient than previous submarines. This was done not only for each nation to demonstrate their ability to attack the other, but also as a mode of defence against any possible invasion.
  • First Army-McCarthy hearing was aired on television

    First Army-McCarthy hearing was aired on television
    McCarthy. was called out on his undocumented accusations against officials and civilians, and McCarthyism begins to end. Senator McCarthy had been notorious for his political “witch-hunt” against civilians, army officials, and government officials, claiming different individuals to have relations with communism without any solid evidence. This then spread fear through the public as they began to lose trust in their own neighbors, and it proves how much suspicion spread from the Cold War.