Cold War 1990-1993

  • Communists lose power in (most of) Yugoslavia

    The communists would lose their power in the first multi-party elections to separatists except in Serbia and Montenegro. Slobodan Milosevic would not let go of Yugoslovia so easily.
  • Reunification of Germany

    Reunification of Germany
    Reunification of Germany was made official by a unification treaty being signed in which the German Democratic Republic joined the German Federal Republic.
  • End of Warsaw Pact

    Sign that the Soviet Union had been falling apart. The pact, originally formed in response to NATO allowing a rearmed West Germany to be included. East Germany had left this pact in 1990 to prepare for its reunification with West Germany. Poland and Czechoslovakia were showing signs of a desire to withdraw from the pact as well. Few months later it was made official by one final meeting.
  • Slovenia and Croatia declare independence

    Slovenia and Croatia declare independence
    This lead to war and violence in both countries, because the Yugoslav's People's Army did not agree with the declaration of independence by both countries. Milosevic even claimed, when the EU tried helping each country, that they had no right to help dissolve Yugoslavia.

    Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START I) were signed by George H.W Bush. They were the successor to SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) This was also signed by Gorbachev, but when the Soviet Union officially disbanded it was needed to be signed by all nations of the commonwealth.
  • Coup against Gorbachev

    Coup against Gorbachev
    A coup against Gorbachev was held, but Yeltsin raced to the White House of Russia to suppress and defy the coup. Gorbachev eventually was rescued, but most of his political power was destroyed.
  • Yeltsin bans Communist Party activity on Russian soil

    This lead to numerous events that were leaning towards a communist free Eastern Europe.
  • Soviet Union Disbands

    Soviet Union Disbands
    Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine all declared independence, marking the end of the Soviet Union. This freed all the other countries under control of the Soviet Union.
  • Lisbon Protocol Signed

    The Lisbon Protocol Signed by Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine. They are all made to become parties of START I by signing the Lisbon Protocol. In of course, Lisbon Portugal. This meant all nations had to either destroy their weapons or give them to Russia.