Cold war 1979 to1991

  • destalinazation

    Stalin's death marked the start of destalination. This meant that they would relax some of the restrictions
  • Four Power

    Four Power
    Agreement that Brezhnev agreed too to help Berlin to rebuild. Soviet Union was the first power to sign between France, Great Britian, and The United States.
  • SALT

    SALT standing for Strategic arms limitation talks. They ended with a signed agreement between the US and USSR to limit the number of nuclear weapons in their arsenal.
  • Afghan war

    Afghan war
    The Soviet Unition try to conquer Afghanistan. They lost too many men and lost too much money. This caused them to retreat because they realized they would never win.
  • Gorbachev

    Inherited a declining Soviet unition and knew that things needed to be changed. introduced Glasnost and Perestroika ideas to get the Soviet economy competing with the rest of the world.
  • Period: to


    Glasnost was when the Soviet Union became more open. The Soviet citizens were allowed to access the western world which started democratizing movement.
  • Period: to


    Perestroika is when the Soviet Union started to become more capitalist. They started allowing private farms and small businesses. This also allowed foreign investment into the Soviet Union exposing the Soviet Union to more democracy.
  • Velvet Revolution

    Velvet Revolution
    A non-violence protest against the communist party in Czechoslovakia. This was because they wanted to break away and become democratic.
  • Mircale year

    Mircale year
    This marked the collapse of the Eastern bloc of the Soviet Union. Countries like Poland, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, and Romania became free from the Soviet Union.
  • Democratization

    This is when countries in Eastern Europe wanted to become democratic and wanted to break away from the Soviet Union. This was one of the major factors to the end of the Soviet Union.
  • Malta Summit

    Malta Summit
    This summit was a meeting between Goerge H.W. Bush and Gorbachev after the fall of the berlin wall separating East Berlin and West Berlin.
  • Reagan Doctrine

    Reagan Doctrine
    The Reagan Doctrine put pressure on the USSR. The purpose of the doctrine was the overwhelm the influence of the Soviet Union in the world.