Richard Nixon visits China
<iframe width="400" height="500" frameborder="0" src="http://www.bbc.com/news/av/embed/p04xjzdg/39342190"></iframe> The bond between the U.S and the Soviet Union became better. Secretary General of thesovier communist Leonid Brezhnev agreed on reducing warfare and gaining trade. -
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
The main purpose of the treaty was to slow down the developement of nuclear bombs.The U.S and the Soviet Union decided on missile limitations,thus creating this treaty. The treaty came into to affect in 1972.Ultimately in 2002 the U.S broke apart from the treaty in 2002.The U.S senate and Supreme Soviet union were involved.Though it took place in Moscow Russia. -
Two treaties signed- the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty- Provisions included the regulation of anti ballistic missiles that could possibly be used to destroy incoming intercontinental ballistic missiles launched by other countries, and the Interim Agreement on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms which would last five years and freeze the number of strategic ballistic missiles. -
Détente- a French word meaning release from tension- was given to the period of improved relations between the United states and the Soviet Union. -
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
Began in 1979 and ended in 1989. It brought long lasting effects to the democratic Republic of Afghanistan. The main causes of this That Soviet leaders Leonid Brezhnev and Mikhail Gorbachev came to power after having President Admin killed for his dealings with the U.S. The new soviet leaders went on to spread communism. While the rebels of the area were being equiped with weapons by American in order to start their rebellion. -
Paris Peace Accords
The Paris Peace Accords brought peace to the feuding Vietnam. It also kept he U.S from out of Vietnam's affairs ultimately allowing North Vietnam to grow its army and establish communism. Eventually they stopped fire and removed troops. -
Coup to overthrow Chilean Government
The people of Chile were one of the strongest communist parties. They turned against their President Salvador Allende after they believed that his ideals were becoming hypocrytical. America also wanted the President's rule to be overthrown. -
South Vietnam falls to Communism
North Vietnamese and Viet Cong Forces captured the South Vietnamese capital of Saigon. This forced South Vietnam to surrender, bringing the end of the VIetnamese war. In the weeks leading up to the fall of Saigon, America had been evacuating American and South Vietnamese refugees and orphans. -
Set more specific regulations on the different missiles. Limits where set on the number of missiles. Each was limited to more than 2,400 weapons systems. -
Sandinista Revolution in Nicaragua
The Somoza dictatorship made their attacks against the guerrilla stronger, affecting the entire population. Bomb attacks were undiscriminating; bombs were thrown over houses in cities where the National Guard was being attacked. A Somoza supporter, Francisco Urcuyo, headed the presidency and asked the Sandinistas to stop attacks. His government lasted only 24 hours, after which he abandoned the country. The National Guard finally surrendered.