Biginning of Détente
Is the name given to a period of improving relations between the the U.S anfd the Soviet Union that begin in 1971 and took decesive form when president Nixon visited the secretary general of the Soviet Communist party, Leonid I. Brezhnev, in Mascow Russia May 1972.
They signed 7 agreement
1.Prevention of accidental military clashes
2.Arm control
3. Salt
4.Cooperative research area
5.Space exploration
6.Expand commerce
7. Promoting human rights -
Richard Nixon visits China
1) 1st president to visit People's Republic of China.
2) President Nixon and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai agreeded to expand cultural contacts between the U.S. and China
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Negotiation between the U.S and and Soviet Union that were aimed a curtailing the manufacture of Strategic missiles capable of carrying Nuclear weapons. Was to lessening tension between the U.S and the Soviet Union -
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
1) A treaty between the U.S. and Soviet Union.
2) LImits the amount of A.B.M. that could be used in a nuclear war.
3) Signed on May 26, 1972
4) The U.S said they would no longer abide to the pact in 2001 -
Paris Peace Accords
1) U.S., South Vietnam, Viet Cong, and North Vietnam signed the agreeement to end the war.
2) The treaty included the U.S. withdrawling troops and advisors out of Vietnam, the dismantling of all bases in 60 days, and North Vietnames relased all of the U.S. and other prisoners of the war. -
South Vietnam falls to Communism
Communist force move into Saigon, where they met sporadic resistance. South Vietnam forces had callops under advancement of the North Vietnamese army. Saigon a major city in souyh vietnam was taken over January 6, 1975. The U.S didn't do nothing even though President Nixon said he would help but he resign a and nobody step up. The city of Quang Tri,Hue, Da Nang fell to the communist onslaught. The North continue to attack the South, and defeated them at each encounter. -
Sandinista Revolution in Nicaragua
Sandinista, one of Nicoraguan group over threw president Anastasio Somoza Debayle in 1979, which ended 46 years of dictorship. Sandinista government confiscated the Smoza family's vast land holding and nationalized the country's major industries. The U.S started to see Somoza with a negative view. A Norh American Journalist was murdererd The U.S ask Somoza to step down from power in order to avoid problems. It was refused so the U.S help them with materials an try to stop cominism. -
Since SALT1 did not prevent each side from enlarging their forces through the deployment of multiple independently targeted Re-Entry vihicles onto their ICBS AND SLBMS
SALT 2 focused on limiting and then ultimately reducing the number of MIRVS.. It sought to prevent both sides from making qualitative break throughs that would again distabilize the relationship.The invasion of Afghanistan stop any change that SALT2 will be passed but it was passed but never unratified. -
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
1) S.U. had pesident Amin put to death are replaced him with President Babrak Karmal.
2) It started a war between Soviet Army and Mujahideen.
3) The war lasted from 12/24/79 until 2/15/89 when a peace treaty was signed -
Salt 2 :Respect
Both nation agreeto respect the agreement until a new negotiotion can take place.