Cold War 1940 to 1991

  • Period: to

    Cold War 1940 to 1991

  • Yalta Conference

    The Yalta Conference occurs, deciding the post-war status of Germany. The Allies of World War II (the USA, the USSR, Great Britain and France) divide Germany into four occupation zones. The Allied nations agree that free elections are to be held in all countries occupied by Nazi Germany. In addition, the new United Nations are to replace the failed League of Nations.
  • USSR establishes satellite states i eastern Europe

  • US and USSR fight through Koreas

    Soviet troops moved across the Russian border into North Korea to take over from the Japanese. US quickly sent troops to occupy South Korea. Soviet did not respond, and this reflected Soviet's attitude at that point in time of their willingness to cooperate.
  • US drops 2 atomic bombs on Japan

    This was a way to show US power, and show that we are stronger than the USSR, and as a way to get surrender on their own terms
  • Truman gives permission for use of first atomic bomb

    US President Truman gives permission for the world's first military use of an atomic weapon against the Japanese city of Hiroshima in an attempt to bring the only remaining theatre of war from the Second World War in the Pacific to a swift closure.
  • Truman gives permission for use of second atomic bomb

    US President Truman gives permission for the world's second and last military use of an atomic weapon against the Japanese city of Nagasaki in order to try to secure a swift Japanese unconditional surrender in the end of the Second World War.
  • Truman Doctrine established

    -US policy to limit communism after WW2 by countering political crises with economic and military aid.
  • US Marshall Plan

    Provides massive aid to rebuild Europe iin image of democratic societies
  • India and Pakistan win independence from Britain

  • Soviet troops blockade Berlin

    Soviet troops blockade Berlin;
    United States airlifts provisions to Berliners
  • State of Israel established

  • West and East Germany formed

  • USSR tests its first nuclear weapon

  • Nato forms

    Western nations form North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
  • COMECON established

    Soviet bloc establishes COuncil for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON)
  • The Second Sex published

    Simone de Beauvoir pubishes The Second Sex
  • Communist revolution in China

    Mao Zedong leads Communist revolution in China
  • Communist hunt begins

    US senator Joseph McCarthy leads hunt for American communists
  • Korean War begins

  • Korean War ends

  • Stalin dies

  • Communist hunt ends

  • Dien Bien Phu

    Vietnamese forces defeat the French at Dien Bien Phu
  • Warsaw Pact

    USSR and Eastern bloc countries form military alliance
  • Suez canal nationalized

    Egyptian leader General Abdel Nasser nationalizes the Suez Canal
  • Hungarian Revolution

    Russia took control of Poland and began to force their Communistic beliefs on the citizens, a revolt among the Polish workforce erupted. The revolt was led by Prime Minister Imre Nagy. After his arrest by Russian forces on this day, the revolt abruptly ended.
  • Russian Sputnick I launched

    Russia and America began serious competition on this day known as the Space Race. This competition consisted of seeing which super power could find the technology to send the first Earth-orbiting satellite into space. On October 4 this challenge was accomplished by the USSR with the launch of the Sputnick I. America returned the feel of defeat a decade later when American Neil Armstroing became the first man to set foot on the moon.
  • Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev challenges America to missile shooting match to prove superiority

    Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev claims that the Soviet Union has missile superiority over the United States and challenges America to a missile "shooting match" to prove his assertion.
  • Khrushcev becomes Premier of Soviet Union

    In March of 1958 Khrushchev finally reached the top of his political ladder when he became the leader (Premier) of Russia. When Nikita assumed office he was the first leader of the Soviet Union since Stalin to hold two top offices simultaneously. When Nikita reached this position, he gained the full attention of the American government.
  • Fifth Republic begins in France

  • July 14 Revolution

    A coup in Iraq, the 14 July Revolution, removes the pro-British monarch. Iraq begins to receive support from the Soviets. Iraq will maintain close ties with the Soviets throughout the Cold War.
  • Fidel Castro takes control of Cuba

    Communist leader Fidel Castro took control of Cuba. Fidel was a major threat because he brought the threat of Communism from Russia (thousands of miles away) to Cuba (within hundreds of miles from the US). This caused great unrest and worry among the American government and its citizens.
  • Cuban missile crisis

    Confrontation between US and USSR over Soviet installation of missile sites off the US coas in Cuba
  • Partial Test Ban Treaty

    The Partial Test Ban Treaty is signed by the US, UK and USSR, prohibiting the testing of nuclear weapons anywhere except underground.
  • South Vietnamese Prime Minister Ngo Dinh Diem is assassinated

    South Vietnamese Prime Minister Ngo Dinh Diem is assassinated in coup. CIA involvement is suspected.
  • US and USSR cut back production of nuclear weapons

    US President Lyndon Johnson in New York, and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev in Moscow, announce simultaneously plans to cut back production of materials for making nuclear weapons.
  • Ostpolitik

    Willy Brandt becomes West German foreign minister and develops Ospolitik, a policy designed to bridge tensions between the two Germanies
  • Czechoslovakia revolution

    Revolution in Czechoslovakia against communism
  • US astronauts walk on moon's surface

    US astronauts walk on moon's surface
  • SALT I

    Between US and Soviet Union
  • Paris Peace Accords

    The Paris Peace Accords end American involvement in the Vietnam War. Congress cuts off funds for the continued bombing of Indochina.
  • Gerald Ford becomes President of the United States

    Gerald Ford becomes President of the United States upon the resignation of Nixon.
  • North Vietnam wins war in South Vietnam

    North Vietnam wins the war in South Vietnam. The South Vietnam regime falls with the surrender of Saigon and the two countries are united under a Communist government
  • Islamic revolution in Iran

  • Hostage Crisis

    US hostages taken at US embassy in Teheran
  • Decision made for US to boycott olympics

    The United States and its allies boycott the 1980 Summer Olympics (July 19-August 3) in Moscow
  • Iran hostage crisis ends.

    Iran hostage crisis ends.
  • Ronald Reagan becomes US president

  • Mikhail Gorbachev comes to power in USSR

  • Soviet nuclear plant explosion

    Soviet nuclear plant explodes at Chernobyl
  • Spain joins common market

  • Tiananmen Square

    CHinese students revolt in Tiananmen Square and government suppresses them
  • Fall of Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall is demolished
  • Revolutions of Eastern Europe

    Revolutions of Eastern Europe: Soviet reforms and their state of bankruptcy have allowed Eastern Europe to rise up against the Communist governments there. The Berlin Wall is breached when Politburo spokesman, Günter Schabowski, not fully informed of the technicalities or procedures of the newly agreed lifting of travel restrictions, mistakenly announces at a news conference in East Berlin that the borders have been opened.
  • áclav Havel becomes President of the now free Czechoslovakia.

    Václav Havel becomes President of the now free Czechoslovakia.
  • President George Bush Senior makes speech awknowledging end of Cold War

    US President George H. W. Bush, after receiving a phone call from Boris Yeltsin, delivers a Christmas Day speech acknowledging the end of the Cold War
  • All Soviet institutions cease operations.

    All Soviet institutions cease operations.