First Indochina War
The french Indochina War broke out, and went on for eight years, with France's war effort largely funded and supplied by the United States. -
Geneva Accords
The goal of Geneva Accords was to resolve problems related to Asia. Eisenhower was so worried about the events in Vietnam because his administration aided anti-communist leader Ngo Dinh Diem consolation power in Saigon. -
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)
The goal of this alliance was to prevent spread communism -
Increase in American troop involvement
The consequences of increasing the number of troops is, more lives could be lost and many lives were lost.
58,000 U.S. soldiers were killed.
304,000 U.S. soldiers were wounded.
1,400,000 North and South Vietnamese were killed. -
Vietcong begins to attack on Diem's government -
Bays of pigs invasion
America wants to end communism. The Bay of Pigs was about dethrone the leader of Cuba, because he was a communist. -
Alliance for Progress
The goal of this alliance was to help Latin America economically to improve its relation with United States. Ultimately the alliance fail because the money was wrong inverted. Their government funded the pet project, which helps the animals, instead of helping their people in education, food, or employment. -
Kennedy's visit to Berlin
The purpose of Kennedy's visit was to make the Germans feel hope, and believed that one day everything would be back to normal. The consequences of that speech were terrible, it only tense the relations between U.S. and Soviet Union. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Soviet Union inserted missiles in Cuba, in response, Kennedy made a blockade around Cuba and treating war. Soviet Union remove the missiles under one condition; U.S. cannot invade Cuba. -
"Stay the Course"
Johnson meant that he will stay on track and not give up. He decided to keep them there, because he believed it would help them gain power; it just caused more problems. -
Kennedy is Assassinated
Kennedy's plan was to begin to withdraw American troops from Vietnam in 1965, but was assassinated before this could happen. -
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
The impact of America's involvement in Vietnam resulted in increase involvement with Vietnam. He convince them by lying and saying that the U.S. was being attacked by North Vietnam. -
Tet Offensive
American involvement doubled again, more resources were committed to the war anti-war demostration and picket lines began. -
Johnson announces he will not seek re-election
Johnson believed it was in the country's best interest and Vietnam War continued for four years, until Nixon ended the war. -
Compulsory draft implemented
The government had to implement the draft, because president Nixon promised to end the draft during his 1968 presidential campaign. It also impacted the unit Vietnam War Movement. -
Nixon Doctrine called the Allied nations, especially Asia to take more responsibility for their own defense and have peace. -
Withdrawal of troops begins
The only impact it had was many men lives might be lost for nothing. -
'Silent Majority' speech
Nixon referred to 'Silent Majority' to the Americans who did not join in the large demonstrations against the Vietnam War. -
Mylai Massacre
The Mylai impacted on members to turn against the Vietnam War and withdrawal all American soldiers in Vietnam. -
Christmas bombing
Nixon order the bombing to block enemy supply routes along Vietnam's borders. There was no consequences, if only caused a peace agreement in Paris ending.