Cold war

  • WWII Ends

    WWII Ends
    The WW!! ends and germany is split up but there is tensions between communists and capitalists.
  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • Communist coup in Czechoslovaki

    There was a government overthrow and Czechoslovakia was changed into a communist dictatorship.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    1950 was the start of the Korean proxy war ending itn the USA defeate and communist win.
  • West Germany joins NATO

    West Germany joins NATO
    This action marked the final step of West Germany’s integration into the Western European defense system.
  • Sputnik Sattleite was launced

    Sputnik Sattleite was launced
    The worlds first artifical satleite launched into space.
  • Eisenhower

    Eisenhower sent 15,000 U.S. troops to Lebanon to prevent the pro-Western government from falling to a Nasser-inspired revolution.
  • CUBA

    Cuba was taken over by Fidel Castro a communist leader.

    Was when a American spy plain was shot down by russa and the pilote was screatly captured.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    Russia placed nuclear missials in cubia wich is right off the coast of the USA.
  • Washington-Moscow Hot Line established

    links the Pentagon with the Kremlin or us headquorters with the russian head quorters.
  • “Six-Day War” in Middle East

    Fought between Isrial and its neiboring states of Egypt
  • Détente

    period of improved relations between the United States and the Soviet Union.
  • Loss of the Vietnam war

    North Vietnam defeats South Vietnam which falls to Communist forces.
  • Death of Mao;

    was a Chinese Communist revolutionary and founding father of the peoples republic in china.
  • Carter administration

    His administration tried to make the government "competent and compassionate".
  • U.S. troops sent to Lebanon

    U.S. troops invades and overthrows regime in Grenada
  • Mikhail Gorbachev

    Mikhail Gorbachev becomes leader of the Soviet Union initiating a campaign of openness called "glasnost" and restructuring called "perestroika"
  • Nuclear missials removed

    Nuclear missials removed
    The ussr removes nuclear missials from arias arond the united states.
  • The end of cold war

    The end of cold war
    Berlin wall comes down.
  • Russia

    In 1991 the ussr chages its communist ways and turns into Russia
  • Communist leaders elected in Poland and Hungary

  • European Union

    European Union
    Poland and Hungary apply for membership in European Union