Cold War

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  • Truman Doctrine

    With the Truman Doctrine, President Harry S. Truman said that the United States would provide political, military and economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat from external or internal authoritarian forces. The Truman Doctrine changed the stance of the US from shying away from conflicts that didn't directly involve them.
  • Molotov Plan

    A system created by the Soviet Union to help Eastern European countries economically or politically tied to the Soviet Union rebuild. It was the Soviet Union's version of the Marshall Plan, which they refused being a part of.
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    Berlin Airlift

    After WW2, Germany was split into 4 zones, one occupied by America, one by France, one by UK, and one by the Soviets. The Soviet Union put up a blockade so that Western Germany couldn't get any resources until the Allies left and Russia had Germany to themselves. The Allies retaliated by bringing resources through air on planes, known as the Berlin Airlift.
  • Marshall Plan

    Also known as the European Recovery Program, the Marshall Plan was a program to assist European countries after the destruction of WW2. It's been cited as being the beginning of the Cold War between America and the Soviet Union.
  • First USSR Atomic Bomb

    The first atomic bomb the Soviet Union detonated was codenamed "First Lightning," and the effects of it were tested by building buildings and other civilian structures to detonate the bomb in. Animals were also put in cages to test what the radiation effects would be like on humans.
  • NATO Established

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was established by 12 nations: United States, Great Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Iceland, Canada, and Portugal. It was a military alliance that helped protect each nation against the aggression of the Soviet Union, and greatly increased the influence of the United States in Europe.
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    Korean War

    The Korean War is known as the first military action of the Cold War. It began when North Korea sent 75,000 soldiers to invade South Korea's capital, and America joined only one month later on the behalf of South Korea. America believed that they were fighting against international communism itself during this war.
  • Coup of Iran

    Iran became a solid ally to the United States in the Cold War after America assisted them in overthrowing the Premier of Iran, Mohammed Mossadeq. They replaced him with the Shah of Iran, who was a good ally to America until a revolution took away his power later on.
  • Coup of Guatemala

    To maintain their dominance in the Western world, the United States's CIA intervened in the Guatemalan Revolution and replaced their leader, Jacobo Arbenz with a military dictatorship by Carlos Castillo Armas, on the grounds that he was soft on communism.
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    American Troops in Vietnam

    United States were allies to South Vietnam during the Vietnam War, against the communist government of North Vietnam. Over 58,000 Americans died in this war, and American people opposed to America's involvement in the war severely divided the country. Richard Nixon eventually pulled American troops from Vietnam, and Communism ended up winning the war.
  • Warsaw Pact Formed

    The Warsaw Pact was related to NATO the same way the Molotov Plan was related to the Marshall plan. It was put in place by the Soviet Union to counterbalance the new military alliance that North America had with Europe, known as NATO, when NATO included Western Germany as a member in its alliance.
  • Hungary Rebellion

    Hungarians became restless and began a revolution after a speech criticizing Joseph Stalin's rule, realizing they had more freedom now. Imre Magy became Premier and tried appealing to United Nations for support, but they were wary. The Soviet Union eventually invaded Hungary and executed Magy for treason.
  • Suez Canal Crisis

    Israeli troops pushed Egypt towards the Suez Canal after it was nationalized, with the help of Britain and France. The Soviet Union almost got dangerously involved, and the Israeli's involvement pretty severely damaged their relationship with the United States.
  • Sputnik

    Sputnik 1 was the first artificial earth satellite . The Soviet Union launched it into an orbit for three weeks before its batteries died. It orbited for two more months after that before it fell back into the atmosphere.
  • Cuba Missile Crisis

    Leaders of America and the Soviet Union engaged in a 13 day stand off because Soviet missiles installed on the shores of Cuba. A big problem was avoided when John Kennedy made a deal with the Soviet leader that America would not invade Cuba if the Soviet Union removed their missiles.
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    Soviets Invade Afghanistan

    The Soviet army invaded Afghanistan in order to support the communist People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan government. The Soviets did this because they were afraid of losing their communist proxy in Afghanistan.
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    Iran Contra Affair

    It was a secret arms deal in which America traded missiles and other weapons to free American hostages in Lebanon. They also used the funds from this deal to support armed conflict in Nicaragua. This Affair (and the political scandal that followed) was so controversial that it almost cost Ronald Reagan his presidency.
  • Evil Empire Speech

    This speech was spoken by Ronald Reagan, and referred to the Soviet Union as an Evil Empire. This angered Soviet leaders and completely demeaned the Soviet Union. Reagan used this speech and others to shape the public's mind and opinions about nuclear warfare.
  • Star Wars (SDI)

    The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) also known as Star Wars, was a program Ronald Reagan put in place. The point of it was to create an anti- ballistic missile system that would help fend off missiles from other countries, such as the USSR.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The German Democratic Republic (GDR) began building the Berlin Wall in 1961, and finally allowed people to cross it 28 years later. Germans from East and West Berlin flocked the Wall while drinking beer together and hammering/picking away at the wall. It was referred to as the "greatest street party in the history of the world.